how the fuck do I become Stacy
How the fuck do I become Stacy
1) lose weight so you're really skinny
2) get a fake tits so your tits are still big
3) do squats for a big ass
10/10 body right there
Ask Bruce Jenner
Tits or gtfo.
This. Lifting weights is optional tho. You could just not eat like an elephant and stick to cardio.
Being even an average woman is literally life on easy mode.
Make friends with a Stacy
Act like her
Look like her
Just know she will try to sabotage you at every turn
t. Tracy
>Becky wants to fuck chad
get the fuck out of here
Yeah I’m sure all the guys here who lift want to fuck ugly fat people.
difference is that most men will fuck anything with a big ass
Was only funny like 5+ years ago before everyone started saying it. It was pleb-tier when Beyonce said it and even that was what, 3 yrs ago?
Words flow downward.
The top-down theory of culture: every. Damn. Time.
That's why woke niggas should do philosophy instead of politics. By the time an idea falls into the low-IQ realm of political squabbling the thinkers are already on to thinking thoughts plebs can't think in words plebs don't know.
tl;dr don't say 'Becky'
Post tits yadda yadda london etc
Philosophy itself was played out a long time ago. Arguably millenia ago, even.
>become Stacie's ugly contrast friend
>just started Nietzsche
>has read early Wittgenstein quotes on the internet but not l8
>can't even into Heidegger
>lol what is thinking
I shiggy diggy
It sounds like you’re the one just starting if you take philosophy seriously and those are your references lol
next you’re gonna tell me Hegel is hard and Kierkegaard totally got it maaan
trip on
>what is cheerleader effect
calc your TDEE
eat 1000 kcal less
do 15 minutes HIIT 3 times a week
be patient as fuck
>hey man I know more than you about something I believe is pointless
why even play you when you play yourself?
guys here will fuck both becky and stacy
meanwhile trash like you want to fuck ONLY chad, that's why you want to become a stacy so badly
Can confirm. I’ll fuck pretty much anything. Even liberals.
You are born Stacy or Chad. You don't become Stacy or Chad. That's the whole point. Height/face/frame for men, face/fat distribution for women. You can't control these things, but they're still essential for being attractive. Your progeny can't fuck it up, and their progeny can't fuck it up. It's an inheritance you can't blow, and that is ENORMOUSLY appealing to the opposite sex on a very base level.
First of all, cut your dick off
Be good looking and malicious
okay Becky you're clearly triggered
just caffeinated and woke
based and true
>another Jow Forumsizen envies the life of women episode
just get on hormone therapy you fucking faggot.
>this autism
Stacey’s mom has got it going on
Stacey’s mom has got it going on
ask your mother why she had sex with a loser
There is no such thing as a "stacy". All women are the same. There is no virgin/chad dichotomy as with men.
kill yourself and reincarnate as one
Take at 14 years old, considering how open doctors are to making men into women that young your parents shouldn't have any problem with you taking it even if you obtain it illegally
oops wrong photo
Tracy speaketh the truth