Was he arrested?
Was he arrested?
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Can’t believe how rustled this shit made you nerdfags
Kid was being a fucking cunt annoying people with his shit cunt deadlifts
Join a proper fucking gym if you don’t want to get made a bitch by some bro
>Kid was being a fucking cunt annoying people with his shit cunt deadlifts
What is the point of confronting him over making noise?
The other guy should have told staff the noise was annoying and they would deal with it.
This "Teen" had a history of being a loud and obnoxious dickhead.
If you want to train the big compound lifts properly, you either get a home gym, or you join the appropriate gym.
This baby bitch didn't join a proper gym until he got given a free membership to one because the owner of that gym was probably an ex-bully victim who self-inserted himself into the teens situation.
Stop falling for the bait you retard
He should have been. For causing a punlock disturbance with his weight slamming.
I don't see a problem. A gym is going to be a loud place.
If you can't cope with that, you're a faggot.
Dont reply to me you fucking unfunny faggot
>was he arrested?
Were you faggot?
Shut up you autist.
Go neck yourself in a nice quiet corner
viper kill yourself my man
Bad move
>Kid was being a fucking cunt annoying people with his shit cunt deadlifts
id rather listen to iron hitting the floor than call me maybe or nigger rap
Redpilled af
t. fattie thats mad his 2 day routine of machines isnt giving him his gains and he tried to do deadlift but it hurt his back and hes too lazy to actually research proper form and too socially awkward to ask people at his gym for advice so instead he makes threads on Jow Forums asking for alternatives to the deadlifts or says they're memes and calls other people that do them 'baby bitches' to cope with his disgustingly large man tits and belly and suggests that spending upwards of 200 dollars is the ONLY ACCEPTABLE WAY TO DEADLIFT so he doesn't get intimidated at the gym
god, you are the biggest bitch ever. shouldn't you be in /fat/ or a nofap thread, you pathetic baby bitch?
t. pencil necked weakling
>defending some shitskinned wop
fuckin figures
Stop shilling that little faggot on Jow Forums you cock suckers.
He'll never win that case and if he persists with this it will end with powerlifting/strongman type shit being banned from basically every gym in the western world.
Sure he could go to those hole in the wall powerlifting/strongman gyms, but those places close up fast as fuck and have almost no clientelle.
Which do you think the gym owners are gonig to back? loser kids who piss off the lifer gym goers or the gym goers who keep the doors oepn and those gym goers who rarely go but keep their memberships.
yes, for sucking peepee
>He'll never win that case
It seems pretty clear cut in his favor tbf
1v1 me final destination no items boyo
t. shutin neet who thinks fights are nothing because he watches too many naruto shippuden
they dont happen often you fucking idiot, even in places where youd expect them to
No, it really really isn't.
If it was, they wouldn't be whoring this little faggot across the net with shit like this thread.
Even if he does win, and he won't, this will kill powerlifting/strong man lifting in every fucking commercial gym in the western fucking world.
Will also have a chilling effect on the gear industry and supps.
I am not shitting you here bro.
However, stuff like p90x and home gyms will see a massive surge in popularity, so that's good.
>Can't believe how rustled this shit made you nerdfags
>goes onto get rustled by loud deadlifts and nerdfags
>No, it really really isn't.
How do you figure? My guess is the guy who kicked him will get a plea deal and nothing big will happen.
>living in MTL
He deserved it
>Man gets assaulted at the gym and its on fucking camera
>haha he's not gonna win
>proceeds to say that this one case no ones really heard about outside of internet people is going to have such a massive, worldwide effect that not only will it effect every gym "in the western fucking world" but it will also somehow have an effect on gear and supps industry
Are you this guy ? If so, you are quite possibly the stupidest motherfucker on the board and you should either kys or just fuck off
>No, it really isn't.
Fucking brainlet, get out of this thread.
user, they've been whoring this shit across the net with threads like this too much and basically destroying the guys life and putting his life in danger with their bullshit.
If I was him, I'd sue the kid and his law team into the dirt and bring up criminal charges, because this is literally them destroying his life and putting his life at risk for a small chance at a tiny pay day.
Maybe he shouldn't have assaulted someone. And it's not the kid or his legal teams fault this went viral
So if I kick someone, the person I kick is the one who should get in trouble?
Your logic is awful.
I'll take what is the slippery slope fallacy for 500, Alex.
Montrealfag here, the kid is a scunt and he deserves a kick in the nuts in general not because he was deadlifting. So stop posting this shit everyday.
>Teen was supposedly asked to place mats under his DL
>He did
>didn't grunt or anything, medicore sound of plates on ground
>no other way to do this exercise
>get physically assaulted
>"wow u guys r triggered??"
Call me Maybe is redpilled though.
Legit one of the good popular songs of the last few years.
>this will kill powerlifting/strong man lifting in every fucking commercial gym in the western fucking world.
Will also have a chilling effect on the gear industry and supps.
what fucking angle are you looking at this from?
Don't think that matters in this case. Was the kid just a sick to everyone? So what?
>it's not the kid or his legal teams fault this went viral
No one is that fucking stupid.
He didn't kick him. He kicked the bar you fag.
We all saw it.
And he makes multiple videos where he pourposley makes himself into a gymbully fag that the owners of the gym have to put up with.
The guy who kicked the bar out of his hands even tried to get his attention before he stomped at the bar.
The guy also tried to help the little retard when he was pinned under 245lbs on the bench. He waived him away.
This kid has no real case and will be shown to be a little fag in court. That's what these thread are all about.
Painting him as a nice innocent kid that was assaulted by a big bad brown stranger.
There's no fallacy here.
Powerlifting/strongman type shit is on the decline wiht the only hold outs being crossfit gyms.
The rest of the gyms don't like that shit and planet fitness is bigger then golds gym.
You honestly believe that they won't make a big deal about not allowing lifters like the kid in there?
You honestly believe they won't say NO POWERLIFTING or DEADLIFTING or SLAMMING OF WEIGHTS? Or at least having a zero tolerance 1-3 strikes and you're out thing going on?
I despise people who grunt loudly while lifting; it is just more infuriating when they are a twig lifting jacksquat.
Like obnoxiously calling attention to how much of a disappointment they are.
This is nowhere near as infuriating.
They are already punishing themselves by training inefficently.
Though, to be fair, if I were the gym owner I'd pissed off because they are trashing those mats and the floor.
Watch the video on a full screen and not on your phone screen, you fucking retard. He very clearly kicks him in the nuts. He even says, "why did you kick me in the nuts bro?" Just choosing to ignore evidence and what is blatantly in front of you to spin the story in your favor doesn't work.
His "trying to get his attention" was walking over, while not in his line of sight, and while the guy deadlifting was not looking up was feebly waving his hands like a child who doesn't want any more food for dinner. Instead of waiting for him to finish his rep, like a fucking intelligent human being, he loses his shit and kicks him in the nuts and kicks the barbell out of his hand. There's no reason you should be defending this faggot unless you are this faggot.
The common sense one.
Powerlifting/strongman type stuff isn't even a percent of a percent of the amount of people who go to a gym and gyms that focus solely on that are closing or barely make any money.
The gear industry will see a drop in people who'll go to the gym to get stuff and then see a drop in people who'll be willing to go to them to get it period.
Supps are mainly bought by idiots who don't know any better, you know the gym goers who don't powerlift and the like.
He literally started dropping the HARDER to make more sound after he put the mats under there.
I hope that retarded meathead loses it all
>bar is in his hands
>he dropped it
Were you dropped on your head?
I have so many unnecessarily loud fags in my gym and also the regular squat gruntpig who has shit form and obviously shit breathing technique but won't go lower on weight
Doesn't mean I want to kick them in the nuts. I just shake my head and give other serious lifters who are just as annoyed as me a knowing nod. What's the point in wasting energy unless it's for lifting purposes
Yeah, no I get that serious lifters don't make up the bulk of gym revenue, I'm asking how you see that gyms will somehow ban all serious lifters because one gym assaulted a patron somewhere.
I never saw a video where he dropped them harder on the mats, I never even saw a vid without mats and lastly it still wasn't that loud. Most people have earbuds in and there's generally music playing. I sincerely can't figure out how anyone would get upset over such minor noise? There's people that grunt like cavemen and throw weights.
user, if any man stomped me in the nuts I'd be on the ground in fucking pain, not having a fucking arguing match where I pussed out and ran away.
>admits to being a bitch that can't willpower his way through ball pain
You don't have to be hit in the nuts hard enough to be on the ground in pain to be hit in the nuts, bitch boy.
Ah, you're pretending to be retarded.
I see.
>Yeah, no I get that serious lifters don't make up the bulk of gym revenue, I'm asking how you see that gyms will somehow ban all serious lifters because one gym assaulted a patron somewhere.
1.He's not serious. He's just some fag who'll be out of the gym in a few years. Probably with a serious injury
2.He's a cunt, they make up a tiny portion of the gym going population but they upset the majority of the gym going population.
3.Fear of them getting sued by little gym bully faggots.
There is literally no downside to them banning or at the very least seriously restricting powerlifting and strongman type lifting.
> (You)
>I never saw a video where he dropped them harder on the mats, I never even saw a vid without mats and lastly it still wasn't that loud. Most people have earbuds in and there's generally music playing. I sincerely can't figure out how anyone would get upset over such minor noise? There's people that grunt like cavemen and throw weights.
I did.
It was loud enough to piss off the other patrons.
Him having in ear buds and forcing other patrons to put on ear buds and him making multiple fucking videos where he pourposely got himself kicked out for being loud?
Uh uh.
Dude was doing that shit on pourpose and the curlbro, like the management, and everyone else in the gym got sick of his shit and made him fucking leave.
That's what happened.
>I have no nuts
>But I must talk shit.
I don't know about you, but my nuts still function and i was punched in the nads by my niece after she was angry she couldn't get another slice of cake.
I was down for the count for 10 minutes.
If that dude is bringing up getting kicked in the nuts by a bodybuilder as a bad thing and shows no signs of being hurt or being in pain...then he's either on serious fucking gear and has no nuts or the kick wasn't that bad.
And I'm pretty goddamned sure that his law team won't be bringing up the fact that the kid is on.
If you think holding on to something is dropping something, somebody needs to smack you in the head with a fucking dictionary.
You're retarded.
Go talk to someone who's on the same level as you.
why are you so mad? lmao
go to planet shitness if you want a silent gym, you fucking dyel shitter.
you're either a troll or a high powered autist. Despite your fantasy world interpretation of the events the guy who kicked the bar and was screaming "Get out" is the guy who was banned from the gym at the end of the day, because even if the deadlifter was being annoying the proper response is definitely not to do what the guy in question did.
>Fear of them getting sued by little gym bully faggots.
Here's a tip: Put up signs that you're a normie gym and don't want loud noises & if someone does it politely escort them out and shred their membership. No touching. No screaming. No intimidation.
Do you really not think that normies are LESS afraid of going to a gym where the owner shouts down, threatens and almost gets in a fight with a patron?
>but they upset the majority of the gym going population.
I've never seen as many people upset at this little noise than in this thread. He wasn't even smacking the weights down. You could hear it, but that's it. How the fuck does this annoy you?
>Here's a tip: Put up signs that you're a normie gym and don't want loud noises & if someone does it politely escort them out and shred their membership. No touching. No screaming. No intimidation.
user, did you see this kids videos? He was the one doing the intimidation and bullying.
And your post has nothing to do with my post.
I am saying that this little faggot will give every gym in the west ALL of the ammo it needs to band powerlifting/strongman type stuff or severly limit it to the point where they get a three strikes and youre banned rule.
But that's okay. It's only a normie gym
I'm sure hardcore motherfuckers like that little girl can find any number of powerlifting gyms to go to and get laughed out of.
>Do you really not think that normies are LESS afraid of going to a gym where the owner shouts down, threatens and almost gets in a fight with a patron?
1.That wasn't an owner
2.That guy knew him
3.He was the one who was intimidating eveyrone else.
4.That intimidater PUSSED OUT when he was confronted with someone who called him on his bullshit.
>>but they upset the majority of the gym going population.
>I've never seen as many people upset at this little noise than in this thread. He wasn't even smacking the weights down. You could hear it, but that's it. How the fuck does this annoy yo
user, I'm not the one who keeps starting this thread.
Lastly, the kid makes a big goddamned deal about making so much noise that the management has to come over and be IGNORED by him while he does his shitty lift and finally gets told to leave FOR THE DAY.
Planet fucking fitness made a goddamned BUSINESS out of making fun of guys like that.
They are making money hand over fucking fist for holding up idiots like him as the kind of people they won't meet or have to deal with in their gym.
You think local struggling gyms won't wan in on that shit?
Lmao dude you're a fucking idiot. If you drop something it's implied you're not holding onto it.
based and red pilled
blue pilled and gay
He didn't make a fuss on YouTube. He sent it to his coach, who posted it, and it went viral from there.
really weak bait man, you can do better, just put a little effort into that
>You can't be holding onto something without supporting it at the same time
Did some drop you onto your head while holding your legs or something? Try deadlifting and let your body give at the top, letting the bar pull you back down without giving any force to hold it up.
I refuse to believe someone is actually this retarded and you're just baiting people
Weakling and numales abound on Jow Forums if people making noise in the gym offend you. Fucking stop working out, you will never make it.
I seem to have missed a couple of videos. I only saw one where some guy runs up to him.
Yes you fag.
He litterally did.
HE called the fucking cops after he left the gym
HE put this up on youtube and made a big fuss
HE called lawyers to try an sue the gym later
The gym then banned the guy and tried to get on the little faggots good side.
He has an entire goddamened youtube channel where he has multiple GOT KICKED OUT OF THE GYM GUYS LOLOLOLOL videos.
Yes he purposely fucking does this.
That's not dropping a deadlift, idiot.
>The amount of summerfags being rustled by bait this obvious...
He sent it to his coach. His coach posted it first. His coach is a big name in powerlifting so a lot of people saw it, fast. He didn't contact police or the gym until.over 48 hours after. The fact that you can even hold such a shit, contrarian opinion that he was any way in the wrong shows how much a fucking closeted faggot you are. Go the fuck outside and get off of Jow Forums for a week, shithead.
Did I hurt your feefees you cock sucking pussy ass little faggot?
Are you defending your boyfriends honor? What ya gonna do about it?
Drop some moderately heavy ass weight that I was repping with eas at 15 til I come over call you a faggot ass pussy and push you?
What are you gonna do after that?
Call the cops and sue me and start posting about me on Jow Forums and multiple other sights across the web?
Balless faggot.
Go play internet toughguy on youtube.
I don't have patience for faggot shills like you.
I sincerely fucking hope this little faggot wins a small amount of money.
So every fucking gym across the fucking country BANS faggots like you and him from ever doing another goddamned deadlift.
Want to know something else?
It will fucking happen.
They have nothing to fucking lose and everygoddamned thing to gain.
How mad are you? Are you the guy in question or do you just get off on holding shit opinions and being a weak faggot? Lel
Yea dude you come off sounding like the one who needs to get off Jow Forums for a while.
Get fucked
You're a troll baiting for (you)s
Anyone with a normal sense of reality knows you don't go up to people mid set, smack the bar out of their hands, get in their face and scream. The douche-bag guy could have handled this situation in a complete different way and maybe it could have resulted in the asian kid leaving peacefully. It's the way he handled it, violently, aggressively, looking for a conflict because he doesn't have a regular outlet to test himself physically and he saw this as an opportunity to stretch his tough guy muscles.
Dude has to wear a fucking weight belt straps and lifting shoes to do multiple single sets of 405.
I could rep that shit at 15 with ease. Most junior athletes in highschool can do that easily.
He's just a fag, and you going all "oh we got a tuff guy here why so upset" tells me that you're a beta pussy.
Go play in traffic.
>Oh look, I continue to lie and be an idiot faggot, maybe if I make it sound like I was strong I'll have some credibility!
Do you know how I know you don't even lift?
>All the people calling this assault
Are you kidding me? Kek. This little bitch wasn’t even injured
>despising people over grunting
>thinking that because someone is making noise it's automatically because they want attention
stop lifting that only makes you even more of a waste of oxygen and won't compensate for your sorry personality
He's a bullying faggot and the guy who slapped the shit out of his hand was a guy who he's interacted with and tried to help him before.
This will all be revealed and spread across the net once this goes to trial.
I'm DESPERATELY hoping this goes to trial so we can start making memes of babby bitch powerlifters who're still on the SS/SL kick.
Cause those absolute wastes of spunk have all but RUINED lifting for an entire goddamned generation and crippled many stupid as fuck kids and adults who should goddamned well know better.
God I love being /fraud/ and never having to deal with random aggressors. Even other big people don’t fuck with you because of MAD.
Aggressively touching somebody qualifies as assault in any first world country. Go back to your third world shithole.
This is why having the right to be armed is good. This kind of nonsense wouldn't happen in the US
>, I continue to lie
Lie about what?
No seriously?
Deadlifting that piss ant weight?
That's fucking nothing.
You seeing that as something worth lying about tells me that you're a fucking wimp and the exact kind of fag that would defend that puss.
He litterally has videos where he makes a big joke about how much attention he's getting because he drops the weight so loudly.
He has fucking videos of himself up on youtube.
He's an attention whore.
You're not clear in your comment, who's the "bullying faggot"? The asian dude or the cunt?
>let me just say details that weren't asked for about something not relevant at all to the argument at hand
This is why you don't lift. Classic red herring from a classic retard that doesn't even lift.
Dude, look at this shit.
If he had so much trouble with the people at that gym then why didn't he go to a serious lifting gym?
Why are so many gyms playing nigger rap, shit tier hip hop?
Is it because they pay the lowest music tax on this shit?
Are you fucking retarded?
Everything I said is 100% fucking relevant.
Why is it that you are so worked up? Does this really get you going, that a roided up teenage troll got what he deserved? Is he some sort of hero to you? Jfc you’re a sperg
This would never happen at my gym where I watch over the noobies like a father figure. I would have made sure this blaha lookalike never set a foot inside my gym again.
this is just horrid
>roided up
No (You) for you, baiter.
You're either trolling or retarded and I can't tell which.
jesus, he's not even dropping the weight. Is he training at planet fitness or something? It doesn't even sound loud in the video, lol. All the sissies who go to commercial gyms and expect peace and quiet. Jesus Christ. Soft pussies who are bothered by that should be euthanized.
Internet psychologist.