How big is too big in regards to cock size? In all these pornos I see tiny girls taking massive cocks but in the real world does it translate? I’m 9 inches hard and I’ve had girls refuse entry.
How big is too big in regards to cock size...
the lowest a girl will go for is 10 inches, 18 inches is already a bit too much
It suck being 7.5 dicklet, if i was 9 i would not be a virgin at 22yo
I’m pretty sure that’s not the reason you haven’t gotten laid
It would be easier to get laid with a huge dong though, just go on any fetish forum and have your cock size publiscly available and any hungry queen slampig will follow
8" is the absolute maximum for me, and even that is really pushing it
at that point it's already becoming a turn off
Welcome to gonorrhea
Why would you want to do this to yourself?
Depends on the girl, 90% won't care if there's a dick in front of them they'll ride it. For some they're happy if it's hard, some are content with an average one, most think big ones are 'fun' but once penetrated realise it's not as fun as once thought.
I'm a bi guy with a lot of female friends and they talk about this a lot. My dick is 6 inches so I can't give any first hand anecdotes desu you've just gotta be playful about it. Average fit poster is 6'5 and has a 8.6 inch dick so surely someone can answer with first hand experience
>too big
how about 5.9 ?
>In all these pornos
I'm going to stop you right there.
Watch some of that big dick vs small girl porn. Don't fap to it, but actually watch it. You'll notice that it's nothing more than clever camera angles and positions that emphasize the dick being big and the girl being small. Yes, the guys do have bigger than average cocks, but it's not as big as they would seem.
For example, notice that many of the positions have the guy and his dick in the foreground, while the girl is leaning away into the background. Then there's other positions where the cock is right up against the camera, combined with a fish-eye lens that makes everything else around the guy smaller.
My average wiener looks bigger in the mirror than it does when I look down at it
This gives me hope
Holy shit! Jow Forums censored c/uck
My boyfriend no homo, can't fuck me because of his girthy dick so i'm fucking him instead. The lesson is lenght wont mater girth is real.
Hey moron it's being shot by kikes it's literal propaganda. In reality they use fish eye lenses small girls and low wide angles to make the nig dicks look huge but they are about 8 inches in reality
You fail to realize the average pornstar is a mite over 8". You fall for camera angles and tiny whores.
So why I have fucked 8 diff girls in my life being 23 and a fucking 5'6 malet with a 5'5 inch dick? You think is a miracle?
Stop bitching around lol
I'm 7.5" and I've been with sluts that were bored with it and I've also been with nice quiet girls who don't have much sex and it hurt them
Just depends on the girl, some are looser
Sorry, I meant centimeters not inches lol
6-7 inches is my fave, any more than that can really hurt. also too much girth hurts.
I lack in length, but I make up for it in girth. Kind of sucks because thick girls are more of a challenge.
5.5" length, 5.5" girth
6.5 length, 5 girth
w-will I make it, brehs?
Same length and experience here
>mfw im perfect
Lol no, i’m 18cm and this is above average but not impressive and far away from ´too big’, 20cm (8 inches) and you start getting into big boi territory
Nowadays zoomer girls are getting fisted and call their boyfriends daddy.
9 inches is far from ‘too big’
Pretty much this desu. 5.5"x5" cock measured actually, had 3 females complain it was too big for them, most just say it's the biggest they had. I think it's much more so the girth than the length.
They don't pull out a measuring tape before they sit on it or stick it in their mouth, and the lies men before me tell them about size led to a few "you must be like 9 inches or something" comments. The second you cheat on them with her hotter friend/sister however, your dick becomes the smallest thing she saw, so don't think women know anything.
Daily reminders: Jow Forums dick length starts where the taint meets the asshole and circumference is with a sock over it. Porn is shot with the shortest people with average cocks adding a lot of angles+lighting so the cock looks bigger than it is. If you have to ask if your cock is small/isn't big enough, your dick is fine and you lack the confidence to get laid anyways so don't even worry.
Would trade an inch of length for an inch of girth desu.
7 inches here
I've had no complaints about my benis
> its another "everyone has a 7-8 inch dick" thread
I'd trade an inch of length for a longer cumshot desu
Femanon here
As long as is at least 15 cm it's good, 19-20 cm max
17 cm is ideal
Maybe even a 14 cm one could make it for me
I heard some girls have naturally deeper vaginas than others tho
My guy is 15 or 16 cm and it's great, and if I ride him in certain angle it can hurt a bit
>in the “”very”” satisfying zone
I didnt know i was this much of a cocklet
OP started with 9 so it's pretty under control so far
It's literally the opposite for me. WTF.
> it's another "mines small so everyone's must be" user
Depends on the woman. I'm 9" and can't get halfway into most Asian women I've been with.
>tfw my best nights ever were with a Amazonian redhead and a tall escort.
Need more little giants in my life.
>would probably cry if I measure my girth due to how thin it is
I have already accepted that I'm going to die virgin and alone. No one deserves such a miserable fate.
No such thing as too long, she'll just tell you no going balls deep and still enjoy herself while you have less stimulation as a result.
Theres only too wide, and that can vary depending on the girl.
that's the point tho. i could claim to be 7 inches or 9 inches.
claiming dick size without measured proof is probably the most pointless thing you can do
Only real response
> le small dick xD
> i got a 9 inch dick bro if you think im bullshitting you're just a dicklet lel xD
you don't get it do you. claiming dick size without measured proof is probably the most pointless thing you can do
All measurements rounded down.
that isn't measured proof
This isn't >>/soc/
Im only 6.5" and I've bottomed out on all but one chick I was with.
I've read most of the studies that are provided as sources for those dick measuring sites and iirc a 9" is like 1/1000000 or some other very large number and im pretty sure in the 10s of thousands of dicks measured by a doctor they never actually recorded a niner ever, and these are compiled from many countries all around the world.
The likelihood that there is even one regular poster/lurker on fit with 9" is very low, and that there are two people claiming that, even if we pretended every single person who visits Jow Forums saw this thread is still very unlikely.
its e-stating
post feminine benis
Time to start jelqing
My penis is 9.5 inches long (srs). Fuck yourselves.
>tfw on the very edge of the enjoyable zone
S-suck it, dicklets, h-ha ha
thats anal sex you twit. vaginal sex is different. there's a limit to length.
Stop watching porn and thinking it's real or realistic. What kind of fucking retard watches fake nigger dick and smoke n mirrors 'professional' porn and thinks they have to compete.
No dick is ever to big
this a 100%
everything else in this thread is just desperate cope and it's honestly sickening
the biggest dick gets the women, always been that way, always will
deal with it, dwarf-cocks
t. 10.5" Ubermale
This is cope
Anything >7.5" in length, and/or >6.5" in girth will be generally be too big to 'powerfuck' (i.e. bunny fuck) the vast majority of women.
People with above average sized dicks are more willing to post about it.
That being said, I've given girls a good dicking and am about 7 inches. One said it hurt the other said it was nice but I "killed her". Can't even imagine what 8 or above would do desu, I wouldn't even want that if you can't use all of it.
Is this including Pikmin dicks?
so you admit its just e-statting then
>I’m 9 inches hard
No you are not.
>being 7.5
No you are probably not.
>the average pornstar is a mite over 8"
No they are not.
>I'm 7.5"
No you are probably not.
>6+ inch girth
No you probably do not have this
No you probably aren't.
>it's a low IQ retard doesn't understand statistics and doesn't know the average Jow Forums poster is literally too stupid to use a tape measure properly
This, a 9+ inch cock is so exceedingly rare that it might as well not even exist. 6+ inch girth is in the same category.
No it absolutely is not.
>People with above average sized dicks are more willing to post about it.
Deluded retards*
At 7” I’ve hurt girls before. Can’t go balls deep during doggy. Have to be careful. Feels bad.
Are the dicklet posters back or are you upset that you're not the only dude around with a decent sized schlonger?
Regardless, I feel bad for you
best feeling is balls deep ass smacking your pelvis. sorry
>tfw confuse gf's moans of pain for pleasure
>tfw she gets quiet and sulky afterwards
I don't have to prove shit to you, CUNT. My >7" dick exists whether I show it to you or not.
But if you really wanna see a pic of my dick post-cum that can be arranged.
>being this much of an angry dicklet
>having sex
Lmao fucking fags
Haha ya i do that when i have sex which happens alot haha ya thats my fav lol
It's only when you do it in caps, fucking redditors
>No you probably do not have this
Not gettin a dick pic, faggot
>mods censor CUK and soi
>leave BLACKED
Btw this place is an Alphabet asset, Moot sold us out and went to Goygle.
Instructions unclear. Fapped to it.
Just be jacked and tell everyone you're over compensating for your tiny wiener. People will respect your honesty
Cuck is only censored in all caps because Hiroshima forgot to remove that specific filter.
Why are you pretending that BLACKED gets spammed nearly as much as a basedboy and cuck
Basedboy wasnt even spammed and was around for like 3 months before the KIKED mods got triggered and banned it
>tfw 97% in both
>bone pressed measurements
Lmaoing at your life
Well I'm 7 inches. I've hurt every girl I've slept with except for one. One ex girlfriend even said she'd want a smaller bf after we broke up. Size Queens exist but I think girls all prefer something average
You don't have a 9 inch penis. If you do, how does it magically fit inside a 7 inch condom?
Im like, 5 inches dude. Dick size has very little to do with it.
Cannot confirm, also 18cm here and my girlfriend always shrieks out in pain when i go too rough or balls deep
my cock is exactly 6 inches but im 6'2 so it looks small
why does not being a manlet have this curse
My dick is like 6.5-7" and I'm pretty sure I've felt my gf's cervix, but just barely. I imagine much more than that would hurt her, or I couldn't go all the way in
>this whole thread
this is your brain on BLACKED
I have a 5.75” diq hard and a girl I hooked up with said it was the biggest she’d seen. I was also super depressed during the entireity of our fling and thus couldn’t get fully hard. Yet I still stacked up favorably. Do most guys just have tiny wieners?
Yeah. Don't let porn warp your perception. Remember that if the average is 5 or whatever, over half of all guys are smaller than you.
This. Holy shit. The jews or whatever have really fucked with your heads. Unless you're like