Not eating 8 month old meat

>not eating 8 month old meat

And you claim being dedicated to your diet?

Attached: sv3rige.jpg (240x240, 16K)

Fuck off sv3rige cock sucker


spoken a like a true level headed non emotional sane person
go donate to his bank account already you fucking dumbass sheep

Someone redpill me on this guy

Attached: sun.jpg (1600x839, 130K)

>non emotional
I can see the spit flying out of your mouth you fucking so᠍yboy

Advocate of raw meat and BTFOs vegans on the regular

>posters: 3
Which one of you is samefagging?

I can't wait until this guy gets sick from this too and he will, just have to give it some time.

That's a pretty old video. Definitely looking more thick, thight and solid today

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How much "time" do you need? He's been eating raw meat for nearly 3 years now

how does he manage to be even that fat when he eats like that?

Mirin those arms desu

he's not actually on keto anymore and eats "a mango a day" and fruit/vegetable juices.

Does this guy even KNOW abaout the food pyramid???? This goes against everything I was taught in public school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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hehe general?

I can see your pea sized brain burning with rage as you type this and unironically tell yourself that you did a good job.
Go donate to his bank account already fucking dumbass sheep.

Now post him from any other angle.
Totally not OP.
Good for him to finally admit his retarded diet is not optimal for performance or muscle growth, he also drinks plenty of milk now, he probably eats more carbs than me.

he be eating that carnivore gf pusy erryday

Attached: hehe.jpg (1015x693, 111K)

U mad bro?

Post body, vegcuck

>Now post him from any other angle.
You can just go to his channel and see for yourself you know

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Ok here

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how the hell does he manage to get that all down without gagging even once?

stop watching youtube friend simulator videos and start actually eating/lifting

He was LITERALLY never on a carnivore, he's been on a Vonderplanitz style diet from the very beginning.

Pathetic samefag from sv3rige cock sucking OP lmao.

Sure, lets listen to a guy who had a rage and tried to kill kids.
>Staring at the sun
>flat earther
>low test
>low IQ
>had a worm that almost killed him, because he ate raw meat
>doesnt drink water just cucumber and orange juice

ask your mom fag

Not me bro

Attached: Not me.png (1080x458, 174K)


His videos are almost hypnotic, I want to try his diet now