Redpill me on an aggressive cut

Redpill me on an aggressive cut.

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You’ll lose weight faster


You'll lose weight faster but probably fuck up your sleep and will hemmorrage gains

keep lifting heavy and eating protein and youre fine

Which includes muscle

It doesn't actually work if you're natural and have average or less genetics.

Works well with good genetics and or steroids though. If you have neither (you probably don't) you should just go the slow-fat loss phases or recomp.

Dem suckable gyno nipples

nicks bodybuilding channel has a good video about this. he hard cut and lost tons of muscle for a natty bb show. says he still hasnt recovered from it totally as far as total muscle and strength

No matter what cut you do, you will lose muscle unless you go fraud

>makes you feel like shit
>awful workout performance
>makes your hair fall out
>good fat loss

t. Three months of 1000kcal Omad deficit with 1-2 training sessions a day

What's the fastest way to get that shredded without losing the most gains.

I know how to do it with drugs. I'm just wondering how to do it naturally.

Fasting+multiple hours of walking+calisthenics+ephedrine and caffeine for a few days can see real fat loss. But I want to get shredded to the bone like in the OP.

I want to get "oh my god are you okay" levels of shredded.

Attached: holy shit shredded.jpg (474x298, 29K)

Check out Lyle McDonald's books, seriously. Yes the whole books, there's a lot of valuable information to learn first.

If you're going to link Lyle McDonald's hard-cutting book at least mention the fact that he himself says not to actually do it.

Ultimate Diet 2.0 and Stubborn Fat Solution are still pretty hard.

Just take clen or winstrol and be done with it

Fasting. as far as I know.

Holy shit. Is that physique achievable natty?

take garcinia forskolin twice a day, yohimbine hcl once a day, chew nicotine gum once a day, take moda if you're a sleepyhead like me and snake juice fast for 7-8 day streaks + refeed for 5 days on keto
works for everyone

Definitely not


Sorry mayne

Even if I’m not a fat fuck and have good amounts of muscle mass?

good idea if you're doing a short duration cut to get from like 15-16% to 10-12%

bad idea if you have a lot of weight to lose

Why is his right shoulder so disproportionate compared to his left one ? I remember reading back in the day how wanking ruins your chances at aesthetics if you mainly use one side all the time ... concerning, considering i recently started noticing same signs

If you ever lifted a weight in your life and isn't a fat piece of shit, Ultimate Diet 2.0 is easiest shit ever
And the results are insane

>What's the fastest way to get that shredded without losing the most gains.
>But I want to get shredded to the bone like in the OP.

I’m 15 and would love to get down to 10 percent in time for the start of uni in a month, but naturally also love my gains

You'll lose lean mass, like water weight and excess glycogen, but hardly any muscle if you cut properly
t. Has had successful cuts

So you’re advocating a drastic cut?

you're not gonna lose any appreciable amount of muscle mass if you hop on a 1000 calorie deficit for 6-8 weeks as long a protein is high enough and you keep lifting

not that guy, but le lose all your muscle!!! meme is vastly overstated

you don't lose much muscle mass even on large deficits unless you don't have sufficient protein, don't train, or keep the cut going for a long time

So I could do a PSMF then?

You'll lose more of your your hard-earned gains.

Muscle loss on a cut is overrated as long as you keep protein and intensity high


Ultimate Diet 2.0 is probably the limit of speed for safely keeping gains. People have reported ~1.5lb/wk.

What causes someone to get weird fucked up looking proportions like this? Is it roids


what is the safest way and healthy ( not fasting ) of losing body fat? tdee - 500 plus cardio?

Fasting is healthy.

fast. no eat. you cut like crazy and keep all your gains.

>not eating

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your fat is food.

You shouldn't aggressively cut unless you're a supreme fatass or if you have to make weight (typically for a fight)
You'll perform like shit, feel like shit and your body will take a while to recover.
Can't deny the results though
Pic related is me (try to ignore the big gaps)

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Interesting but i can wait

I assume you’re not a fat cunt and have good lifts like everyone who fasts?

fatty too scared

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I think the word you’re looking for is ”overstated”.

>but hardly any muscle
So you will still lose muscle. I didn’t say you would lose a considerable amount but you will still lose muscle and depleted glycogen stores make you look smol. I wasn’t advocating fraud or knocking cuts of any kind, just that it’s unrealistic to expect to lose fat without losing some strength. And you notice that a lot when you’re trying to lift on a deficit.



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I got that from wanking in highschool during my lifting peak. I would wank with righty, but lefty was holding my heavy doona blanket off my cock for hours at a time (I was doing ADD medication faps). The result was a huge left pectoral muscle. It kind of balanced my strength a lot because I'm right handed and my left arm made up for lack of muscle memory with sheer muscle to spare.

yea probably

how do you recomp without wasting your time?

I was pretty scared to lose my gains during a cut, but so far I've lost 8kg with a 500 or so cal deficit and still manage to increase most my lifts. I fast for 16h a day, sleep a lot, and eat tons of protein. I don't think there's really any reason to go on an agressive cut unless you are already very overweight.

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aggressive cutting is for people on aggressive amounts of drugs

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yeah aren't they just a meme?

your tat always makes me cringe

> take garcon foreskin

You're talking mini cuts. Not a tool for mid to long term fat loss and not a tool for anyone who's not lean already. 6 weeks maximum, 1% bodyweight lost per week maximum.

Anything more than this requires a more modest deficit and planned dietary maintenance periods.

> not jerking with the opposite arm to make it seem like someone else

wtf are you on about, wanking it with your other hand just feels like a parkinsons patient was rubbing you

Matt Foxx did a shitload of circuit training and ate around 1600 kcal a day for that role, give it a shot I guess. Then again he's an actor so he probably took something like clen or something. However he looked like a complete skeleton in that movie when he wasn't flexing so maybe not.

Depends on where you start. What is your bf% and how long have you been working out?

He's not wrong. Weight includes your muscles tho, so that's the catch

i'm a skinnyfat noob on SS (bf 15-20%), i understand it's easy to recomp when starting, but how do you do it afterwards?

Don’t forget to turn your hand around too

You will figure it once you get to that point. You get some information about how your body specifically reacts to things in the process of getting there.

For now I recommend starting with 5x5 prioritising compound lifts and once your strength starts to plateau go for more reps (8-10).
As for diet do keto with 1g/lbs protein. Don't stop eating veggies though and supplement zinc and vit.D.
You can go for really large caloric deficits while still making noobgains if you do it properly and your test isn't garbage.

thanks fren

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I like to sit on my left hand until it's numb and then fap with it
I call it “the stranger“

redpill on hard cutting : you think you'll end up dry and lean like pic related, but in reality you'll end up small and carb depleted with no veins popping, and your bench will decrease

Yohimbe HCL, Nicotine, caffeine, keto everyday till desired results.

And IF?