Vegan of 10 years goes for a meat eating diet for a month.
Vegan of 10 years goes for a meat eating diet for a month
I see zero difference.
Well it's only a month
>he's flexing slightly differently
u blind nibba?
Your body peception is really poor.
Why did you think any of this is notable, then?
fuck off faggot
vegans vehemently btfo
you're right, if you look closer, the pose is slightly different
This dude really rubs me the wrong way. He's fucking weird.
U might wanna check ur diet m8. Your perception could be compromized because of malnutrition or something.
A total looney for sure, but it's funny how much of a total turn around he has made because of this. He was suffering from heath issues all the time while being vegan and he rationalized it with detox and such. Now he is going to die from food poisoning or parasites because he eats raw meat in thailand, but the transformation he has made here is quite impressive.
Bloated estrogenic face on carni lmao. Enjoy your mammalian estrogen.
casey really is mentally ill. i mean, who is constantly sick for 10+ years and tries every single idiotic remedy he can find on the internet to try and cure himself? including eating spoonfuls of turpentine to "kill the parasites". he's always parrotting that he's "healing the gut" and this is "all for the health" but he lives in a fucking third-world country eating raw meat and won't pay the money to have a good doctor or naturopath figure out what is wrong with his guts. it's a simple dysbiosis that any comprehensive stool analysis could remedy, including some SIBO testing but he's so stubborn that he can heal himself that he's now on the pure retardation sv3rige diet. dude's retarded, just like the rest of them.
also, he looks like absolute shit and only does calisthenics. what a faggot.
That fucking calvin klein underwear shoving.
its like eating a carni diet is lowering IQ.
>it's a simple dysbiosis that any comprehensive stool analysis could remedy
an analysis doesn't remedy shit, you sound like an r-tard bro
what's wrong with eating meat if i hunt all of my food and have my own cows for milk and cheese and boycot large meat corporations?
nothing is wrong with eating meat at all
Since when did he say he eats raw meat, Gojiman samefaggot.
i know user but one thing i do agree with is that large mead industries treat animals very poorly. then again, how are you going to feed poor people who just want a couple of steaks and can't afford all the fancy vegan food
Different pose
Different lighting
He looks slightly slimmer but it's hard to tell any difference even in fat loss.
He's been having issues long before going vegan, and eating foods like butter and cheese make it worse for him, eggs too appearently.
He's not eating raw meat now, if he was eating raw meat he could possibly fuck himself over since he's not eating "clean meat", he's in fucking thailand lmao.
>It took him 1 month to learn how to pose
Lmao @ur brane brainlet
Its so painfully obvious it's done in jest
He's in SEA too, them shits are like 99% surely fake
All of this vegan cope is hilarious
>herpaderp different pose
how about
dont be a vegan
dont be a carnivore
be am omnivore
It's literally worked for us since we became our own species
let the mentally ill ones fight user
OP provide some numbers. Weight, bf%, change in strength, is he faster/slower now? Does he have better/worse digestion while sport? What sport does he do? Anything cardio? Did his blood change? What are his fitness related goals? Does he even have some?
Shoulder and traps, but I would hardly attribute it to diet
This. What is most interesting to me is that most of these raw meaters turn to that straight from veganism. Mentally ill people attracted to extremes and can only live in the extremes.
Let them all fight with themselves until the extremes inevitably fade out completely, as it always did in history.
but they seem so well adjusted and not at all like crazy fucks
so here's the thing, i actually respect the shit out of people that knows where their food actually comes from (farmer kids for example) they know there has to be something slaugthered for there to be meat
then there are women and s~o~y boys that see a cow get killed or a chicken get its hard cut off and they freak out how horrible it is to look at, 2 hours later they are happily shopping around in the meat section in the super market because that's not killed animals thats just food
if you killed every single meal yourself, looked the thing in the eye as the life seeps out of its body, more power to you because you a) understand that meat doesn't just magically appear in the super market fridge b) chances are you are probably more attuned with animals in general and treat them with more respect
t. 7th year vegetarian
fucking kill yourself
im not a farm animal so no
delts got bigger
traps got bigger
he now shows his underwear and became sluttier
fixed his onions boy permaopen mouth expression
Herp derp derp
derp derp derp derp
derp derp derp
^ this thread
his delts and triceps look slightly bigger
>this triggers the vegan
He said that he boils the meat for like 10 seconds just in case, but eats it raw.
different pose, he's spreading his arms and lats in the first pic, in the second pic he's bringing his arms in close to his torso, which "flatens" hi delts and arms and makes them look wider".
Look at his pecs, literally the same size.
His lats protude more o n the second photo because he's not spreading his lats and he's actively pulling his traps up with his scapula.
>bad posture/good posture
nice bait
Wow dude, i didn't know meat improved your room's lightning
What fucking transformation, he is flexing, he has better lightning and still looks pretty much the same
Little to no change. This isn't worth a thread. Man in OP's pic is DYEL in both pictures, lol.
The posture is actually exactly the same. The spine lines up perfectly.
You would think that he is not flexing in the first picture but it do.
he is flexing, but he is using a worse posture, he's spreading his lats and arms which make his delts and arms look less wide than rested against your torso, spreading your lats also makes your traps disappear, he also seems just as lean as he used to be
he probably made some muscle gain, it's just that it isn't noticeable.
Because he is mentally ill.
so meat makes you stop mouth-breathing and straighten your arms?
I've been watching him for a couple years now, this is what he does. He tries a new diet, claims he's finally cured, then a few months later he's complaining it didn't cure him and hops on some other meme.
Don't look at his body fuckwit. Look at his eyes, his face. He has the face of a predator now that he's been eating like a predator.
for one his face doesn't look like he wants to die.
Fucking this. Less serratus definition means he put on some fat is the only difference.
>have my own cows for milk and cheese
Oh really? What do you do with the calves, and how long do your cows live?
>just want a couple steaks
>fruit, vegetables, grains, nuts, and legumes are fancy
Low quality bait
He did say 'if'.
There's no difference other than he's flexing abs in one and traps in the other and the light is harsher in the first
There's also no difference between vegan and non vegan diets in lifting- every piece of evidence ever done has shown that the source of protein doesn't matter so long as it's complete
If you want to shit on vegans go ahead, but don't do it because of fitness where it has literally zero effect unless you're talking long term vitiamin deficiencies like b12, but since those can be controlled for in vegan diets they're also mostly irrelevant
The few vegans I've actually talked to were/are all fine with this. But they were all also fine with whatever diet you want so long as you don't talk about it and pretend it's what's right for everyone
Ironically, also the same response I get from meat eaters who aren't idiots
tl;dr Jow Forums likes to hate vegans because some of them on instagram etc are retarded
More shoulders, fuckton of angrogen receptors in there and eating red meat raises testosterone (especially because of zinc)
I love the way the light reflects off his angrogen receptors
>and eating red meat raises testosterone
Studies show the opposite- primarily because of and thought to be because of saturated fat
Red meat was ultra rare in almost all of human history and, as studies show, fowl and fish are far better options both for muscle growth and free testosterone independently
Also the other guy is right, there's no difference other than light and flex