I like them a lot cause they are comfy as fuck but most of my friends say I look like a fag when I wear them.
What's Jow Forums opinion on tights?
wear capris instead. that'll show 'em
why hims feet more niggerer den hims hand?
Wear shorts over them or something, fuck
whats the point of wearing tights if you wear shorts as well?
Your friends are correct. You're a fag
Come out of the closet tom
just do what you wanna do famalam
Same reason why girls should wear skirts over their yoga pants. It's more attractive and /fa/ over showing off your flabby ass and mangly bits in front.
Your friend are right faggit
I take it nobody here lifts at a gym dedicated to pl or wl
only fags wear them , sorry op
Modesty shorts or you look like a manthtot. It's good enough for Batman good enough 4u
I wear compression shorts so my balls don't slap when i'm running
Wearing shorts over tights is like wearing a shirt to the swimming pool
Not really, the added layer makes sense for rips.
No one cares about crotch gains bro.
Wearing them under your shorts=OK
Wearing nothing but tights=Gay
>I look like a fag
you are a fag
If you're buff, girls love the eye candy. You're their version of a gym thot
whats the point then? if you wear them with shorts you might as well wear shorts only
>whats the point then?
I only wear them when it's winter time and I want to stay warm. Wearing long legged tights in the summer is pointless unless you're purposely trying to sweat your ass off.
You mean yoga pants?
girls only
So you don't look like a gigantic faggot
Only girls wear tights
Girls, and fags
Wearing shorts over tights is like wearing shorts over underwear
Because it's fucking underwear
Shorts over tights are for hobby joggers