What are the best solutions for depression, anxiety, ADHD, phobias, PTSD and other common disorders? Share your experience.
What are the best solutions for depression, anxiety, ADHD, phobias, PTSD and other common disorders...
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Whole food diet with low carbs completely fixed my brain fog but did nothing for my depression.
I'm a barbell guy but consistent cardio has helped with my depression. (nothing too bad, I did c25k and I'm about to start over at an incline)
Masturbating always ruins my mood and energy, makes my sleep worse if I do it at night.
Do everything you can to avoid sleep aids like Benadryl and even melatonin. Remove all artificial lights an hour before sleeping and read. I have been diagnosed with multiple sleep disorders and have been on so many pills for it, but exercising every day and avoiding screens at night has helped more than anything else
Good luck
Team sports
First one is dont be afraid of dying, I got panic attack’s when I was in hs it stopped when I stopped carrying if I was going to die.
Buying several chickens and paying upwards of $34,000 in customizations each at the highest quality luxury paint and body shops across the world, ans assorting them by style in a circus of high end luxury unparalleled chickens of wealth and impassible social standing gavoted across the world
1) willingness to improve
2) Therapy, meditation, journaling and exploring your thought patterns, medication, confrontation (regarding phobias)
3) exercise, social life, hobbies (just any outlet for you)
Seconding cardio. Get out of the gym and go run ouraise at a local park or something. I almost exclusively run at night around 7:30 - 8pm. It’s hard to beat that fresh evening air.
go run outside*
Lifting was supposed to help me with those.
Based and redpilled
List of items to help get rid of depression
1. Purpose - find a damned purpose. Whether it's rescuing dogs, tree husbandry, do something.
2. Clean your room/area - We crave order from chaos.
3. Start lifting.
4. Become a better person.
Good T levels
Your picture actually. Being outside in the sun will almost always improve your mood. Go hiking on the weekends and go run in the evenings during the week.
I have been diagnosed with all those at one point ( no phobia). And some anons posted good results.
For me it has been self-reflection+journal. Followed by reconditioning my brain via mediation, mindfulness, and falke it till you make it. Working out and eating right has done major benefits for me.
Lastly, find a community and a hobby.
None of these disorders go away, but they can be managed.
From a fellow Jow Forumszen working on a PhD at a top school.
How do you read with the lights off?
I have rapid cycling bipolar with psychosis, hear voices mainly during my depression phases. After 5 years of searching finally found a med combo that works haldol cymbalta and modafanil. Haldol for antipsychotic and mood stabilizer, cymbalta for antidepressant, modafanil to counter the negative side effects of haldol and keep me energized. I wake up every morning and go for a 3 mile run now, feel energized throughout the day.
Do you feel normal now?
Sort of. So I space out sometimes because I’m focusing on my thoughts and processing stuff I’m still listening to the people around me though it’s just people kinda comment on it sometimes. I have amazing focus though, still socialize pretty well despite what I just mentioned, no depression, getting lots of shit done everyday, etc. the only real downside is the spacing out thing
>1. Purpose - find a damned purpose. Whether it's rescuing dogs, tree husbandry, do something.
This is my biggest problem ...
How do I even go about attributing meaning to anything anymore?
I'm happy for you. Living with psychosis must be rough, I had a minor episode when I was severely depressed, and spent a long time after that feeling that I was losing my grip of reality.
Lots of Xanax
Cutting down device use
Supplements like vitamin D and NAC(highly recommended)
Going for a walk everytime you feel like doing something you shouldn't (like fapping for the 3rd time a day)
Bringing yourself in social sitiuations
Stop thinking so much about things that don't really matter
>fresh evening air at 7:30
I wish I didn't live in literally hell
Killing yourself. A permanent solution to a semi-permanent problem. Fight fire with an atomic bomb.
Thanks Mr.Peterson
That's motherfucking Doctor to you
literally go outside and walk in the park and talk to a stranger.
get off of Jow Forums. it's bad for your mental health 90% of the time.
u wot
Existentialism, realise that there dont exists an objective truth or meaning with life instead of getting scared. The only way to overcome the anxiety is to make a choice, and by doing so making your own purpose in life. The reason youre depressed is most likely because you dont have a meaning in life
do some heavy soul-searching, find out what makes you happy and go do it
dont forget to do physical activity as well, it helps a ton because your body hasnt evolved much in 50.000 years and that monkey body thats supposed to be physical active
>not reading with lights off and night vision googles on
confirmed for never making it
Eat 8grams of shrooms
>inb4 DRUGGIE LMAO!!!!
cbd oil
>Remove all artificial lights an hour before sleeping
Can confirm this works wonders for me. Low lighting prior to sleep is also fantastic, alongside gently pressing a warm flannel/washcloth against your eyes before you go to bed.
Ambient, chill music (like the Ambient channel on YT, i.e. Hazy - Timeless: youtube.com
I think I've done it all to find meaning in life and still haven't found what it is. Have been depressed and filled with anxiety since highschool. House burned down at senior year. Doctor put me on Xanax for PTSD anxiety. Go to college, have qt girlfriend still depressed. Smoke weed helped mask depression and anxiety for a bit, but then become to dependent on it. Do shrooms and anxiety stops for about 3 months, comes back even harder. Take acid 6 months after anxiety and depression gone for a year. Depression and anxiety comes back. Finally do DMT, find out everything is made out of love and you still can't comprehend what the meaning of life is. Everything seems mundane after that. After a month, you get this weird thoughts like nothing really matters and your just observing everything pass you by. Can't talk to friends back home because they just talk about drama from highschool and worry about their shitty job. Can't do one night stands anymore cause thots come with too much baggage. The world is fucked up and so is everyone else. Go to psychiatrist, puts me on (((Zoloft))). Go about my day still having those thoughts and going to the gym is the only thing that temporarily stops it. Just keep lifting, I thinks that's everybody's purpose on Jow Forums.
I regularly run in my city's green belt which is some beautiful native forest on a hillside. I can run for an hour there and for most of it be so submerged in green that you wouldn't think im in a capital city and let me tell you it's like meditation at this point lads.
Running is good, nature is good. But if you can do both it is amazing
take it easy Bucko
Barrel rolls
I'm in the same boat. You think your on to something for a few years but really it's just all smoke and mirrors and the end result will always be meaninglessness. Sounds pretty emo but it's just reality
Realized that too. But literally just doing intense workouts, sex, meditating, and hyperventilating breathwork stops it.
i channel my rage like water bending and use it to do positive shit
the secret for me was to activate my rage in a controlled way -- something that would make me genuinely mad, but not mad enough to go beserk or lose control. the only way i know to acrivate this in myself so far is use jerking off.
when im done i can do things that were impossible before. not everything or anything, but still alot of impossible things and then doing those impossible things make the other impossibel things less impossible.
That pic has retarded book recs. Not even close to being the end all.
Masturbate 6 times a day
>not accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior
It's just a start for looking into it all. You don't have to follow those teachings, your free to do so as you please.
The best solutions to depression, anxiety and ADHD at least for me was exercising and eating healthy food.
You will focus better with excercise I promise you. ADHD meds work by increasing blood flow to your prefrontal cortext. Stimulants do this. S o does excercise.
ADHD is a result of a retarded prefrontal cortex growth. Its also why some people grow out of having ADHD because it grows later than others do.
Seriously. The first thing you should ever do when you're depressed and anxious is look at your diet and your activity.
Going out side and seeing interesting things, and talking to people there. Over and over until you trick your self into feeling good.
I like to pretend that I am All Might
It’s really empowering to have a crappy day and just smile and laugh like he does.
I try it be the perfect guy that he is, to shy to talk to someone? Don’t think you can get that last rep?
Feel empty?
Just squeeze your buttocks and too smash and do whatever it was you were doing.
It motivate me to be him he is a hero