How bad is smoking weed for gains?

How bad is smoking weed for gains?
What would you advice if I say I want to smoke occasionally anyway

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Other urls found in this thread:

>wake up
>prepare a nice breakfast
>squat heavy at the gym
>come home
>cold shower
>smoke a couple bowls
the best high

just smoke occasionally then. nothing else to be said. keep in mind weed has been known to lower test

Just stop smoking weed. If you're not an addict, this will be TRIVIAL.

Enjoy your cancer and brains legions potcucks

Jow Forums was never so anti-marijuana until faggots from Jow Forums spilled over. weed doesn't make you a loser if you weren't already a loser to begin with.

Boring as fuck Tbh

You can't even fucking spell, dude.

>the absolute state of anti-druglets

Work as a software dev, I have shown up for work blazed almost every day since maybe the first week or two after I started, which was over a year ago

yolo I guess lol hope it aint too bad

what's the point in getting stoned? you get high and then what? browse your computer? play games?

>whats the point of booze
>whats the point of sex
>whats the point of lifting
>whats the point of vidya
>whats the point

Smoking is still putting carbon monoxide and tar into your body.
If you smoke weed daily you will get negative effects of smoke consumption.
Get a weed vaporizer like a pax or silver surfer. Or start getting into oils.
always avoid smoke. Smoking = less oxygen in your blood. Less oxygen in your blood = less testosterone.
>probably faps daily
I thought of some of my best ideas while stoned at 2 am. My friend thought of a food truck idea while we were stoned and he just made his first million after branching out into catering and shit.

>whats the point of booze
To cleanse your liver and It helps you live longer
>whats the point of sex
To reproduce
>whats the point of lifting
To gain aesthetics
>whats the point of vidya
To enhance the brains cognitive abilities

Weed is for idiots. Enjoy your brain legions and lung cancer

vape. don't be a douche that holds it in, exhale as soon as it hits your lungs. if you smoke more than just the weekends you are a loser

What would be the best way to minimize this effect?

I mostly smoke when I chill with friends to relax instead of a beer, you can get crazy stupid and funny conversations that just don't happen naturally when sober

I mostly smoke hashish (concentrates) out of a glass pipe or vape so I dont inhale much smoke either way, thanks for the advice anyway

>hurr durr smoking this toxic substance is totally the same as lifting weights and having sex!!

you're fucking retarded, dead beat stoner. Yea, go get high and be a loser when you could be doing productive things.

>inb4 productive things
>browses Jow Forums

Lunch break, and I'm stuffing my face full of food while I browse this place then hitting the gym

>t. incel

Dry herb vape for maximum cancer risk reduction.

What up Joe

buddy, if you think it's cool to hinder your oxygen intake, develop various cancers, fuck up your eyes and your oral hygiene, then knock yourself out. But don't bring your degenerate bullshit addicts here to try and normalize them. You're a stoner dead beat who lifts weights casually, and nothing more.

Imagine enjoying the effects of weed

>health and fitness board
>asking if smoking is good

Just know, if you smoke, you aren't very fit, and you're certainly not healthy. You're just a gym rat who casually lifts weights and makes barely any gains.

Post your PRs then. How much do you squat, deadlift, and bench? Whats your mile time? What's your resting heart rate. Please show me what someone who is fit and healthy is capable of.

>What would be the best way to minimize this effect
outside of just abstinence i wouldnt know. that being said T levels were reported to go back to normal levels shortly after so take my ass pulled advice with a grain of salt

>michael phelps and countless other athletes are not fit or healthy

>whats the point of vidya
>To enhance the brains cognitive abilities
he unironically type this

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What's your progression been like?
Stats and or pics would be appreciated

Strawman much, do you even know how to read
I litteraly asked how BAD it is jeez

>for gains
not that bad at all

>for permanently fucking up your brain
Pretty bad.

it has literally nothing to do with gains, why do you keep making these threads? Assuming you maintain your routine and smoke during your rest period it makes no fucking difference. If you smoke and get lazy and start skipping workouts then obviously progress will come to a halt

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yeah, you probably stop off at the gh and suck a few dicks on your way home


Sweet LARP brosef, whatever let's you cope with the fact that you're an addict.

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wow a food truck, really needed to be high to have such a great idea or should i say highdea hahahaha :)


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its fine as long as you're not getting super baked constantly

I smoke pretty often but am still making gains. Hit 225x5 bench a few weeks back. Me in pic.

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should have been first post and then shitty thread should have ended


don't have any progression pics but i did post body about a month ago
its best if you're a skeleton because then you'll get munchies

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Smoking weed is bad for your mental health. I strongly advise to refrain from use.

We Are Legion user.

Get a cheapish vape and just use that instead. Plus you can spread the vaped weed on toast with butter and eat it straight for edibles. I'm using a flowermate V5.0s

Dunno about gains, but check your family history first to see if you're more prone to mental disorders before you start fucking with your brain on a regular basis. I fell in love with weed and ended up being one of those daily smokers, over time I got more and more paranoid, anxious and weirded out, even when I was sober. I saw my doctor, found out my family has a bad history of addiction, psychosis and schizo shit. I tried to cut back and it didn't work, so now I don't smoke weed at all. It feels as though I lost the magic. Feels shitty man.

Starting to feel this baka
Smoked a couple times with the parents home. Typical small amounts of paranoia. Starting doing stuff to prevent me from smelling off weed. Only wearing pants whilst smoking etc. Thought I got stung by a wasp or bitten by a spider and went into a panic attack. Managed to convince myself I needed to go to the hospital. Smoking at home hasn't been the same since. I'll get tachycardia, tight throat, and a lump in it too. Feelsbadman. I don't even get weird panic attack thoughts when I hit that point either. Apart from that, I still get the good feelings of weed, but it really detracts from the experience. Doesn't seem to bother me if I just smoke small amounts though

>The THC-induced block of GnRH release results in lowered LH and FSH which is responsible for reduced testosterone production

>>whats the point of vidya
>To enhance the brains cognitive abilities
gamergate detected

>he doesnt smoke after waking up, before going to the gym, and after eating my protein after the gym

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This, the cross with the body high from working out and the cold shower is insane with the first bowl.

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It does though. Video games help you think faster and smarter. It increase your hand eye coordination and builds faster twitch muscles

I smoke weed regularly, a lot. Recently I read that marijuana reduces testosterone production so now I'm quitting.

year old who has never smoked

I smoke every day so I can eat easier. Bulking on 5000 calories and it’s not easy. Helps me sleep better too & I don’t require it to sleep, but sometimes I use it to take a nap before lifting

6’2 / 205lbs / 10% bf

It’s good for gains and if you can control yourself and not let it take over your life , it’s performance enhancement

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faggots from Jow Forums ruin many boards.


Enjoy your ED and shrunken testicles.

Chronic marijuana use has actually been found to be linked to both higher free and total testosterone in some studies

Chronic users have more T though enjoy being a pussy

your nipples are fucked

No amount of lying is going to bring back your erections.
Cope more.

Try harder, my dick is 8.35 inches on the dot
Chronic marijuana has actually been found to be linked to both higher free and total testosterone in some studies

I totally enjoy the drama shit like this instead of actual stories, data, or real trollin.

I feel this big time. Was a heavy weed smoker from mid high school to about 2 years ago (24 now). Would always run scenarios in my head that the people closest to me were out to get me and it took me too long to realize that it was just me being retarded. Weed is okay, if you don't overdo it.

think again based boy
>Marijuana has been found to reduce testosterone and luteinizing hormone (23, 24). However, previous studies did not take into account cigarette smoking and other possible confounders. In this study, we found a significant increase in testosterone correlated to the use of marijuana, contrary to the other studies. However, this increase could not be separated from the effect of tobacco smoking alone, found in other studies to raise testosterone levels (25, 26), making it impossible to separate the adverse effects of marijuana and cigarette smoking in this study.

This source is not great, it’s from 1974 and only tested 27 men however it reports levels of testosterone in the upper limit for chronic users, compared to average levels of male T. While there was no control group, as stated previously chronic users had T levels in the upper limit of the average range, I can find more studies that show a link between chronic use and raised T. Not to mention plenty of yurofags smoke their weed with tobacco.

If you have poor self-discipline then stay the hell away from weed. It will turn you anti-social as fuck and into a complete slob.
Waste of time and money man, glad I grew out of it early.

This is probably as good as you can look while being that skinny, good on ya
What's your height and weight?

Supreme patty on roids?

>only smoke after you have done everything you needed to do that day
>don't smoke drunk
>don't smoke to forget your problems

>Weed raises Estrogen levels:

>Weed decreases testosterone and growth hormone, tobacco increases them (but also raises cortisol which is a catabolic hormone):

>Weed Reduces Volume Of Various Regions Of The Brain And Negatively Effects Motivation :

>Weed Worsens Symptoms Of Social Anxiety Disorder:

>Weed Causes Long Term Cognitive Damage:

>Weed Causes Depression And Anxiety Disorders:

>Weed Causes Psychotic Disorders:

Y’all didn’t get the memo? Weed is gay now.

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hahahahaha good call

>smokes weed

ive been feeling down lately. i dont know if its the minor suppression from the ostarine or other things, but ive been falling off track. i bought some weed the other day, and it just made me a lazy porn addict again. i cant smoke it anymore

Thank you. This is new to me.

No different to occasionally having a beer, or a scotch, or a coffee or a cigarette. All those things are shit for you too but if you're a sensible adult and can moderate your intake it's not really going to do anything to your gains.

good if used strategically,

ever flow roll in bjj whislt you and your buddy are blazed?

ever do pad work combination and drills whilst high?

ever do bag work whilst high?

ever do bicep curls on the curl rack where you feel the micro tears occur in specific muscle fibre?

it pretty amazing man,but you gotta smoke on the street before you get into the gym or youll end up watching porn and eating chocolate

>whats the point of vidya
>To enhance the brains cognitive abilities

ultimate cope

>>whats the point of vidya
>To enhance the brains cognitive abilities
W e w


Fucking kys you clown

>>whats the point of vidya
>To enhance the brains cognitive abilities
user, you can stop posting now. Im not a fan of pothead but you're being a cringy idiot

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Weed helps with sleeping problems. (For me at least)

>To enhance the brains cognitive abilities

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>weed doesn't make you a loser if you weren't already a loser to begin with.
incorrect. abusing weed will make you a loser.

how bad is drinking for gains?

i drink about 4 liters of vodka a week and want to start lifting

I usually save smoking for the weekend. Fucks with my eating and sleep habits. Everything in moderation is my best motto.

Be careful what you say user, karma is a bitch.

>did you know gamers are 100% more likely to get mad pussy?

all anons are lying
smoking wont affect your gains unless you smoke before workout
i smoke everyday and have been doing as good when it comes to gain as i can going natty
it helps me with anxiety and diet and also helps when im working at home


>>Weed raises estrogen levels
this study only concludes that weed fucks with the estrogen system of female rats, it neither says it raises estrogen nor tests for male rats, let alone humans

>Weed decreases testosterone and growth hormone, tobacco increases them (but also raises cortisol which is a catabolic hormone):
this is interesting, would almost make me consider smoking again to counteract some of the effects of the weed
This is actually interesting
If you have more studies about this please share

>Weed Causes Long Term Cognitive Damage:
I´m skipping all the parts about acute effects of cannabis because that´s obvious
Current findings: slight reduction in verbal memory, altered risk assesment

>Weed Worsens Symptoms Of Social Anxiety Disorder:
>Weed Causes Depression And Anxiety Disorders
Most of your studies either found no correlation or found a correlation with a predisposition to depression or when using cannabis in adolesence, only one study found a small correlation, last two links didnt work
This suggests that if you're mentally healthy and not genetically predisposed to cannabis induced depression it's fine and doesn't cause it, it will only worsen things that where already there

>Weed Causes Psychotic Disorders:
Don't smoke during adolesence, the rest of the studies theorise that cannabis worsens symptoms or triggers a predisposition to psychotic disorders or that the effects are only acute

it does fuck with testosterone while it is in your system (residual effects are from 2 to 6 weeks)
it alters risk assessment and slightly worsens verbal memory
and you shouldn't fuck with it during adolescence or if you're predisposed to cannabis induced mental disorders

and yes I read them all (except for the broken links ofc)

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Kek it writes itself

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>whats the point of vidya
>To enhance the brains cognitive abilities

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