>Keto OMAD fry up.
>Intermittent fasting
>Cortisol'ing your shit up and killing your metabolism in one go
You fell for some memes, OP. Don't worry, we all did. Here's a few paleotards realizing that something's up:
Do me a favor and take your temperature. You and over half of Jow Forums is on their way towards hypothyroidism.
> he can't into cheat day
>One day out of seven when your body isn't in a constant state of stress.
I know both keto and fasting are great for weightloss, but the benefits are short-term.
Losing your metabolic rate (and your hair) isn't worth it. You'll hit a wall and your thyroid will be screwed.
Take your temperature and you'll see.
What does your temperature have to do with it?
I'm glad you asked.
See how you compare to 98.6f/37c.
>unironically linking two broscience "sources"
you got it all backwards mate
I can be defeated easily, anons.
Just take your temperature.
> What does this mean for Barnes’ work?
> Well, it means that the range he was trying to rely on (97.8 to 98.2ºF) is not indicative of good or bad health, necessarily. It means that the range is way broader for healthy people, and that a slim range like this just does not work. It would mean that around 98% of the population would need to be put on thyroid medication of some kind.
Sure must be fun to be retarded
jesus fucking christ stop
It's time to buy a thermometer.
Keto is extremely good for cutting and that's what it should be used for.
>Cortisol'ing your shit up and killing your metabolism in one go
Metabolic changes are reversible within less than a week. The cortisol part takes time to actually bring about negative changes while keto is supposed to be a temporary means to a certain goal.
That's what I have to respond to your mildly plausible broscience but I'm yet to see studies that prove long term cortisol increase and related adverse effects during ketogenic diet.
This is the least convincing thing I've ever seen on Jow Forums this is Jow Forumstier conspiracy garbage.
Keto isn't forever. It'll kill you
Not only that
How do you eat enough protein and fats to hit nearly 4000 calories a day? I would deplete into nothing if I didn't eat 4k calories a day, working my job and lifting weights 3 times a week.
Sadly, keto and fasting have become lifestyle choices for many people.
Like identity politics except for diets. Impossible to get them to change.
All I want is for them to check their temperatures.
I'm not trying to sell you Super Male Vitality here. You should buy a thermometer, though.
I'm almost there bois
Don't go to dark god damn you'll start breaking down useful shit
faster here. I don't do intermittent but do water and sometimes dry fasting. temperature came back at 98.6. kys buddeh
Idk how you eat enough in one meal. My hunger is so shot that I have trouble getting in 1700 a day w/enough protein.
I have and my temperature is fine, but even your retard source says temperature is not predictive of thyroid health.
How can you honestly be this dumb and still know what a computer is