Am I low test?

Am I low test?
I always have a fat ass which looks huge and disgusting and everytime I cut, all my upper body fats start dropping but my fat ass doesn't change.
It also looks like whenever I try gaining weight, I only gain it as fat in my butt.
What the fuck is wrong with me?

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Fat distribution is genetic, you just have female fat distribution traits.
Make best of it and stop training your glutes.
Focus on close stance squats and hack squats , no leg press (involves glutes) , no deadlifts and isolation hamstring exercises.
That way you will loose musclemass in your ass and it will appear smaller.
The other possibility is glutes targeted fat reduction but we need more research on the subject, only a few studies support said idea

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no very high test
dm me
[spoiler]O p f e r n a c h t#0720[/spoiler]

It's called being lazy. Workout more, fatso.

You look like a young man in college, OP.

I'm 31 years old and have had a huge ass all my life. Somewhere in my late 20's I decided it's just not gonna change and I got to accept it. Some dudes are just born with big butts. Good news is: women love it.


Will fasting or an extreme cut work for me?
I can't stand looking this bad.
Should I cut to auschwitz mode and try bulking up from there?

Fml, never thought end up here...

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I just can't stand looking horrible in everything I wear.
It's driving me crazy...

fucking roy multiplied by a horsecock and divided by pizza

How large are we talking?

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go get a simple testo lvl test done. Within 24hrs they'll phone you up and simply tell you if you are low test. If so you should ask about TRT

A 40 inch butt on a 35 inch waist on a 6 ft height.

As it will be a lifetime change, I'm so unsure about it...
21 year old on trt...

have you tried doing tons of cardio? There are no cyclists/marathoners with big butts. Try that along with caloric restriction for half a year, maybe you will lose some ass

I know how to lose weight , problem is I don't have enough muscle. I was fat before and lost 34 kgs in 9 months,then started working out.

noone will know if you keep quiet

>Be a fatass
>Worried about T, check it while I'm on my twenties after getting to 15%
>Test appears over the natural limit


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Been there, doesn't work

OP, you have to lose weight and stop training legs. Sorry, but that's how it is. Training my legs made me into T-Rex mode and it's awful

Focus on cutting as much as you can, up the protein intake and lift heavy to increase your frame and get a better shape. Whenever you come to the point that your legs are starting to appear DYEL, congratulations, you are now at a wonderful %BF and should start training the rest of your body.

Also, you will be able to show off your abs if you get to 15%BF easily, because the majority of your BF will be located in your legs and ass.

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it will work, but also will fuckup your health in long term. For healthy route you need to gradually restrict caloric intake and give it few years while working out every day. Patience and persistence is the key. Give IF a try. Start doing pullups and your shoulders and chest will get bigger than your ass.

not bad, how did you lose the weight? how far did you cut your cals? any exercise?

>Been there, doesn't work
you did 6 months of cardio, lost tons of weight, and you still have a fat ass? doubt

Yes retard, because if you only do cardio you look actually worse. Your torso to waist ratio is even more fucked.

Cardio is meaningless for that situation. Let the OP run if he wants, because it's a healthy way to generate caloric deficit. But he has to apply CICO and lift heavy to get a better frame.

Pic related, left body should be his primary objective

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mine is 42 and i don't care at all.

>Your torso to waist ratio is even more fucked.
only if you have the body of a woman. Just how narrow are your shoulders ffs

I would love to have massive legs and ass lmao what are you complaining about, girls love that. It's not a meme

looks to me like lipodystrophy disorders, the fat accumulates in only one half the of the body. genetic condition

>only if you have the body of a woman.

Compared to my ass they were narrow. After serious weight lifting I expanded my torso and narrowed my waist losing weight.

You seriously don't understand how disproportionated a man with a big butt and DYEL looks.

I just fast walked 5 days a week while cutting my food intake into half and after couple of months into one third . last couple of months I did HIT too.

congrats and gj with that effort, 34kg loss is amazing

It looks horrible tho. completely unaesthetic. one of the reasons is I have lose skin down there.

Anorexia was my solution

so its safe to say I'm genetically fucked.

It's only completely unaesthetic if you have high bf and zero muscles. With muscles and low bf you become a God. Girls love big butts, but only if they are part of a fit male.

I know.that's why I'm trying to add muscle but instead, I just add fat to my butt,

thanks.looks like the fight is not over...

whats your chest and shoulder measurements?

I really need muscle mass on my upper body and at the same time I need to cut. that's my problem. otherwise I would just cut till I see my bones.

That's why I told you to stop training legs and glutes at the gym. No deadlifts, no squats. If you gain muscle you will think you are gaining fat because you will look worse. It's like those men who have a big belly and train abs like a madman only to find that they look fatter and there are no abs present.

Workout your upper body, then focus on your core when you lose a bit of belly, and finally, when you chest-to-waist ratio becomes reversed, if that ever happens, focus on working on your lower body as well.

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I am lifting heavy 4 days a week (16 months) but the diet is always a fraustration.

IF will let you build muscles albeit much slower than usual.

I've been focusing on my nonresposive chest for months because of it grows everything will look better.I already have a good shoulder and big traps and my back is going well.I look acceptablefrom front but when looking at my body sideways,I look horrible(it's not only my big butt,I have a thin upper body and thats why I started rowing heavy.

I think I should give it a try.

Ok, combine that with a hypocaloric diet and 1,5g/kg of weight (I won't say 2g/kg because I suppose you still have a lot of fat). There will be one point when losing weight will make a VERY APPRECIABLE change in your figure. Keep going at it a don't surrender, user. I needed 4 years to make it right and there's still left a bit of work to do.

may I see your body? curious to see what should I expect after 4 years.

Of course, but note that these weren't 4 years of focused efforts. They were years of trying, failing, relapsing and trying again.

This was me about 5 years ago after I lost a bit of weight

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Same here

This was me one month ago.

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And I think this is from 1 week or so ago. Note how my (hairy) ass no longer dominates my figure. There's still tons of work to do. Next month I want to do a final minicut and lose 4 more kg and then start a lean bulk. I'm DYEL mode but at least I'm not a fatass anymore, but it did cost me a lot of tries.

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Btw, my weight was 96kg in the first photo, and now it's 76. I'm 180cm have deadlifter arms.
how much do you weigh?

I got my test checked yesterday at my dr office. I don't have the results yet, but am a little concerned about having a testosterone panel on my medical history.

Am I concerned over a non-issue?

we kinda have similar stats.but you look way better.

I dont see any reason to be concerned. Just hope your test levels appear normal to high.


76kg. Planning to get it down to 72kg during Octuber/November

Don't worry about it, just keep working at it and your body will improve. I switched to a hypertrophy push/pull routine 2-3x per week and that granted me the best results preventing me from burning out. I also started smashing my abs when I discovered that they wouldn't appear if I didn't train them, no matter how much weight I lose

Thanks mate. Even if they're low, I"m not sure anything will be done. I've just felt terrible the last few months--I'm gaining weight but my lifts are going down, everything seems like a chore, very low energy. The doc did my test at my request and gave me a script for celexa. I'm wary of taking an antidepressant though.

Check for Vitamin D levels, seriously.

honestly,you should stay away from antidepressnts. never heard anything but bad stories about em. also likesaid, check your vitamin D and get some sun from time to time.

I have no other way but to improve. so I will keep going till I get there. meanwhile I should laser my back and shoulder and get rid of my gyno.

mine is 39", 32" waist and 50ish " shoulders.

I look great

show us your body.

Just wear straight fit pants and dont be a wuss. Own your current self until you mold yourself into the next beat you.

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I don't have any other options tho. I have to live with this body. Hopefully good times come and I can finally look into the mirror and enjoy what I see.

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I see no problem here >///< :333

I wish I could keep my ass fat when i lose my belly fat. Fat asses appeal to all genders

#nohomo right?

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All 2 of em, right?

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