WINTER BULK PART 2. If your regular clothes still fit a month into your bulk eat more you fucking TWINK edition
Before you ask your retarded question about babbys first cycle, make sure to read the fucking wiki. Yes it’s reddit, post a better one or shut the FUCK up nerd.
Also, include: >e-stats >age >dick to balls ratio >time spent lifting >height >weight >BF% >Maximum sips per day >Amount of time you've been on gear without coming off, cruising or getting any form of bloodwork done
If you want to do an oral only cycle, do it but don't ask about you minging fuck.
We can't help you dose your AI, it's different for everybody and there's a lot of factors at play. Figure it out yourself.
And most importantly,
NO SOURCE TALK (this isn't up for debate, you will be banned.
Previously on maybe my oneitis will love me if I add another inch to my arms
I know yuropoors can’t afford to celebrate Thanksgiving or Halloween but how are you going to be cutting during Christmas feasts with the family? Just start cutting after New Years like a normal person.
Eli Hernandez
I don't know if Deca is for me but it'll get another shot after getting lean (for real this time) once the con is over.
Technically yes. There are some things bloods can't track.
Alexander Williams
yeah but thats the shit we dont think about if a surprise heart attack is gonna get me at age 30 it may aswell be at age 23 instead
Owen Gray
I just have to cut really hard for 2 months and get back to bulking.
Nathaniel Bailey
Other way around, the confidence I feel on a blasting is like I’m getting blown by a different chick daily.
Henry Butler
I hope it's not too late for birthday wishes.
here's the copypasta: >I forgot to wish you on your birthday, but lets have a late cheer to remind you that you had a birthday. Hope you had lots of fun. Happy birthday bbi
imagine injecting chemicals into your ass cheeks every week because of your insecurities with your body haha
Austin Green
Dude cut during spring/summer not during autumn/winter. You fuck everything up.
Imagine lying to yourself to cope with reality
Hudson Hill
Agreed, I'll just see how long this shit vessel holds until it falls apart.
Could always go for a full checkup but I don't know how much that'd cost in murica.
Ethan Rodriguez
next blast is 800 test/600deca 50mg adrol kickstart maybe with 25mg dbol too after i gauge adrol sides
should be pretty easy to hit 260 on this blast id say
William Morales
I need to mog weebs in November.
Don't act like I leave the house otherwise.
Jose Ward
No worries. You can have no muscle and still mog crusader.
John Jenkins
Speaking of blood, tomorrow i will donate blood and 2 days later check bloods. Fuck i hate it like waiting if you passed a fucking test
i also hate fucking donating blood, fucking thick needle in your arms
Imagine almost permablasting and still look like him
Yes but you had hard time eating because i was fucking hot in the summer.
Also during summer you show off your gains. In winter you just wear sweaters and looking fucking massive in them.
Anthony Kelly
why just kickstart? run adrol+dbol the whole time, liver sides are a meme after all
Josiah Young
Eat lots of mexican food and you will just shit out the blood instead.
Carter Gonzalez
depends on how much i tghink i will be drinking tb h
Logan Collins
how much you've shrinked and how much your lifts dropped after dropping the dose?
Camden Hernandez
Honestly he's bamboozling all of you.
I know you're right and I'll get to that poiny eventually, I just need this moment.
Nathan Davis
Imagine telling yourself your happy with how your noodle arms look but then you catch your gf staring at a roided up stud then looking back at you with disappointment/shame and you feel her pulling away
Landon Barnes
how tall are you
Aiden Morales
The only person he's bamboozling is himself.
Also Asin >>>> Adex.
Kevin Fisher
>Also Asin >>>> Adex. yes.
Jackson Morgan
Yeah Just rotate stacks according to your goals and what works etc. and get necessary health checks done whenever necessary I only cruise if my health is bad (this has never arose from anything gear related) or I know I won't be able to focus on training properly for a long period of time
Aiden Thomas
Swear you're a powerlifter strengthmaxxer not a bodybuilder Why are you bothering with deca?
Wyatt Fisher
>Asin >>>> Adex Does anyone actually even use adex anymore? I thought it was one of the shit obsolete drugs people gave up on like clen.
Jace Collins
thats what i thought too, and then i see dozens of people on reddit and in this general bitching about how annoying it is to dose adex
Logan Morales
>Clen >Obselete
Post body
Anthony Diaz
adex is still by the most used ai lmfao
Charles Gray
master, what was your routine as a natty ? did you do SS ?
Henry Cruz
Bout to take 150mg drol 20mg winny and 20mg sdrol preworkout. Think it’s a good idea?
Levi Davis
It’s used by 30+ boomers who are resistant to change and have a “if it ain’t broke” mentality. Unfortunately a large number of steroids users are old fucks like this.
Asher Martin
yeah you have two livers sweaty so don’t even worry if one fails haha
Justin Wright
I know if you’re running Deca, 20-25 is ideal, but 16 weeks with a frontload is still solid enough to see gains right?
Are you one of those retards who runs grams of tren without actually growing?
Luis Morales
>imagine doing something to improve yourself haha so insecure haha it's totally not the ultimate insecurity to never try at anything so you never fail haha
Jacob Young
Anastrozole has its uses.
Disregarding it just because exemestane exists is fucking retarded.
Dylan Davis
how does this happen ? are they just cutting while they are on ?
Caleb Evans
Asin has less sides, is more forgiving if you mess up, and is easier to dose for beginners because it can be taken when sides become apparent until you learn how much you need.
Carson Bailey
>t. boomer
Cooper Miller
People who bulk on tren are usually eternal dyels deadest on “lean bulking” who are afraid to get fat so their solution is to barely eat but run absurd amounts of gear to compensate.
Josiah Harris
It's also weaker and has strong androgenic effects.
If you convert a lot or simply use large doses of wet compounds exemestane won't cut it. It also murders hair harder than tren for some people.
I love it but again, disregarding anastrozole is stupid.
Looking at people who use loads of it year round gives me the impression that tren is in fact catabolic. They are putting in the work and should at least be making natty gains, but somehow they're not doing it.
Caleb Barnes
>weaker literally the opposite
Jonathan Watson
Exemestane is like 56% effective whereas anastrozole is like 95%.
Hunter Martinez
this is the dumbest thing I've ever read
Matthew Hall
>asin kills hair where does this meme come from.
Luis Jones
albuterol mogs the shit out of clen
Benjamin Cox
so you're saying you should dirty bulk on tren ?maybe thats why big lenny looks small, he takes like 1.5g of tren
Noah Walker
Adex is not bad, but I agree, Asin is far, far superior. Asin is versatile enough that you can even use it as part of your PCT.
Ryan Bennett
It metabolizes to an androgen that is significantly stronger than DHT, pair that with reduced estrogen, and voila.
Ideally you don't bulk on tren, and only use it for cleaning up towards a show.
It's what all the non retards do.
Kevin Cox
No I use high test and orals to grow Deca just seems pointless to me if your main goal is strength
Leo Flores
>It metabolizes to an androgen that is significantly stronger than DHT i want fucking source on that. That would imply a natty could take aromasin and benefit from better gains (to some extent)
Nathaniel Robinson
3 seconds on google will tell you more than I can write here.
Cameron Cooper
so if im not competing i shouldnt take tren ?
John Bailey
Probably not, unless you want to take your shredz up a level when you have actually made some mass.
Daniel Stewart
I haven't used it yet but on paper it sounds like it would be beneficial to strength training.
Caleb Gutierrez
Can any of you cheating fraudster phoney faker dakers recommend a ketoconazole shampoo to help block dht? Ideally one you can buy online.
Jordan Diaz
Either get ketoconazole 2% from an Indian pharmacy or any country that sells it otc or if you’re in the US nizoral 1% is otc.
Thomas Diaz
Is it any better than su? They both block dht topically, is there a difference?
What about joints etc? Wouldnt it act kinda like a prehab thingy for smol snap city daytrips Like when a year ago I did dls and I didnt warm up enough and tried grinding one up and I (probably) strained smth although at first i thought I had fucked my back good but it went away over like two weeks with just resting. But I mean I couldnt really train any big lift 100% for these two weeks. Would there have been a notable difference if I had had a joint supporting (or w/e idk) compound already at steady state in my system? I could see this being useful for intense/high volune strength training less recovery eyv but idk shit rly
According to steroidcalc if I frontload deca with a double dose I’ll be fully saturated by week 2.
Is this bullshit, I find it hard to believe or else everyone would just frontload right?
Jeremiah Thomas
the idea that people would brew liters of steroids in a bathtub is just funny
it's not bullshit, it's just that frontloading is a large amount of oil, esp for something like deca which people run at 700mg-1g. a 1.4g-2g frontload is something like 6-7ml of oil
Grayson Bell
Hey mast. What's your current cycle, also what's your biggest/most favorite cycle?
Matthew Gray
Hey runs high test with masteron only, ran deca once and pussied out and hasn’t tried tren. Lurk more.
Xavier Lewis
hes too big for test and mast alone, he just tells you guys that so you copy him and stay small while he gets bigger and bigger on a REAL cycle
Caleb Russell
Test is the most powerful injectable mass builder mg for mg aside from Deca, which he tried but couldn’t handle the sides.
Mason Wilson
Macros tweaked to PERFECTION. Gains here I come baby.
>Almost 3 lbs of food daily >mostly carbs >anime poster
Lmao @ your lyfe
Dominic Gonzalez
ESTP should cosplay Yuugi if she still has her blonde hair and hasn’t lost all her gains. She’s got plenty of space on her forehead for the Youkai horn.
3 scoops of cinnamon roll whey isolate protein 275 grams of egg whites 1 tablespoon of veggie oil 160 grams of oats
mix it up bake at 350 for 30 min ------
world's greatest/largest breakfast protein bar for bulking
Chase Torres
>600 EQ >250 Test
Make this cycle better, it's what I have on hand. But I fell for the reddit memes
Kayden Myers
can i bake it in this new wave oven like thing?
Mason Hughes
>lurk more Suck my dick queerbait. As far as I'm concerned Mast is more new her than I am and I used to talk to zyzz and Scooby in this bitch. I was doing skateboard squats when you were still in middle school kiddo. I've got 300 confirmed kills and (You) dun goofed.
I'm actually disgusted with carbs. I miss keto so much. What do you suggest? I hate rice, bread, pasta, etc. I get carbs from milk and oats almost exclusively...