Doing skullcrushers

>Doing skullcrushers
>Gym thot doing some gay meme shit on the bench in front of me bending over and shit
>Finish set
>Sit up
>Can't pull out phone to browse social media or change song because people will think i'm trying to film her ass with my phone

You creepy autists ruin everything. I don't even like the type of girls that go to the gym. I guess it would help if they weren't dressed like thots but it's annoying.

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Do you hold your phone straight up in the air or something? Why would it even look like you're recording people if you're using a phone like a normal person

Nigga grow the fuck up and drop the bar on her neck. Record THAT. Me straight rawdogging her toenails. Im good nigga. You can pussyfoot and rubberneck. Imma whip my dick out and piss on these hoes. Pussy.

based redpilled

mirin those digits

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Just don’t point your phone’s camera at her or turn so you’re not facing her. Why is this a problem?

Well it's generally pointed at the ground but at an angle, also could depend if you're standing up or not. You think the creepy fucks who film chicks asses and post them to Youtube hold their phone straight up in the air? Probably not

What did he mean by this

Everyone is on their phone all the time between sets you self conscious retard

Hes too alpha to understand

This. Saw someone almost get hit by an ambulance crossing the street on their phone. Literally the most natural thing you could do next to breathing is having aphone pressed up to your face in 2019.

>checking social media in gym
what the fuck is wrong with all you people
workout time is no phone time.
unless your changing the song playing, it should never be out
if facebook is that important to you, you should be banished from the gym

>you have to stare at the ground or at yourself in a mirror like me between sets

>Record THAT. Me straight rawdogging her toenails

>calling people autists
>so insecure he can't check his phone

user...i have news for you.

>not giving gym thots creepy smiles so they avoid you and not ruin your routine
Never gonna make it.

Should have just filmed her arse, lad.

This. OP should've film her and then show her the vid, mentioning that she needs to work harder, because her thot body is not developed enough for boosting T your level.

Just hold your phone with your hand over the camera

Ok, this is epic

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What time is prime thot time at commercial gyms? Like 4-5pm?

>not lifting with your friends and shooting the shit in between sets

I refuse to use a smartphone like some zoomer scum. Only drawback is being forced to listen to 70iq gym music.

Prime thot time at my gym is 4-6
They like to come from around 4 cause all the tradies get off work at 3, hit the gym at 4. And thats when they get the most attention. After 6 its just oldies and roidbros with office jobs.

>checking social media
Hopefully your skull actually gets crushed

>Can't pull out phone to browse social media
>In the gym
People like you deserves to be dragged out in the street and savagely beaten to death