User when's the last time you've been to the dentist? You do brush twice a day right? And floss & use mouthwash...

user when's the last time you've been to the dentist? You do brush twice a day right? And floss & use mouthwash? Please tell me you do user...

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i floss twice a day but only brush once. mouthwash doesn't do shit

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I probs haven't washed my teeth in 2 months

You should probably do that.

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Brush twice, floss once before bed.

Mouthwash is a meme and does nothing you can't get with toothpaste as long as you buy the right kind. Colgate Total has tritophan or whatever for anti-gingivitis which is the only thing mouthwash does.

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>user when's the last time you've been to the dentist?
Last week.

>You do brush twice a day right?

>And floss
Irregularly. I should do it more often.

>& use mouthwash
No, my dentist recommends against it. He says it discolors my teeth.

Sadly my teeth are already pretty discolored. They're always yellow, yet my dentist claims my teeth are healthy and my oral hygiene up to standards. I'm afraid to try tooth bleaching as it could damage my teeth.

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It's too late user, just pull them all out and start over

almost ten years since I went to the dentist lol

i suggest you do it twice a day. I used to do this and one of my tooth started to rot. Now its down to half but was able to stop it from decaying any further. It hurts like hell when i use it to chew though.

its been a few years since my last dental cleaning but yes I do all those other things.

is this alternate universe spiderman? Where doc oct decides to become a dentist?

Almost ten years. AMA

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Last month, I go twice a year.

Brush and mouthwash twice a day, floss every night. Have only been flossing and brushing at night for the last like three years. I don't know how the fuck I could stand not doing it before. Mouth feels dirty as fuck by the end of the day. I am seriously overdue for a cleaning, though, and I'm pretty sure I need a filling or two.

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>Tfw dentist says one of my wisdom teeth is crooked so they need to be all removed
>this was years ago
>notice a couple weeks ago that said wisdom tooth felt weird
>touch it with my tongue and half of it crumbles
>goto dentist and he tells me
>"yeah thats why that tooth needed to be removed, it was going to get a major cavity no matter what"

Had those fuckers removed

Of course I do, anime girl.

Completely avoid all processed sugars and do not smoke

Brush my teeth once a day with natural toothpaste free of flouride (an extremely toxic chemical)

haven't been to the dentist in 8 years

zero problems

teeth are white and look good

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I didnt brush for months. Its only recently that i have started to care.
My gums are unhealthy. Receeding bleeding gums. I can see the bone above my teeth on some. It's gone from brown to black.
If the bone rots then i cant have dentures. So.
Life sucks.

Nah I'm just waiting for the stem cell teeth regrowth procedure

My teeth are too tightly packed to floss them without blood and it being painful.

Floss once a day
Brush teeth with cocoa powder

how do you know there are no problems if you haven't been to a dentist
cavities don't cause pain until they've been going for years and have gone through all the enamel and into the bone
which is too late to do anything about it except extract

Brush my teeth twice a day but haven't been to the dentist in 3-4 years.

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tooth spacing has nothing to do with gums bleeding
if they're bleeding it's because you don't floss enough and have the beginnings of gingivitis

Lol "natural toothpaste" as if such a thing exists. Fluoride is literally what prevents cavities. Yes, it's toxic, hence why it spends max 2 minutes in your mouth before you spit it out. You definitely have multiple cavities this very minute, have fun with a mouth full of fillings next time you see the dentist.

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yes, at least twice a day
I rarely floss tho..
mouthwash is for people who don't brush their teeth