Who was the most Jow Forums-wrestler?

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John Cena because every time someone talks shit about someone's physique/diet/program and gets asked to post their picture, you can't see them.

thass breddy funny

Bret Hart had the most perfect intersection of functional and aesthetic strength ever. No surprise though considering he's the best wrestler there ever was.

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you are talking about Bret "The Shitman" Fart?

The Rock or Batista

the ONLY correct answer is Chris Benoit
for both reasons

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>Having a wife and son
that's not what this board is about lol

The BLOATLORD himself

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>who was most fit wrestler?
that's gotta be, that's gotta be Kane

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How tall was he, really?

According to the autism that is celebheights his peak height was 6'7.5

wait what? he got 5.5 inches added to his billed height? did he wrestle in lifts?

the wiki claims that the big show and kane are the same height. 213cm. but we know that big show is a lot taller than kane. they always said that kane was "nearly 7 feet tall", i heard druing a show the annoucners claim big show is 7'2 or something. i would believe that he's 6'7 in reality, which is still fucking huge

Rick Rude

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consider me ravished


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his legs though

Attached: rick rude legs.jpg (273x340, 26K)

also the world's greatest mathematician

His freaks and his peaks

he corrected his error

Plus Cena is still strong af

the ultimate chad

Goy Goldberg

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Is that "Every wrestler should be paid equally" Ryback?

Are you sure about that?

"Mogged by Blaha" Ryback?

It's an upper body business

This mother fucker.
The wolverine, wasn’t this sick cunt a good 200lbs + at 5”11

upper body business kid

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