
I'm not very good at arguing but god fat acceptance needs to end you can't convince these people that they have a problem they pussyfoot around it and say you're the one that has a problem kek what should I say that would absolutely burst her boils bros? feel free to join the shit fest also /fph/

Attached: fatty1.png (815x603, 429K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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I got 3 more of these

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Also if you don't believe she is fat by that disgusting hand check out the rest of her profile

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I'm seeing the shit show on IG and you do not realize how bad I want to tell her things. As someone who's been obese all his life, and finally around a more decent weight I want to post something. Good job OP

Good job on making it user, please tell her off if you want to

>even if this is your opinion....

Im that line are they not doing the same exact thing they are complaining about you doing? The difference being that they agree with their opinions and not yours so its okay for them.

i need to use that last post in my daily life.

>when your thumb is bigger than most people's big toes

>Never stop being you
I fucking hate roasties

There's a severely obese guy at work who smells faintly of feces all the time. Wat do?

Also, he's a volunteer emergency responder, so he already knows everything there is to know about human health.

I'm really starting to hate "her"

Attached: 2019-08-14.png (902x1442, 59K)

Nothing. Say absolutely nothing.
Be contend with the fact that you're healthier than them and that they are slowly killing themselves.
Nothing you say will change their minds anyways. They will, as you said yourself, pussyfoot around it with whatever they heard or think anyways. Not even worth the time trying to help them

>You are an internet troll who prowls hashtags trying to bring people down

Says the woman who posted a picture of her middle finger and says she plans to use it on everyone that disagrees with her.

Is this a joke? What is the point of counting calories if you’re gonna eat a whole little ceasers by yourself?

Oh god that dog has seen some shit

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I just started working out and trying to get fit. I use myfitness pal to simply feel more accountable for what i eat.

Granted i havent downed a little cesars, but counting calories helps keep concious of what goes in an in turn helps you make healthier decisions with that knowlege

Wtf did she take a shower with her dog?

>tfw still under my daily goal

You have to just look away, as Nietzsche advises us. (The Gay Science #276)

You don't need to "D E S T R O Y" idiots and "refute" them--reason only changes the minds of the reasonable, and the reasonable aren't fat accepters.

When you engage in a certain kind of talk, it sucks you in. We don't speak. Language speaks. To argue against religious nuts is to become religious, to speak their words. Same with fatties, feminists, etc. Don't just be a mirror image, an inversion. Be...wait for it...yourself.

She looks like a fucking golem made of butter, a margerin goblin

sneak mass gainer into his food and so that he eventually explodes

Based and redpilled

Is this real? Is this how it works? She skips breakfast and then binges on garbage later in the day? This kind of relationship with food is completely disfunctional. Also, notice how she advertises how she's on antidepressants, even though it has no impact on the calorie target, for extra pity points.

>thinking there are specific times of the day when you must eat

That’s how these furtive creatures work. They “try” to eat an insanely small amount (250kcal) at one time, and then say “too hard” and binge 3,200 extra kcal. Then they try and justify it, and they try to internally rationalize it. The general outcome is “I’m already beautiful, I’m fine the way I am.” In reality, they are vastly insecure and they must vocalize their internal rationalizations, as they are simply not enough. They require external validation from their circle jerking like minded peers. This type of behavior can commonly be found on the ideological masturbatory site known as twitter, and often not just about big buttery fat fucks

I take showers with my dog

How long is this bitches finger ... ???

tell them that being fat is them taking themselves out of the gene pool

it's evolution that weak minded fatties die early and don't procreate

this is what i thought

Holy shit cringe

Wtf you can do that?

Finally someone on this board who has actually read Nietzsche. Also, you're right.

>"use it to tell people you can't be moved"

Kek. A forklift truck could.

i would love to suck and lick that finger

"She" does it constantly. If he wasn't such a lulzcow I would have defriended him because he's constantly bitchy and whiny (life is so hard, boo hoo hoo) and dramatic about everything.
Unfortunately it's real. It's not how "she" usually works. Usually it's a couple stops at fast food places and then a binge at night.

Attached: Why can't I lose weight.png (1168x1078, 137K)

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My name is Schenee Murry and I'm from Indianapolis, Indiana and I was on a weight loss show "My 600-Lb. Life" to lose weight and conquer my dreams. Through the course of the show I was rushed to Texas to save my life, but the show turned into just a scheme to broadcast my business for the purpose of humiliating me for the sake of ratings. This was not a real or true story of my struggle with obesity, and I would like you to "Join the Fight for Schenee", a fund I put together so that people can hear the truth of my everyday struggles and support me through them. Everyone has a story like mine even if there are differences, and if you're scared to share them let me start by being your voice! REMEMBER there's NO man that's perfect before the eyes of our Lord Jesus Christ son of God. We all have our good and our bad, our skeletons in the closet. Will you join our fight? Because it's not mine anymore. I wanted to go home but I'm not giving up and neither should you.
"Team Schenee" - GoFundMe

I think I have 100% accurately and faithfully translated her Niggerish into English.
Please rate my translation, comment, subscribe, and don't forget to click the bell to get ALL notifications!

Attached: Schenee.jpg (940x3072, 695K)

Ty user, I genuinely couldn’t understand it. Not even having a go. It’s like a different language.

evolution is the reason so many people get fat these days to begin with. Because humans didn't evolve with 3 meals/day and stuff in between. They developed with days of nothing (or very little) and some big fucking feast (meat/fat/fish) maybe once a week. So if you can eat all and still not get fat, you would be kill in antiquity, because you couldn't survive without functional fat storage. Don't blame them fatties, blame those who tell them they have to shove shit into themselves all the time.

Breakfast is literally the point when you 'break your fast', uasually after an extended period of sleep. Doesn't matter when that is or what you eat.

>8 hours

Nobody eats immediately before bed or immediately after waking up. It's likely closer to 10-12 hours.

>10-12 hours

good god... this one just makes me sad man

>not putting on a glucose IV bag before going to bed
not gonna make it

Anyone for the screen grab from the wife who joins haes and her husband doesn't wanna fuck her anymore?

I'm only correcting your stupid "8 hours" comment, you idiot, not defending him.

So it's a tranny? Wasn't that gathering enough attention for him? Disgusting. These people should be gassed.

More importantly WTF! Is she feeding the kids?

>stupid "8 hours" comment
>you idiot

>taking showers with your dog
>not taking showers with your family members

You are literally retarded. Kill yourself.

The dots are to help them distinguish between their fingers and sausage links during a feeding frenzy.

Yes I think you've faithfully translated it, in that it makes grammatical sense without having lost the original author's uniquely retarded voice. Subscribed.

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>we all have bad an good skeletons

Attached: good an bad skeletons.jpg (600x525, 24K)

>Takes antidepressants
>Downs 9 cups of wine for "dinner"

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>knows everything there is to know about human health.

It recently started using the actual pill names
Yeah. A "straight" tranny married to a "woman" (not sure if male). They were in an abusive relationship but I think they're apart now.
Based on him and his spouse's reactions to trying to lose weight, I'm guessing the kids and "wife" are fat too.

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How does Jow Forums feel about paying for fat peoples' healthcare?

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>Calorie target 1,500.
>Eats 1,490 calories before midday.

Gold fucking star.

Even with the corrected grammar, spellings and phrasing it still sounds retarded.


Fat bitch never stops thinking about food.

Fat people use them to scrub the folds in their skin.

>Girls night out
>Goes to Little Caesars and McDs


Attached: Screenshot_20180815-085759_Firefox.jpg (1080x223, 56K)

>above 7000 calories in a day
>completely sedentary
>"i'll look so hot in these workout clothes"

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>This is for everyone who thinks I’m “fat”. Let me prove you right.
What was her goal with this exactly?

>220g protein
Bulk so hard motherfuckers gonna fine me.

Attached: Big_Guy.webm (1280x720, 1.46M)

t. Canadian

>trying to force it compulsively on every Stranger you meet denotes a serious psychological issue
Trying to force food down your throat compulsively denotes a serious psychological issue

7000 calories!
My god! I can eat 3000 no problem but 7000!!!

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thats the sodium, she ate 3.4k calories

I’m a retard. I just got carried away in my fat people hate

"She" did eat 7k here.

Yeah, it's exactly the kind of thing I used to do when I struggled with bulimia. I know people have had success with intermittent fasting, but for someone not used to dieting, or someone with an already unhealthy relationship with food, skipping meals makes you a lot more likely to binge. It really makes me sad to see people set themselves up for failure like this.

>eats pizza for breakfast
>9 motherfucking cups of wine
>more pizza
>meme pills
>meme pills with meme names
And she has kids.
I genuinely believe killing off fat people would improve every part of a country.

You speak Jive?

o fuk

Do you believe in GAWWD

>obesity problems
>mental health problems
>probably substance abuse problems
>has kids

They don't have a chance. Not a fucking chance, and that's not fair.

Used to work at Wendy’s and there were a few times when I had to sweep up fries in the bathroom stalls. That’s when I started to truly hate fat people and realize they are subhumans.

150 g protein
Cant stil the gains train user, you ready to get mogged seeing this sphere pushing 3pl8 at the gym?


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Its nothing to do with race Jow Forumstard, its an uneducated fat person problem. To let racism seep into this thread is to dilute everything we stand for here.

>Taking medication for depression, "hypothyroidism", hormonal issues, and high blood pressure.

Wow, what a shame they're going through all these issues. Totally not related to eating twice her recommended caloric intake.

>1500 daily goal
>goes over that with pure FUCKING WINE

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How the hell do these fat fucks even afford all this shit? Like half of them are unemployed or working near minimum wage jobs.

Imagine consuming 2000 calories in a day just from wine. Seriously just fucking imagine it.

Just let them die and filter out from the heart failure that's bound to happen soon enough

>Not doing 3 bottles a day of red wine
^Never going to make it.

>Not drinking over 2000 cal of wine and chasing it down with a fistful of antidepressants

>Use it to tell people you've had enough


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Been there, done that. Preferred whiskey

>The sodium
Dear God