Do you like potatoes?
Do you like potatoes?
are boiled potatoes unhealthy?
Love em, bake a few almost daily and eat em with the expensive butter
I fucking love baked potatoes but I rarely make them because they take like 45-60 minutes to cook. Which is why I more commonly roast sweet potatoes because those only take like half the cooking time when baked.
The thing I most commonly do with potatoes is roughly slice them in medallions, put them on the bottom of a roasting pan, and then cook a whole chicken on top. The herbs/seasoning/fat from the chicken drip down and coat the potato slices as the whole thing cooks, and by the time the bird is done the potatoes are cooked to perfection and fucking delicious.
Of course
>great source of carbs
>cheap as fuck
>very high on potassium
Only problem tho is that they are quite low calories so if youre bulking its hard to eat them a lot.
Nope can't think of how they are, everyday i eat them boiled but thinking on trying them steamed or oven baked. Fried potatoes are considered *bad* but if you fry them on one time only oil, they can't be that bad.
>Only problem tho is that they are quite low calories
And yet carblets hate on them. Keto genocide when
mashed potatoes are godlike
>boil potato
>blend with chicken stock for taste and a little butter for texture
>BONUS: add chopped bacon
eat with any kind of meat you want
They treat my body better than rice
Reminds me of when I used to get a burger from red robin and eat it over the sweet potato fries so all the juices dripped on them. /fat/ here obviously...
White man's best friend. Good for you and taste great. Unless of course, you're a mutt and carbs make you a bloated fat ass.
and what about those fried without any oil on those meme airfryer things that stores have been shilling a lot lately?
Don't know anything about that. First hearing about airfryers. Personally I would rather stick to cooking with olive oil since it gives it a good taste
That's oven baked. I own a airfryer and it's literally an oven in the shape of a fryer.
Good to know, thanks bro
It convects like a jet engine though. You roast poatatoes in olive oil in that thing 2 or 3 times faster than the oven. You might have to cut them up smaller though.
The oven is too easy though. use tin foil on a pan, throw a chicken titty and a cut up potato on there and you have 1 dish to clean. Prep on the plate you eat off of.
I eat them everyday. There are very cheap where I live (germany).
You get them from a near bauer and its like 10kg for 9€ which is very good.
I make a lot of stuff, puree, baked potatoes, pan fried potatoes, steemed potatoes and the list goes on.
Best fucking food to ever for mankind, hands down you can survive on them for the rest of your life.
I can also just eat poatoes + salt and I wouldnt mind, I think its tasty.
Yeah, the airfryer is pretty fast, especially if you have a good one. It's why I only use my aifrryer and not my oven. The downside is that an airfryer is much more difficult to clean, and if you don't clean it every time you eat something with fat, you're going to have a permanently dirty airfryer.
I eat them all my life, it makes me sick even looking at them.
thats my tinder openner.
I always ask if they like potatoes.
then check out these potatahs
I'm Irish, of course I love potatoes.
According to Ray Peat potatoes are almost the perfect food. Even the protein in them is high quality or so he says
No idea if any of that shit is true though
To clarify he says the only things they lack are vitamin A and vitamin B12 iirc
Potatoes have a high glycemic index and load, so they're not that great.
For me, it's hasselback potatoes
If you do IF or/and exercise and are active, the glycemic load/index is negligible.
Yes. especially mashed with butter and heavy cream and topped with cheddar cheese and scallions
I mainly enjoy eating them mashed, but I don’t regularly eat them. How do I introduce potatoes into my meals? Only vegetables I eat often consists of leafy greens, carrots, broccoli, & onions.
Kale is a better choice overall, micro-wise
>a sliced baked potato
what did he mean by this
they arent even comparable you turd
anime posters only eat rice. Don't bother with them
potatoes are the GOAT cutting AND bulking food. healthy and tasty AF
>cutting: eat em boiled
>bulking: air fry them