10,000 calorie challange

Could you eat 10,000 calories in a day? How would you do it?

No you can't drink em

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just b myself

shit ton of fast food I guess, fries, lots of sauces, etc.

Considering I used to be a 280lb pothead I've probably done it before.

A whole lot of chicken wings, Chips, cheese dip, and milkshakes.


Pretty easily.
>pre-breakfast: 2 500 calorie muffins with a cup of coffee we aren't counting - 1000 calories
>breakfast: 5 strips of bacon, 3 cream cheese stuffed waffles - 1500 calories
>pre-lunch: three bell peppers, stuffed with 1lb of cheese - at least 1000 calories

I can eat a whole pizza easy, that's gotta get me close.

Probably Mexican food. I can eat a fuckton.

One slice is ~250-300 so you're only really looking at 2400

>you cant drink them

Nice try

A whole pizza is probably closer to around 2500 depending on what kind of pizza, what toppings, and where you're getting it from.

Ive done this before. easily. wake up eggs bacon sausage ham, coffee cream and sugar. lunch probably hit up krystal cuz ive been wantin some of that or maybe a big ass roast beef submarine. go hang out at the bar, order wings fries blue cheese for dinner. late night snack i go and pick up a large wings and things from zaxbys which is about 3000 calories alone and a large grape soda.

wait fuck no i forgot chocolate chip pancakes and syrup for breakfast as well as cake for dessert. why did you make this thread again?

So just eat a whole pizza for breakfast, lunch, dinner and second dinner

Ice cream all day

Most I've ever eaten is 5600 in one day and I was deliberately trying to eat as much junk food as I could just to make me completely sick of eating them and never want them again.
It worked by the way.

What did you eat?

eat 0.0000002g of uranium

Use a spoon retard


just eat 3 boxes of little debbies.

forgot pic. There are 10 in a pack. Then just eat an apple and call it a day.

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Who dat?

ice cream and peanut butter. I could get to 10k in a couple hours.

This is stupid easy

>Chocolate chip stuffed extra sugury pancakes first thing in the morning, with a big glass of OJ
>Carry on hand candy to eat at will between breakfast and lunch
>Restraunt lunch of sweet potatos and sweet corn with cheesy fries and a sandwich
>restaunt dinner at that steak place with the bread made of pure sugur, stuff up on that with generous butter, get a large steak with potatoes to give yourself a break from the sweetness
>Eat a tub of rocky road icecream with a tub of cooled nuttella at night

For what purpose would you need to consume that much a day (unless you’re training like Michael Phelps, in which case you would be hungry enough to eat that much). You won’t be able to build muscle that fast and would be building the habits to make yourself a fatass eating at a surplus that big.

Oh I used to be 300 pounds so I could hammer this out super easy. I would avoid really fatty veggies like avocado and go for things I know are packed with sugars.

I competed in my uni's eggnog challenge and that was like 3.5k calories in 1 hour. There's gotta be something more calorie dense.

10 sweet&spicy burgers from Whataburger. EASY

Breakfast and a dinner at any buffet


It's a pain in the ass and I didn't do it clean.

Probably 5 pies of cheese pizza should cut it
A couple of pints of Ben and Jerry’s
A futon to relax in between gorging

I ate 5000 calories worth of taco Bell in one sitting on a dare. Four of those $5 cravings boxes. It wouldn't have been hard even if it weren't for the burritos.

I think I missed my calling not being a competitive eater.


I've literally hit 10k calories with nothing but Oatmeal with Water. I started in the morning and added sucralose and cinnamon to a bowl. By end of day, I'd gone through my entire 8lb bag.

Had chinese afterwards.

I got ibs, just eating enough calories to reach my daily goals is hard. I gotta have two small meals/snacks and 2 real big meals a day. Always cooking baka

This didn't work for me

Fucking ezpz
gomad+box of cinny toast crunch
2 cheesy bean and rice burritos, 2 beefy 5 layers, 2 burrito supremes, grilled stuffed burrito, crunchwrap supreme, half pink lemonade half sprite to wash it down
"Family size" stouffers lasagna + gallon of cola
I'm pretty sure it hits 10k, but idefk lmoa

>this was my permabulk until I hit 380lbs and decided to return to humanity

gasoline for gains

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the virgin gasoline

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>whole pizza easy
I once ate 32 slices + fries + fried chicken/fish/meatballs.

Iranically this

Hardmode: Do it clean. No junk food, no fast food, no sweets or similar unhealthy foods. You have from the minute you wake up to the minute you fall asleep, no caffeine or cold showers to keep you awake.

How would you do it Jow Forums?

the better question is. why would you eat that much, unless that you are 6'4+ and over 240 trying to put on muscle or a world class professional fighter or a sumo fighter i don't see why would you need to eat that much.
speaking of sumo tho, i heard they do eat arround 10000 calories on average,they have a special dish called chanko, is a stew with literally everything on it, meat, pork, chicken, fish, veggies etc. sound delicious and they eat that stuff all day to gain weight

Holy fuck. Where can I buy some uranium? I'm having hard time bulking.

Make a meat log with beef/sausage, add milk, grated cheese, bread crumbs, olive oil. A 4lb log with approx 25% additives would probably approach 10k. If the log alone doesn't do it I'll drench it in sausage gravy. Add 1 carrot

Just eat what I normally eat by everything is deep fried with batter.

Just eat deep fried lard

as easily as breathing
I can go through about 5 pints of ben and jerrys on a bad evening, given the rest of the day it'd be a cinch

>How would you do it?
I would just eat a lot of pizza, a lot of empty calories. It would be even easier if i was allowed to drink alcohol, but i can't according to your stupid stipulation.

Why would this taste good. Fucking America.

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This is why you're still small

this changes EVERYTHING

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its actually super delicious

Have you never had chocolate covered pretzels? Chocolate and savory go well together.

142 eggs+ and a strip of bacon
>Keto gains

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No i would never be able. I already eat 7k the 4 days of the week i eat and i manage to do that ONLY because i drink 2200kcal in form of a shake i made up myself.

But it's fucking hard.

Maybe, maybe, if i woke up at 3 am and went bed 24 hours later, i could sneak in 2 more meals. MAYBE

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Can you imagine your turds the next day.

Lays. Chocolate. Peanut butter. Cheese. Nuts.

I've done it many many times at free buffets

doughnuts and other kind of pastries are very calorie dense and easily digestible, you can go for a second round in just 2 or 4 hours
chocolate also helps
I would stay away from proteins and fats, like in hamburguers or meat pizzas, since they make you feel full faster

fpbp based and redpilled

put me in the screencap

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drink em
fuck you, OP. You're not my god

as a pothead amateur fighter, with very poor impulse control, I can assure you i've eaten that many calories in a single eating binge, many times. the trick is to eat shit like popcorn chicken, and then gourmet ice cream, that real boutique shit thats dense as fuck.
Shit nigga, if you CAN'T eat 10000kcal in a day are you even a real man?
>best part is i'm only 15% body fat and I got the paperwork to prove it.

ramen and oil
rice and butter

only drink distilled water so my sodium goes low and i want to eat to acquire more sodium

>Wings n' Things x 7

I really don't get competitive eating. There should be competitive shiting so each participant takes a dump and then judges measure length and structural integrity of the dump. I would kill it and it would promote healthier eating habits than conpetitive eating

>Can't drink it
>Retard adds soda to all of them

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I could do it in a meal

Easy, half gallon of gas and I'm set

one of these bad boys every 1-2 hours, god-tier bulk food

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i once ate about 35k worth of calories in a day

Easy, just eat a huge Burger King menu 3x a day. That shit has easily 3.3k calories

Like that

Most I ever managed was 6k and I couldn’t even make myself eat again until the next evening

I could maybe do 10k with more olive oil and butter but it would be so disgusting that I don’t want to think about it

An XXL papa johns is like 3600

Without drinking them? Jesus I'd probably throw up not even halfway. I already have trouble getting to 3100 most days.

Ask Michael Phelps.

Protip: a whole lotta cheese, peanut butter, and mayonnaise

based gasoline drinker

>implying it's really potato
>implying it's really chocolate

same. dont know how I even got over 200lb

Most I’ve eaten is 6000cals in a day

Nut butters, beef, pasta, bread, rice, lentils,

Is this the Boogie Diet Challenge?

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4 of these although you'd have to space them out over the day

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Easy, i did it today, One whole cheesecake from the baker, one bag of chocolate candy, two entire loaves of bread with butter, ham and milk. Btw i hate myself after doing this and will hopefully never do it again.

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With oil and beige carbs easy. With lean meats and veg. Pretty much impossible.


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How massive of a log did you lay down the next day?


This eat peanut butter with. A spoon and wash it down with whole milk.