Youve done it Jow Forums. After years of lifting yesterday I fucked my first guy.
Before I started lifting I was a normal heterosexual like most of you but now only feminine boys can get me hard.
Hope you guys are proud of yourselves.
Pic related: its the guy I pounded for 3 hours straight
Jow Forums turned me into a faggot
Neck yourself faggot.
Homosexuals do not enter heaven.
>fucks niggers
>worried about being gay
That's the least of your problems, faggot.
lmao rused another one boys
get baited faggot
Hey, Jow Forums didn't fuck a dude.
You did.
even if this is bait, it's your inner fantasy haha
High test brah, you gotta show them homos what a real man fells like
lol that aint no feminine guy you faglord
Jesus Christ, at least have some standards and find a trap. You're 100% a flaming homo and you love brown dick.
Unironically this
I've absolutely got no problem with dudes on dudes.
I do have a problem with bestiality however. Stop fucking that chimp and find a surfer twink or pocket cub.
holy fuck op destroyed
Hes not feminine whatsoever
>into feminine boys
Pic is not of a femboy. Kys
Ur op and thus always a faggot don't blame fit
>blaming someone for own defective genetics
That's it I quit the internet.
that's a grown ass man, not a "feminine boy" m8