How to obtain black qt gf

Has anyone else found themselves more attracted to black women after they've started lifting? I've never found them attractive until this year after I've been lifting for 1 year. How does one obtain a black qt 3.14 gf? This is coming from an Asian dude

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Other urls found in this thread:

>How to obtain black qt gf
>This is coming from an Asian dude
You don't. Sorry.

Condolences on your jungle fever.

Don’t get dismayed my friend. My waifu is Afro carribean and she got hardcore rice fever. I’m white. A number of black women ive met have been open to Asian men, you just gotta actually approach them. Sorry in advance for your parents reaction.

Black girls are hot as long as they have hair. Many of them wear wigs. Big turn off.

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I just wanna nut idc bout the melanin count

Sorry man, I'm a southern white guy who's pulled his fair share of black pussy but it's really hard if you're not also black.
Half of them will dismiss you right there
Upside is those that fugg want super kinky race play shit

How do you broach that topic in bed?

How to catch an STD

I thought bestiality was illegal.

I care. If she ain't at least 70% then it's a no-go for me. No lightskins.

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You don't broach it at all. They'll put your hand on their throat and tell you to call them your little nigger pet.

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Do they really? Do they use the word nigger?

Fucking black girls is easy, if you can get white girls you can get black girls.
Black gf is not so easy, they are going to get so much shit from other black people for dating a white boy that it's usually just not worth it for them.
t. long time jungle fever

>tfw no black qt3.15
>tfw no black gf into raceplay
Why are you making me feel these things?

Disgusting. kys.

yeah bro

due to kpop a lot of black girls are getting yellow fever, it can happen to you easily man just b urself:

Although they may not be what OP wants, cutie blacks love asian niggas

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How tall are you

I dont get black girls, my stepbros well into em but I've never really found one attractive. Especially like pic related where its hard to define her features cos shes so dark.

Post black girls with white features.

i had a dark skin gf, god she was amazing, loving, comforting, accomadating and clinically totally fucking nuts. so hot though and sexy. too bad it just got to be too much.

Why does lifting suddenly make blacks more attractive to you? I've heard this numerous times, i just dont get it

>Implying black girls above Lower middle class, doesn't have comparable rates of stds than huwytes.

this was a very jewish post my friend

Not him, but yeah, it's more common than you'd think. Degradation/humiliation lights up the same pleasure centers in the brain.

I was just asking a question, personally I'm not attracted to them, I was just wondering why its such a common story to hear.

d i s c o r d g a n g

I know for white women (and other women generally), but I just can't imagine a black girl asking me to call her a nigger.

Why can you see it for white women, but not black women? Things like this isn't racial, it's instinctual.
It's the same reason most women have rape fantasies.

left absolutely knows how to ride good dick

user pls,I don't want to have spic/blackie golbinos,they'll probably get my spergy french accent that I got from my moms side,lul

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If blaccs take hwite gfs

And hwites take blacc gfs

Soon no one will have hwite or blacc gfs

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Never been to Louisiana or Quebec, have you?

>ywn marry a white girl and mistresses on the sly
>ywn be a chad imperialist bleaching thicc negresses

This is a fallacious argument.
Just because percentages shrink, doesn't mean we're going extinct.
In total numbers, there is literally more pure hwyte europeans, than at any moment in history.

Dont do it bros, fell in love with a qt african girl from my university, she broke things off suddenly literally 10 days after she asked me to her boyfriend. Feelsbadman

Oh ok, then.

>In total numbers, there is literally more pure hwyte europeans, than at any moment in history.

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I never said that anything like that you absolute fucktard. I just wanted to share my experience.

Hitler was a manlet loser who didn't get the job done.

>tfw I want European federation/superstate, but the franco-germanic leadership are a bunch of (((bleeding heart cucks)))

Protip, black girls love kpop boys. If you’re vaguely Asian you’re in luck. Dress nicely and do your makeup like them.

You literally said >don't do it, and I just took your comment to its extreme, for shits an giggles.