/SIG/ - Self Improvement General

Be Your Best Self Edition

Welcome to Greatness.
Let's start the process, and let's thrive.

- Sticky, feel free to contribute: 4chanfit.wikia.com/wiki//sig/_sticky

- Another great guide covering lots of fields, including the Spirit, the Body, the Mind, the Social Being, Money/work/Jobs, and General Skills
Anons are working on a new version of this guide, any suggestions/help is more than welcome :

> We don't want it to turn into a 'roll thread' only, so you have to make an actual useful comment with your roll, either on someone else's post or at least by answering the OP questions.

> Rather than rolling in this thread, you can find a random number generator just right there: mathgoodies.com/calculators/random_no_custom

Last : > What kind of things motivate you?
> What helps you stay disciplined and dedicated?
> Who do you look up to?
> What is one thing you would do differently to have a more ideal life? You should do that thing ASAP.

You GOT THIS lads ! You can BE ANYTHING ! We're ALL gonna MAKE IT !

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Other urls found in this thread:


>What kind of things motivate you?

Nothing lately.

>What helps keep you disciplined and dedicated?

Nothing lately.

>Who do you look up to?

No one.

>What is in thing you would do to have a more ideal life?

Killed myself last year like I want to.

I'm a wreck.

Is there some good way to find out what I'm good at? Some kind of online profiler or aptitude test?

Aptitude tests never helped me. You need to have a natural inclination to things that you like. It's based on simple interests such as whether you like reading, doing sports, creating things and so on.

Pls post good recipes

How can I become more articulate when I speak? I swear I sound like a trump speech saying shit like "gooder".

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What do you guys do besides lift?

>playing video games

Somehow I doubt I can get a decent career out of that. Maybe I'll just do CS

So, I was gonna use the /sqt/, but there isn't one up so I figured I'd ask here.

I'm a 5'8" manlet and I weight about 160lbs. For the past 7 or 8 years I've done virtually no exercise; I'm a NEET who doesn't leave his home. However, I have a pretty bad looking stomach. I'm not crazy overweight, but it sticks out a lot. I eat healthy and avoid sugar, excessive carbs, trans/saturated fats, etc. but I feel like I need to do a bit more.

Would doing a sit-ups help? I can do about 6, then I need a minute breather, then I can do 7, repeat. I get up to about 10 (Which is very difficult). I haven't been doing this long. Can I do these every day, and what spacing should I do?

Should I do 3-4 sets every few hours, should I do them every second day? I'm mostly looking to get some of the stomach flab off. I have very high blood pressure, so cardio is hard on me (Shitty excuse, but I don't have as many problems lifting/etc), so I tend to avoid long walks or jogs. What else should I add? Crunches? I don't want to set into a whole indepth routine, I may be a NEET but I also sleep 10 hours a day and play the vidya.

Should I do sit-ups every day, every second day, or what? Should I add in, like, crunches on the off days?

Thank you, Jow Forums.

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Difficult to say, mate. I had a very different situation and I'm still student.

> What kind of things motivate you?
My unknown future wife and kids.

> What helps you stay disciplined and dedicated?
Look at my old pictures and memories of the past of the lazy, fat piece of shit I was

> Who do you look up to?
This guy John Somnez from youtube

> What is one thing you would do differently to have a more ideal life? You should do that thing ASAP.
Approach more girls. I have no problem talking to ladies if introduced to me or it's one I know. But I have a very hard time talking to a complete stranger

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Post book recommendasions ples

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Why do you want to do crunches? Do you think you can spot-reduce the fat on your stomach by doing ab exercises? Because you can't, and if you want to lose weight then you need to start counting calories.

You guys act like you want everyone to get fit, but then you allow this Jow Forums shit to get posted

It really turns some guys away and reinforces the idea that fitness is just for pro trump retards

would chicken thigh work just as well?

How is self improvement in any way related to Jow Forums or anything political for that matter?

I don't see why not. Though I would use an oven bag for the chicken thighs but that's only my preference.

talk to a counselor/psychologist. They literally do that for a living. If you're in school or college, there's a high chance the appointments will be free

I don't count calories, but I don't eat a lot. I drop about a pound every week-and-a-half to two weeks. Its slow, but I also do no exercise.

I guess I'll listen, though, and try to find another way.


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>If I allow others to disrespect me, then I'm not allowed to respect myself. It would be hypocritical to do otherwise.

I agree to an extent, but there's a fine line between being disrespected and overreacting to some namecalling. If you don't allow yourself to be phased by bullshit and trolling, you'll be happier and better off in the long run. Trust me. Plus, people will stop bullying you if they see it doesn't phase you. It's literally how schoolyard hierarchies are formed.

Gallup Strengthsfinder

What are the core ideas of these books? Seen them mentioned quite often here.

These threads usually get some Jow Forumstards who start talking about the upcoming racewar or whatever. Guess the dude thought those were a feature of these threads, not the bug they are.

Well, not defending Jow Forumstards, but in /polsig/ they usually try and argue that self improvement is entirely political because politics starts with you, so, take it or leave it.

>What kind of things motivate you?

Pure hatred and discontent for myself and others

>What helps keep you disciplined and dedicated?

Nothing, its a problem I'm trying to overcome

>Who do you look up to?

No one besides shitty youtubers who i wish to one day smash through and take their place

>What is one thing you would do to have a more ideal life?

Probably smoke less, that will come with discipline though
Does Texas Method work anons or is there something better>?

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What used to be able to motivate you? What used to keep you dedicated? Why don't you look up to anyone? Why do you think you should have killed yourself, you're wrong, but I'm curious. Let's talk about it user.

Reading more will help you, maybe try and find podcasts that interest you that feature people who are articulate, if you listen to people like that enough you will probably start to emulate it

I posted on the last /sig/ how after finally moving on from a friendly breakup from her part, out of nowhere, she started tagging me on shitty facebook posts and tried to talk to me, today she tagged me on 2 facebook posts and 1 instagram post, I just haha reacted but not due to the post itself being funny but because I'm lmaoing @ her life, thanks to the two Anons that helped me to move on, now I just have to make it.

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How do I stop being a retard/perceived as a retard?

>How do I stop being a retard
At first we need to know what it is that makes you retard.

>/perceived as a retard?
step above

My communication skills are lacking, I often speak slow or have trouble coming up with the words when I am otherwise intelligent, and in private or written speech I am much more articulate. I am also a bit of a pushover and and still working on being social after being anti-social during high school

Sounds like me 5 years ago.
Can't really remember what helped me.

Heavy ass lifting
the usual basic books (How to win friends and influence people, Models, tons of /sig/s, and at least some friends with which I could talk freely (freely as in, not talking with a stranger but with someone I already know))
making it

from day to day not much changed, but over the course of weeks and months everything changed without me noticing since it takes time.
user, you are in for a marathon, not a sprint. Please do not forget that.

Is melatonin good for sleep gains? I'm currently cutting weight and struggling to get 5 hrs a night.

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Not sure if you'll have read much of this before but here goes
anything by Thomas Mann (but especially The Magic Mountain) or Yukio Mishima
Dostoevsky's notes from the underground and crime and punishment
Tolstoy's war and peace (my favorite novel by a mile--long but you'll never forget it, also not very hard to read despite its reputation, I was fifteen when I first read it and I still enjoyed it)
Joyce's early works--dubliners and portrait of the artist of a young man (I personally never got into his late phase stuff but lots of people think it's the best thing since sliced bread so maybe give it a look)

Nietzsche is always good
Culture of narcissism by Christopher lasch (was literally life changing for me but quite hard to read)
Anything by Rene Girard but especially Violence and the Sacred (it's about human sacrifice, and it lets you peer into the dark origins of human societies in a way that politics and ideologies will never let you)

Oh and you should as always Start With The Greeks. Everything comes from them, and everything goes back to them.

If you want my advice, don't jump into the kinds of modern traditionalist bullshit people always recommend in these threads like Evola and Guenon without having read at least a good amount of pre-20th century thought. Just my advice, though obviously it's coming from a place of bias. Oh and especially you should read Rene Girard before you go down that path, because he more than any other figure blows them all the fuck out, while still valuing culture and tradition

Hell yeah man

> René Girard
Anything in particular?

Definitely Violence and the Sacred. The middle few chapters are a little bit dense, but most of the book is decently easy to follow for a philosophy book (especially considering it's a *french* philosophy book, which usually means you'd be reading about a page an hour), and you don't need any background knowledge to read it (hell reference other thinkers but he always explains their ideas when he does)

Maybe check out his Wikipedia and internet encycopedia of philosophy pages to get a good idea of his topics to see if you'd be interested. But I highly recommend him

If you've got more questions I'm happy to answer them the best I can

already checked him out, sounds interesting
Will put him on my list to check it out further in the future.

Thanks for the response man

No worries man, it's pretty interesting

Can be in low doses but I recommend 5-htp and a high dose of vitamin c before bed.

My motivation pretty much has always been getting people to accept me. I was abandoned by my birth parents when I was a baby and it never feels like the family that raised me looks at me, but some vs idea of me. Add in the feeling of never having add any real friends and it became hard to be myself because it always felt like if I try to be myself I will instantly be rejected.

I don't think I've ever been truly disciplined or dedicated. It's taken me way too long to pay off a debt because I'm always spending my money on going out to eat, books or Warhammer. I was doing great all last month in terms of working out, but this month my emotional state has been so ducked that all I can get myself to do on a regular basis is play Bloodbourne.

I stopped having role models after everything with Chris Benoit happened a few years ago. I was reading a lot of Nietzsche and Tony Robbins and been reading Tim Ferries lately, but I don't know if I would consider them role models.

Last year was supposed to be the year I finally start turning things around for me, so of course the job I was working at the time decided to have everyone work 60 hour work weeks all year. My mom ended up pulling me out of work and making take a week vacation when I came really close to committing suicide at work. Add on later that I went from having no credit card debt and about 4k in saving to a pretty much maxed out credit card and less than $1000 in savings due to having 3 $3,000+ emergencies come up in the same year and it makes it hard to really see going anywhere in life that would make any effort truly worth it.

Wow, so many spelling errors.

> What kind of things motivate you?
Seeing fiends succeed, seeing people make it. Knowing that I could be doing more for my friends, family, community, and myself.
> What helps you stay disciplined and dedicated?
Knowing that every day is a battle, and life is the war. If you win more battles than you lose, you have a better chance of winning the war. Knowing that if I eat garbage, waste money, don't work out, I will regret it later, and it will set me back.
> Who do you look up to?
My uncle Bob, and my uncle Joe (both WWII vets), Jocko Willink, one of my peers from college who is killing it.
> What is one thing you would do differently to have a more ideal life? You should do that thing ASAP
Unemployed. Out of school, don't have enough money to move to a city where there is more work in my field. Applied for the Leaf Army, but am looking for work in the meantime, and having trouble finding work.

> What kind of things motivate you?
Hate of how disgusting and bad some people are. Hate at how pathetic and weak I am. At how much I struggle to become something better, yet how disgustingly how much I have to do and how I do too much wrong will little to show for it. Another thing I think of is working on becoming a better man.
> What helps you stay disciplined and dedicated?
I don't know what else to do, but I only just think I must do something.
> Who do you look up to?
Sometimes I think of another reality, a happier one where there wasn't anything to worry about and I am more optimistic. I look at that version of me that maybe I should be more like.
> What is one thing you would do differently to have a more ideal life? You should do that thing ASAP.
I'm not sure.

> What kind of things motivate you?
Future gains
> What helps you stay disciplined and dedicated
Telling myself not to be a little bitch
>> Who do you look up to?
George Washington
>> What is one thing you would do differently to have a more ideal life? You should do that thing ASAP.
Quit fapping as much

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>What kind of things motivate you?
Her, mostly.
>What helps you stay disciplined and dedicated?
Her, as well as my family.
>Who do you look up to?
My older brother
>What is one thing you would do differently to have a more ideal life? You should do that thing ASAP.
Be not fat. I'm starting to try and lose weight, but it sucks. I do good during my work week, but I keep gorging myself over the weekends.

You're good at what you're most passionate about or are willing to get good at whatever it may be. What you're most passionate about is what you enjoyed most as a child, try to remember the characteristics that drew you to whatever it was and focus on those and then you will find something you're most passionate about, from there it's just a matter of time before you get good at it and make it your profession. pic related

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Should I push through these if I'm struggling to understand? I'm not used to the writing style, should I find a version with notes or simplified versions? I'm an avid reader but Hobbes and Plato are difficult for me. Maybe I'm just retarded.

I would say to work on your vocabulary or research into the meaning itself, maybe you could find a good version with notes, but keep in mind the author of the notes might be biased. Simplified versions sometimes change too much.

> What kind of things motivate you?
general health and wanting to swim without a shirt for the first time in years

> What helps you stay disciplined and dedicated?
pure strength of will and nothing better to do

> Who do you look up to?
jesus was Jow Forums

> What is one thing you would do differently to have a more ideal life? You should do that thing ASAP.
start running more

Very, very important.

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Thanks for the advice. Any tips to improve vocabulary other than reading more? I've started reading with a dictionary and searching for the words I don't understand rather than skip over them.

Reading will build it over time, other than that maybe you could listen to podcasts or other media in your free time?

Why do i feel dumb? I've been trying to read every philosophy book but i still feel stupid and i think philosophy is shit for getting brain gains.
What to read braws?

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Why the fuck am I always tired? I went to the doctor and he just threw adderall at me because I suggested I might have ADD but when I think about it I’m pretty sure I don’t have it. I’m so damn low energy that I don’t know what to do. The pills do help but I don’t want to be dependent on amphetamine or deal with any unfortunate side effects. I feel like I’m just lazy, but at the same time I think there has to be a physical reason why. Should I go back to the doctor and get blood work done and a hormone level check? Maybe a sleep study? I just want to be better without being reliant on potentially harmful drugs.

Recommended podcasts?

Also is ADD even real? Am I just being silly thinking I don’t have it or am I just a lazy piece of shit that just so happens to be always tired?

not a good idea long term since your body will stop making it resulting in dependence

What's the best way to build discipline?
I keep sabotaging myself. I know it's my fault but when my will power is low enough I end up rationalizing anything to myself.

08/17/18(Fri)12:43:01 No.47293975
I have pretty severe depression and have socially isolated myself and it really affects my motivation to improve my life.

I've tried to get Jow Forums before and failed. How do I not fail again/get motivated? I'm not obese I just want to lose weight.

I broke the natty spell. it was much easier than anticipated. when modernity puts a boot on your neck, you gotta bend the rules or perish. my mindset going in is that im biohacking a better future.

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> What kind of things motivate you?

To identify and fix my problems efficiently, to soon train and eat better than my immediate friends, to build my body/health as well as I can, to in the future transcend my human vehicle and die while meditating underground.

> What helps you stay disciplined and dedicated?

ADHD Medication.

> Who do you look up to?

Benjamin Franklin, Henry Rollins.

> What is one thing you would do differently to have a more ideal life? You should do that thing ASAP.

Stop waisting time on the internet, I'm pretty sure I'm addicted, to improve my immune system as well.

Is there a way to block all other /fit threads from catalog so I only see /SIG - Self Improvement General?

These threads are high key the best thing on the internet, I don't want to rest of /fit, I just want these threads, is there a way?

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>doing SL
>new uni gym floor doesn't allow deadlifts due to weights being moved to a basketball room during renovation.

can I substitute Romanian deadlifts into SL without too much detriment?

go to a proper gym

wow this is really good

Jow Forums.org/fit/sig

Speaking of books, where the fuck do I find ebooks? Either the I'm too stupid to use the link given in /lit/ or it's just broken.

probably not the best answer but sometimes you can get lucky on google by searching " filetype:pdf" and then you can convert the pdf to an epub or whatever

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Nice, but I still get threads that contain sig in text, would be possible to filter to only title?

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You are likely introverted, Jordan Peterson speaks about this in his latest Q&A.

boards.Jow Forums.org/fit/catalog#s=/sig/
that should fix it, now it only searches for /sig/ which probably won't show up in text randomly

Nope, that just links me to the front-page catalog of /fit weirdly enough.

works fine for me my dude

There, boards.Jow Forums.org/fit/catalog#s=/sig/ fixed it.

Thanks my dude.

oh weird, i guess your browser enforced the https and redirected you to the front page
welp glad it works now

The fact that you guys asked me for this deeply personal information, I give it, and it is completely ignored is why I stopped wanting to deal with people. You guys are ducking assholes.


Half the globe is sleeping right no / was sleeping.

>My motivation pretty much has always been getting people to accept me
Nah m8, that won't work.
You have to accept yourself first, love yourself first.
With this you come to the point were you don't care about other peoples thought in you anymore and then BOOM the real journey starts.

Thinking about what other people might think.
No no no, a sure way for a bad ending.

So guarantee I will die alone?

Why should you?

In the extreme case:
go down to the point were you are alone and have nothing, you have to start from 0.
Basically going "cocoon mode".
Achieve at least some small goals.
Wanting to people like you is a goal to fail, please accept that.

People won't start to like you after doing something 1 week.
You will see a big change after half a year - year I would say.
You have to change your mindset user.

> you say that so easy mimimimi
go fuck youself you have no idea made I went through

you can do it, user

How am I supposed to make friends if I don't care about anyone? That's the part of your argument that makes no sense.

Bad terrible bait. Not worth effort of finding a bait image , here’s the the reply (you) wanted

I don't get you.
You're worried about dying alone but at the same time you state that you don't care about anyone.
Make up your mind, dude. We're not the people who have to improve you, it's called _self_ improvement for a reason.

No, I'm saying your suggestion says I'm not supposed to care about anyone.

Oh, now I get you.
I'm not the guy who made that post, but he didn't say that you're supposed to "not care about anyone". He said
>Wanting to people like you is a goal to fail
Don't live to please other people and get their attention, live for yourself (but still respect and care about others) and people will start liking you on their own.

At this point I am beyond help. Every thing in my life has said I'm not supposed to care about myself at all so I'm a lost cause. I appreciate the attempt, but I'm not worth it.

Practice talking, write short speeches or poems(it doesn't have to be fancy) and record yourself reading it.
Or you could record yourself reading out loud. (If you are confident read to kids at the public library)
Practice makes perfect and the ability to speak confidently in front of strangers impresses people.

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>Every thing in my life has said I'm not supposed to care about myself at all so I'm a lost cause.
You're only a lost cause if you keep that attitude up.
No offense user, but your attitude is really pathetic.
>boo hoo it has always been like this so i cannot change it
That's not how you make big things happen. You need to have the balls to accept your past failures for where they are: in the past.
I'm not here to persuade you. If you want to keep being pathetic, go ahead. Just know that there's another option.

This isn't true, you aren't a lost cause, you just need to put the work in to change your outlook and your lifestyle choices in to something you can be proud of.

> What kind of things motivate you?
nofap/ clean diet/ stopped doing drugs or drinking alcohol/ quit playing vidya games
a week free of your biggest vices will make you have huge amounts of motivation and an iron will to do the things you want

> What helps you stay disciplined and dedicated?
sticking to my diet and limiting distractions. I used to use all the above things to escape my problems and enjoy life, then i eliminated all of them so i didnt have a choice but to work towards fixing my life

> Who do you look up to?
frank yang, arnie, aristotle, tony robbins, my dad

> What is one thing you would do differently to have a more ideal life? You should do that thing ASAP.
I want to start my own buisness

seriously, i was struggling to find real motivation for so long, but i was drunk every day, high whenever i could be, slept until the late afternoon, played video games all day, and masturbated about 6-7 times a night with a huge porn addiction.

I quit those things about a month ago and ive had HUGE motivational gains.

try it and transcend humanity with me, Jow Forums, ive never felt will like this in my life, im just trying to spread what ive learned with you guys