Are compounds enough for abs?

Are compounds enough for abs, Or do you need to isolate them?

Do you actually isolate them or are you just gonna larp on here and tell me to? I don't want to get mememd especially when abs is the most boring bodypart to work and I hate it. I have a like 6 or even maybe 8 pack in the right lighting but idk if it's that good

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SS + GOMAD will give you great abs

When I started lifting I was a skelly and it took me like 4 days of SS+gomad to figure out it was a stupid meme. Feel bad for people who fell for it

Planking and whatever oblique spinal bendy maneuver you like.

I prefer having dedicated ab routine that I do on leg day. After legs I'll do two of three exercises: ab wheel rollouts, planks, hanging leg raises.

GOMAD is specifically only for absolute skeletors who cannot seem to eat a caloric surplus eating normally, no matter what. It's supposed to be an absolute last resort.

It really just depends on your own personal physiology. For some people, the main compound lifts are enough. For others, the core becomes a weak link in the chain and they need to do more direct ab work in order to build core strength so they can keep progressing on lifts. Actually seeing abs is more a function of how much bodyfat you're carrying, but having stronger abs will make them more visible at higher bodyfat percentages.


honestly no, they're not enough

i could deadlift 515 by the time i started actually doing ab work and my abs were pathetically weak, i could hold a plank for literally 45 seconds and that made me shake like a leaf

I do compounds and don't isolate abs.
I'd say you're better off isolating abs.
My abs are strong but isolation pumps them up and they become more prominent.

Isolate them 2-3 times per week. Your abdominals are the most important muscles in your body.

It’s not a “last resort”. It’s just a recommendation for young, underweight men because it makes it easier to eat enough to grow. You’re not supposed to do it for very long.

Not for any young underweight man. Young underweight men who are HARD GAINERS.

For retards

>hard gainers
not a real thing, eat more you fucking faggot

abs activation during squats/deadlifts or whatever compound is minimal.

I usually work mines 2 times a week on off days
Weighted Leg Raises x4-5
Russian Twists x 4
Ab Roll x 4-5

Abs are like any other muscle so you do need to progress the volume , doing 10000 crunches is dumb and a waste of time.

How to get a stomach like this? Will cardio and borderline anorexia do it eventually?

And for the people who have trouble eating more, there's milk. That's the purpose of GOMAD. Nice reading comprehension, retard.

People who get abs work from compounds have good posture. If you have bad posture you won't correctly engage your core during compounds

Does it work

yeah sure if you lift 1/2/3/4 for reps + use a belt

Compounds arent "enough" but if you never do them you'll be fine.

If you find it more boring than the payoff, you'll get away with not doing any. Your strength and physique will only slightly suffer. 80/20 rule in effect.

YOU HAVE to work your abs to get them nice and tight.

do you have to work your biceps when doing compounds? no, but you'll get better results if you isolate

Yeah. I'm just finishing up a cut and I love the way my abs look. When I switch routines I always try to find somewhere to squeeze in ab work.