This is a serious question. Lifting makes me extremely horny. I am not talking about the gym session itself but when I lift like 4-5 times a week and keep it up for some time, I become permanently horny. All day long.
Does anyone else experience this issue? Is there a way to combat this without giving in to the temptation and doing something you will regret?
>giving in to the temptation Are you on nofap, user?
Tyler Ramirez
Test boost, bro. It’s the best feeling in the world. Why resist it?
Jace Harris
Nofap. Noporn. Nosex.
Ayden Rivera
Evan Long
It's heightened testosterone levels. Go with it user
Aaron Reed
Ffs. Probs brushing your teeth it going to give you horn, mate.
Ian Flores
Stop doing this stupid shit. Start talking to girls and get some pussy, my man.
Connor Reyes
I don't brush my teeth so that's fine
Jace Long
Pleasure is sinful.
Gabriel Price
When my gf started lifting with me we'd end up taking a cardio break mid routine ;) Just deal with the fact your body wants something and enjoy your life
Aiden Carter
Wew laddy
James Murphy
Bro do you realize that the point of nofap and noporn is to motivate you to get a girlfriend to fuck and stop degenerate fetishes?
I refuse to believe you’re this strictly religious but browse a board as degenerate and gay as Jow Forums is.
David Williams
Being perpetually horny is one of the best motivators you can have to lift. Embrace it, faggot.
Chase Johnson
I am not religious. Having more than one partner ruins the value of all your relationships. Imagine the most amazing thing you could possibly do, like flying into space. The second time will be a lot less amazing.
Christopher Gray
Why not just get married already?
Gabriel Young
I haven't found someone appropriate yet. I am still young though, I have plenty of time.
Evan Adams
Might want to start brushing your teeth, bro.
Ryder Sanders
Yes I experience the same thing. It makes nofap impossible. The only solution is to slay pussy. Tinder is probably going to be your best bet.
Jack Perez
>cardio on lift days >ever
You're not gonna make it with that attitude
Ian Phillips
definitely me. Best to . . . oh I see. You better get your ass married then fagot!
Jordan Gray
endurance training after resistance training on same day doesn't comprimise your gains. any other way - including doing them on different days fucks your protein synthesis up. Somebody posted a scientific meta-analysis video here a few months back. I dont care to look it up rn, but you can check some /fit archive site. Maybe it can be found. It was a science thread. The image was the word science written all fruity.
Grayson Barnes
lifting increases testosterone which increases libido
>getting married nice child support fees and rape accusation
Adam Walker
>NoFap >NoPorn based and redpilled but
>NoSex why?
Juan Young
user, I used to get like this, but instead, lately it has turned more into anger. It's like roid rage. I'm also abstaining from fleshly junk, as to not corrupt myself from the degratory world. Let me tell you something man. If you're horny. Big whoop. I used to have to lift the horniness away. Lately I've almost been in a burnout mode because of it, but I'm growing size quite considerably. Having rest days might help too to lower the test levels after 4 days+ maybe. I've done it and it has helped me altogether. Porn, masturbation, and degenerate pointless sex is NOT what you were made for. Keep going and if you really need help, and are born again, ask the Father, and He will give you wisdom. Cheers buddy. I wish you the best.