Prove me Wrong

Pro tip: You can't

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I'm the guy who posted the 5x5 comment in the other thread with that exact bloatmax, this meme makes me chuckle

how about 4x8

if youre doing the same setsxreps for every exercise during every phase of your training cycle you look like shit

prove me wrong

What’s wrong with 3x12

post body

reccomend me a program that's 3x8 i wanna look like that fag

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3x8 ohp
3x8 curls
3x8 legs
3x8 back
3x8 neck
3x8 glutes
3x8 brachialis
3x8 traizeps


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should i do this 3 times a week

steroids x 4 x 10

3x6-7 should be the first pic.
>6-7 reps do nothing

Steroids x rarely go to the gym till heart failure actually.

Dude only went to the gym to get a quick pump and take hundreds of pics

i started doing 3x5 because my bench took 30 minutes with rests

should i just deload hard and rest less

that one rep makes all the difference huh

Literally negative gains. Can someone please post the chart?

3 times a week, 8 times

At least he got pussy.

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you first

that's not how this works faggot

I actually doubt that.

it does. stop trying to bait people for half-naked pics so you could masturbate to them

What does 5x5 mean? 5 sets of 5 reps?

Yes I am a beginner.

It does. Good job.

You made a claim and the burden of proof is on you

this is prime broscience.
don't ever fucking question it.

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I'm not even the same guy and you must be clinically retarded if you think a body pic is a viable proof in a discussion about effective rep ranges. I'm just sick of thread derailments and half-naked men spammed everywhere, because faggots bait for body pics constantly. go watch gay porn or something

Please tell me this is for more weight than your body. Or do people actually do this many reps for paper...
Where have you gone god... why have you left us.

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If you dont double digit your sets you're a pussy. Thumbs up for those tri digits.

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What does 10x10 looks like?

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Rep range and setsxreps don't determine how you look or your level of hypertrophy. Your diet does.

>someone doing 1x50 will achieve the same level of hypertrophy as someone doing 10x5

I do 3x8, 2x4 at +15% weight, then 1xf of original weight, increase base weight every time failure is 8+. Been seeing some solid progression off this going 3 times a week.