Hey, slave, do ten push-ups right now.
Hey, slave, do ten push-ups right now
Big Lenny fucks more feminine trannies than that.
Yes mistress.
>calling me a slave
yeah, sure buddy
Only 2m tall muscular amazons can call me a slave
Only after destroying your asshole, baby.
Watch your mouth, woman!
I used to have a gf who was quite dominant but also liked me being rough with her too. Sex was basically like a fight. She used to love ordering me to work out naked in front of her as she masturbated. In between sets I'd eat her out.
I was always like a fucking rock when lifting.
The term you're looking for is "switch."
lucky you
extremely jelly
w-will do b-best emma
Yeah it was a sweet deal but I think it effected my gains. She would love me going down on her after she got back from running too.
I'll push-up your turds back up your rectum BB.
she's so qt i dont care what anyone says
girls with pretty faces are way better than gym thots
The most desirable traits that either a man or a woman can have will always be things that you're born with, not things that can be trained. Height/face/frame for men, face/fat distribution for women. Light eyes, hair, and skin across all races. Intelligence and conscientiousness. You can't train any of that, and they're desirable in almost every successful culture on the planet.
I jerked off to her rape scene
My brother
What the fuck a talking fridge!?
Only if you'll give me a hug afterwards
it's Princess Rene you absolute retard.
her what now?
I too, did this.
whats the fucking name of the fucking movie got damn it????????????
Always had a crush on Emma Roberts since I was like 13, so yeah I'd do them
american horror story coven season premiere
>Princess Rene
Oh man, that hits me where I live
Although I like insults, words like retard and stuff are too mean. Insult ME, not others
For some reason I don't think this is from AHS. Also don't remember her getting raped
Wait was she raped by that slave with the big animal head thing?
I just wanna cuddle with her
Sorry but I'm going to do 10 non magical leviosas instead.
oh shit yeah it is, I remember now
who is the one on the right?
>can't train intelligence
Kek have fun being as smart as a newborn !
A fucking zoomer
oh no fuck she was gangbanged or some shit at the party
It would be even hotter if she wasn't holding that fucking fake LA health drink
Y-yes ma'am
>tfw unironically did them
Fuck nigga.
Bitch is fine.
I wanna fuck this lil hoe like bad. Stepping on her face with my chippewa boots. After walking on straight dog shit nigga.
I want this hoe crying and pukin nigga. "Nah nigga nah no more". Bitch
You finna take this dick. All up in yo guts hoe. Then my homies finna run a train on you. Puke on this dick bitch. Glark the niggas up.
Imma straight pouya this slut. Knife and gun in her pussy. Gonna make her cum. Dat creamy pussy. Be like PBOW PBOW PBOW!
Six shots nigga. New holes for the boys to fuck nigga. I wanna fuck this hoe's guts nigga. Straight blow that ass out and gnaw nigga.
Gay ass lookin hoe. Lookin like a dumbass. Straight dick inna booty ass nigga. She look like she do math nigga
Id fuck her
kys yourself m8
Fuck you
My girlfriend and I take turns dominanting each other
>tfw going to the mall and we both have remote vibrating buttplugs in and have each other's remotes
Pretty fun
Gay ass niggas FOH
No but seriously, the fuck are those?
yes mistress
gib WEBm pls?
Blonde hair on guys is gross
You mean cock push-ups right?
Can anyone elaborate on this? Currently same situation with my FWB.
fuck off bitch I'm trying to take a shit
Was taking a shit when reading this. Can confirm hivemind.
It just means that you can take on dominant or submissive roles. Sometimes me and my gf fight for dominance, sometimes we take turns in the same session, and sometimes we assume one role per session. It's just a little more flexible than one or the other