I'm 300 pounds and I use electric assist bicycles to get fit

Any other fatties discovered the fun of pedal-assisted electric rental bicycles?

So my question is, I average maybe about 6-7 mph and this is with some battery assist. Is that super slow? It is mostly bike trails with some street biking.

Also, there are VERY few fat white people up here at dawn. Most white people up at early morning here are fit and well-dressed and young, too.

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yes that is super slow for biking lol
slightly faster than a very average jogging speed
good for you for starting though, bro

If you give a shit about losing weight, eat less. Working out almost doesn't even matter, just don't put as much food in your mouth.

I prefer exercising a lot. I've lost some body fat just from exercising.

Any other fat people tried these electric assist bikes?

This. Fatties think exercising is sooo important. Literally just
1. Eat less
2. Eat better
You'll shed weight like crazy

I prefer exercising though. I feel that is better for long term health. It is also easier for me and why would I do what is harder and harder to maintain long term? Why swim upstream with this decision-making process. Exercising 15-25 mi every other day or so is great for fitness. I didn't come here for diet tips, I came here to ask about other fat people who may have tried this mode of exercise. Thanks though for the thought!

nah, I'm doing the same thing. Biking for an hour at 14 mph five times a week. I eat around 1500 calories a day, so the biking IS the thing that makes or breaks my weight loss. I'm a manlet so I'd literally have to eat ridiculously small portions to lose weight just by eating less.

Cardio is clutch. Went from 183 lbs to 152 in 4 months.

I am biking for approx 2.5-3 hours.

I am not a manlet.

>what is harder and harder to maintain
>just not stuffing my face is hard
Never gonna make it. Will die of heart attack sub age 30.

even an hour of maximum effort cardio and lifting every day won't offset that triple-whopper you eat you fat fuck.

I'm already 30 and pretty healthy.

It is working already to lower my body fat.

>pretty healthy
If you're OP then you're fucking deluded.
If not then your still likely fucking deluded.

>It is working already to lower my body fat.
if you don't eat less you will stall eventually

I'm OP. I am getting fitter from doing this. I don't know why everyone here is so petty and negative.

>6-7 mph
I go thrice that. How does your fat ass even stay upright going that slow?

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>I'm OP
>pretty healthy
Nigger you're over 300 pounds. In no way imaginable are you healthy. Fucking neck yourself.

You need to be hitting 20 mph at least constantly if you're on relatively flat terrain.
Holy shit 6-7 mph is way too slow. Damn nigga I'm fat and I fucking JOG that fast.

It isn't that flat and I'm going through a park and dodging cars on streets.

You should achieve at least a constant 10-15 mph then. You're still half as fast as you should be going.

Hell, you even have electric assistance. The fuck are you going so slowly? Although you should only turn on the assistance to help climb particularly tough hills until you're strong enough to climb them with your own power.

>mostly bike trails

These are designed for you to be able to speed down along. You have no excuse.

It isn't something you control manually. The assist is just something that comes onboard automatically.

This thread was designed for other large folks to discuss our exercise routines, not to bag on people.

Too bad fatass, you're getting bagged on regardless of how you feel.

This is either a troll or a perfect example of why you will fail.

Easy is why your fat. Easy is not going to fix anything.

15 to 25 minutes every other day is pretty much useless unless your health is such a train wreck as that is ll you are psychically capable of doing.

Whats best for your long term health is losing the weight as fast as possible while being managed by a doctor.

Here is a news flash it doesn't get harder and harder to maintain a healthy weight. It gets harder and harder to make legitimate strength and ascetics gains which you are in no risk of needing to worry as that requires years of dedicated work and a whole bunch of swimming upstream.

I said 2 and a half to three hours every other day.

To clarify, I am cycling 15-25 mi usually every other day. That's about as much as I can take right now. Sorry I don't meet your dietary laws, but I am trying.

This takes me 2.5-3 hours tho that includes a few short stops for bathroom and rest.

yeah, at 6 mph. And even that is pedal assisted. I'm burning more calories in an hour than you do in 2

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Well, I am trying.

And it's admirable. Don't get it twisted, everyone ITT wants you to succeed in losing weight. They might sound harsh but they're right in most things. You'll have to start eating below your TDEE if you want to keep losing weight at a steady pace. I don't know what your bmi is, but as I'm edging closer to the healthy 25 mark an it's becoming harder and harder to lose weight, even though I'm eating 400 calories under my TDEE

That’s slower than I move on my runs
That’s incredibly slow. You might as well not do anything

>6-7 mph
>battery assist
oh boy

>300 pounds
>''pretty healthy''

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I lost a good bit of weight once by just powering through daily runs, but at some point I hurt my ankle and had to take a break and never got back to running after that. Of course I gained back all the weight and then some.

Currently I’ve lost 70 lbs in about ten months through eating less and by now my new eating habits are internalised. I don’t weigh what I eat or count calories anymore so but the weight keeps going down at a steady pace.

I’ve started running again now that I’m at a weight where it’s actually enjoyable since I can add distance to my runs pretty quickly and don’t feel like I’m dying after a few minutes.

Okay, now I know you're trolling.

Get a real bike OP
Since you're doing trails and also city you may as well get one MTB with some lighter suspension or slim frame so you don't look like a complete fool with it on the streets. Make sure it's a black one.
Once you actually have a proper bike, start riding it once in a while to get used to actually being the engine of the thing,as it should be. Make sure you're training that on streets where you can have proper dimension control otherwise you might end up overestimating what you're capable of. Now, 6mph is very slow, but it may be because of the eletronic assist, perhaps it have some sort of rpm limiting mechanism? I've seen lots of bike-to-motorcycle kits with that shit. Try and grab a completely manual bike, pedal as fast as you can and see what it can reach and for how long.
Godspeed user

The sad thing is you think exercising is gonna be easier long term than not eating as much. That shows everyone here except you apparently, that you're so addicted to food you'll never make it. Eventually you'll have to do more and more exercise to lose weight until you're doing 8 hours a day and not losing shit because you're fat as fuck and eating whatever you want. Stop eating so much and exercise. That's how it works.

This is extremely slow but I guess you can only make progress from that, there is no going slower than that. As other anons mentioned and even though it might not suit you, you will have to change your diet as well, this assisted biking at a snail speed is not going to do and sou might be discouraged by a lack of results.
Also biking every day for 2.5/3 hours is a lot, especially for someone who does not exercice, and you will most likely give up after two weeks. Get a realistic training adjusted to your current condition, push you harder and go faster and maybe do it for a lesser amount of time, like 45 minutes to an hour if you are really motivated.
Remember that all this effort will be ruined if you stop at MacDonald on the way, so stick also to a diet and better eating habits. Same as previously, you don’t have to go all out to start, you can just slowly cut off your diet sodas and sugary treats.
Good luck to you. Remember that even if people are harsh they are actually giving you genuine advices such as losing weight is mostly your diet at first (pro tip: ex fatty)

Put down the fork.

You should walk