Why the fuck do politics need to invade every crevice of modern life

Why the fuck do politics need to invade every crevice of modern life

Why can't I just lift heavy things without someone turning it into a political issue.

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Because modern life is a result of politics.

Because faggots need something to talk about to stay relevant

But I'm a Democrat though

Can we further break this down into DYELs and obviously lifting, and what those two fall under

Hence why you gotta be the bigger guy and ignore everything but them gainz.

Also, I don't think you'd really care about this stuff unless you were going through a rough day.

So uh, rough day? ( '_')

>female journalists more likely to be left wing feminazi's, science confirms

see, i can play that game too

I don't know, maybe it's because you're posting politics on Jow Forums again?

Im a bernie voting librul though

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She's just jealous that she will never have a fit boyfriend.

Because the people, regardless of what side they affiliate themselves with, try to associate everything they see as bad with the opposing political party. This has two outcomes for them: adulation from their own party and the possibility of eliciting an angry response from the other party. That and people are whiny cunt

your invading this fitness space with political nonsense. why you gotta do that?

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1. Politics is a very hot issue, really always in America but especially today. It like why does everything become about demographics or about money.
2. Because the people who don’t lift and feel guilty about it want to crab bucket people who do. Most of those people tend to be liberals (I say that in a non-judgmental way) so they paint us as their enemies.

Oh wow, you should let them know about that anecdote. Probably changes the whole game.

Did you know? Powerlifting has a nazi problem.


Join the women's strength coalition in (((New York))) and help rectify it, antifa super soldier.

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>doesn’t understand statistics
Checks out

Kekle my shekels
Unfortunately not understanding statistics is also consistent with most Republicans :(

>This op-ed was written by Haley, who has chosen not to include her last name due to personal safety concerns

Because speech is political. Period.

>Reading anything written from/by Vice.

Oh boy, here we go.

OP is fag, science confirms

we have known this already
attractive well adjusted people tend to be conservative, so of course guys in good shape who fuck will lean right

meanwhile fat ugly people tend to be liberal because the are envious of others and think they are owed something by society

Fat people want socialized healthcare. Gymbros are less likely to want the government to force healthy people to pay for the healthcare of flesh blimps. To fat people this makes the gymbros right-wing assholes.

>social science

>t. Brad

>Implying your not getting fucked by insurance companies
>Implying America has good healthcare
>Implying the rest of the civilized world doesn't live longer, pay less, AND have happier lives

America should go to single payer, but it won't because all the pharma fags

Finally, a decent answer.

Liberal piety is about deracinating the ideals of beauty

He didn't imply any of that.

>America should go to single payer, but it won't because all the pharma fags
I've said this before, and I've gotten retarded fucking responses from both the left and the right.

I've said that we have to get rid of obamacare (ACA). Republicans will agree with me, then when I elaborate on regulating the shit out of pharmaceutical companies, they freak out and call me names. Democrats will freak out and try to keep obamacare, then agree with me on regulating big pharma.

As far as I'm concerned, if you toe the party line, you are a fucking moron.

Remember that the core of Obamacare, forcing everyone to buy insurance on the open market, was originally a Republican idea as a capitalist alternative to single payer.
The US government cannot be trusted to run a single payer system well or free of corporate interests.
The best model for America is the German/Israeli model or the Singapore model.

It was an idea from the Heritage Foundation, a GOP think tank. I bring this up in debates, and fuckers will cry "muh fake news".

I'm tired of the left-right dichotomy. I don't want the government interfering with my life, but that doesn't mean I'd rather have some corporation do it instead.

Not the same user you were talking to but essentially what you said is exactly what I think about the whole left-right shitshow.

Foucault pls go.

I love how fgts nowadays are trying to assert that every. single. thing. is political because they don't actually have any real coherent epistemological basis for holding anything as true.

self-refuting nonsense

Well food, education, internet, roads, laws and taxes are controlled by politics. Even dating. You cannot escape politics.


Social scientists are the shallowest and stupidest of all researchers, and so they do shallow research to prove their own superiority over people they are jealous of by making virtue signaling the focus of their lives. You can blame huge government subsidies in education and college greed for creating sacrifice subjects, where the college sacrifices the quality of education from an entire department, in order to have something idiots who never should have gone to college can take and pretend to be smart, while letting colleges hit their government kickback quotas for degree generation. These sacrificed subjects tend to be the social sciences, because they have low highschool requirements for things like math or real science, so anybody with a highschool diploma can take them.

I'm pretty sure these subjects were a lot harder and filled with better students when the departments were smaller and colleges didn't take any Tom, Dick and Shaniqua who wanted a college degree.

tl;dr - stupid shit social science studies are written by stupid people who shouldn't be taken seriously

Free healthcare should require a fitness test. Lard asses are a drain on the system

You barely scraped the surface, m8. The rabbit hole goes a lot deeper.

fuck off

Society is literally politics. I like bluntly stating my opinion to purposely offend others. The ones that get offended are the ones you should never be friends with.

>Jow Forumstards are more likely to be fat loser slobs who waste most of their time discussing nonsensical bullshit, science confirms

This is political discussion for burgers

Everything's political. All of your actions have societal consequences, politics just tries to come up with the best way to act to get the consequences you want. There's no escaping it, stop being so fucking squeamish and get some real opinions. Be wrong about stuff. Learn. It's important to being a well rounded and not retarded human being

That wording, that picture, that author. Pop-science bullshit needs to be a trend that dies.

>right wing
>take your life into your own hands faggot, improve yourself, nobody but you is going to do that, life is unfair, people are unequal, so better yourself in order to win at life

>left wing
>the game is fucking rigged, people being unequal is unfair and i don't want to play this unethical game, we should all be the same

really activates my almonds.

lifting is prime right wing, you and only you is entitled to your own labor and gains.

left wing lifting would be the redistribution of gains, if it could be possible, the ones that lift more should give a part of their gains to DYEL just because, fuck that.

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Literally the same with race and iq pseudoscience.

oh boi, here we go

Go move to sub Saharan Africa if you think all races are equally intelligent.

Show me a single civilization that was founded by high IQ men.

Black women are the least likely of all groups of females to go into social sciences and the like.
They go for real degrees. Ones that will earn them money.

Not science, sorry.
How do you measure it?

Worst bait I've seen in months.

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This is what pseudoscience supporters consider as an argument.Truly entertaining...


Pick one.

It's no shock that people who are strong and healthy are repulsed from a way of looking at the world, leftism, that is motivated by weakness and a lack of self-restraint, and which results in craven and filthy behaviour becoming the norm.

Because right wing promotes masculinity, getting ripped to get girls and gains is pretty much masculinity itself, and therefore patriarchy for some ugly feminists

Rightwing and left wing are just two sides of the same coin.
A system to keep the country divided amongst itself and fighting emtpy meaningless battles while the supposed champions of the left and right all go to the same parties drink from the same bottle of champaign and conspire to rob you all fucking blind.

How in gods name can you people sit here and think that it makes sense that an entire race of people and an entire type of human being and age are all in one single party?

Don't you see how rigged and fake a system like that is?

No one votes for anything of substance.
No one fights for any real thing
It's just a big goddamned joke
A dog an pony show to keep the proles entertained

this guys from london

XD :( :) ;) :-) XP :D ;D ;P :~| :’( :^)

yeah haa bruh *puffs smoke nuthin really matter huh bro xDDD

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t. radical centrist
t. moms gonna freak
t. gamers
t. rick & morty nihilism

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>The best model for America is the German/Israeli model or the Singapore model.
The best model for a population is what works for a different population?
No, fuck no. What are the obesity rates in Germany/Israel and Singapore? What is their diet like. Etc etc

The average American has declared war on their health. If people had the slightest fucking inclination to live a healthy lifestyle their wouldn't be much of a debate over health as it would be a non issue.

Type 1 diabetes, shut up and take my money
Type 2 diabetes, shut your pie whole and run fatty run

Oh boy
Shitty psyops le maymays and a desperate attempt to give me a label so as to dismiss my opinion.

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your "opinion" is just edgy 15 y/o nihilism, how is that an opinion ? might as well kill yourself if nothing matters, but you won't, coward

Plato is from a republic where the average person COULDNT participate in politics.

Hate on social science all you want, but in this case, the article is statistically correct.

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should have kept it that wat

You're a fucking brainlet who barely understands the basics of the political landscape. There is nothing to pick apart regarding your 'opinion'. It's all garbage, you spoke volumes, but you said nothing.

There's nothing edgy or nihilistic in my post at all.
In absence of an actual argument you've resorted to just tossing together insults and buzzwords that don't even apply to anything in my post.

Go sit down in the stupid corner.

I know you wrote some things there, but you didn't actually say anything.

Explain yourself.

okay, real argument then, nobody asks you to be full on left wing or full on right wing, fucking retard, you act like you're enlighted and figured out smth profound, you cringy teenager.
voting is about proportions, you can vote left wing one day and right wing years after because society changed it's about which party currently presents the most points that aligns with your ideas. yes no-one is fully leftwing and no-one fully rightwing.
only faggots deal in absolutes

Why so mad MINTcel?

>it's the same thing maaaaaan
>not edgy

granted, it was edgy in the 60's, you fucking boomer hippie

>falling for the two party meme
>getting a dick in the ass every 4 years
>saying this is what you wanted
I knew fit was gay

You didn't understand a single goddamned thing in my post.
You're simply saying that the rigged game is okay as long as the party we're rooting for like it's a fucking sporting match has the handful of things we want at the time.

jesus christ, stop saying you're not trying to be edgy because you check all the boxes
>it's just like supporting sports team maaaaan

also difficult to understand a "single goddamned thing" (boomer confirmed) since you forget words when you type
>the rigged game is okay as long as the party we're rooting for like it's a fucking sporting match
doesn't mean anything, gramps

also your alzheimer made you forget
>How in gods name can you people sit here and think that it makes sense that an entire race of people and an entire type of human being and age are all in one single party?

so i'm pretty sure I understood the fact that "different people can't be represented in a single party" fallacy, which I debunked in the post you're quoting.

you're just a little over the retarded frontier, can't write, can't remember what you said, can't even understand what you're saying, can't get your points across, so i'm going to leave it there

>Why can't I just lift heavy things without someone turning it into a political issue.
Because all they really want is for you to bow at their feet, regardless of political leaning. If you're comfortably left alone anywhere at all, that means you're not spending enough time grovelling.

Hah! What a poof!

>redistribution of gains
In that case I'm a leftist. Gib gains or go to gulag you fukken nazi, m8.

You said it yourself, you don't even have a real ideology. You believe in fucking nothing, why should I respect you? You impotent little bitch, shut the fuck up and go to reddit, they're nice and moderate, you'll fit right in.

>"different people can't be represented in a single party" fallacy,
You didn't say anything.

You just said "it's okay because they might eventually decide to pick something that you want to change to represent one day!" and left it at that.

The rest of your post is randomly picking things from my post to green text and post flippant nonsense.

Also, I'm now gramps.

Good on you.
Admitting you're a fucking idiot who doesn't really give a shit or understand the question at hand and just wants to defend the status quo because it makes you feel important.



It makes you think why the black/white crime gap is so big, until you control for IQ, where it drops to a couple of percent. Or why certain professions are dominated by certain races, for example engineers being mostly white and asian, lawyers being whites and jews, most low income jobs being taken by black and spics. The IQ thoery doesnt explaij all of it but it comes pretty damn close. Even just group averages cant just be explained away

People are beginning to see the political system as rigged.
Hell even voting is down and people are beginning to take the law into their own hands and go against the government loudly.

So they have to constantly create these fake political pushes to talk the ignorant masses into following this idea or that party so as to better herd them towards them all towards the same butcher.

>Clickbait Journos More Likely To Be Left-Wing Degenerates, Science Confirmes
also looks like an ugly turkroach

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check out this big brained centrist over here. do you want my snapchat so we can discus how RationalTM and SkepticalTM we are of everything while watching Sargon of Akkad videos?

because muriks are dumbo

It's almost as though social science is a field for the not so intelligent Jews that couldn't hack the math for economics or were just too much of a brainlet for the hard sciences to act as though they are important and have something to offer society.

Amusingly enough, the IQ gap appears at 3 before environmentalist nonsense like "muh bad schools" can take effect.

Fuck off, Sarg'n

"muh bad schools" is obviously a farce. Yes, it just so happens that wherever there's a large concentration of blacks, those schools just so happen to just be "bad" for no discernible reason. It's not because of the students in these schools, it's totally because of some nationwide conspiracy to make schools "bad" wherever blacks make up a large fraction.

Only reason people get away with saying shit like this is because pointing out that it's bullshit is tantamount to heresy in the modern age.

>Why the fuck do politics need to invade every crevice of modern life
>Why can't I just lift heavy things without someone turning it into a political issue.

This is what a conservative, or classical liberal would complain about.
The founding fathers of liberalism would never thing that EVERYTHING about human life is comprehended within the perimeter of public life and politics.

But for the authoritarian tradition (dating beck to the French Revolution; and if you want to Aristotle, but that's a completely different context), human beings are human only WITHING the context of the state. Only citizens are human beings and there is no such thing as human life outside the res publica.

So, why has politics invaded everything?
Because that's what authoritarian do, they want to expand into every craves of life.

I'm Italian, and i am always been shocked by the differences between the Bill of Right and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen.

Mussolini, in 1932 wrote the definition of "Fascism" for the Italian encyclopedia


and he summed up exactly the entire authoritarian tradition:

>[...] for the fascist, everything is within the state, and nothing human or spiritual exists, or has any value, outside of the state. In this respect fascism is totalitarian, and the fascist state - which is the synthesis and unity of every value - informs, develops and augments the entire life of the people.

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He's not wrong.

t. Foucault

because the personal is political, a large section of the left is totalitarian. They need to control every aspect of your life in order to control your thoughts

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errata (i should take my second draft pills):

thing = think


So, why has politics invaded everything? = So >Why has politics invaded everything?

am always been = have always been

authoritarian = authoritarians

which means that he is obviously directing this message to a landed citizen

Your story is pretty doubtful since it's well known at this point