time for another feels thread boys how are you holding up Jow Forums?
>kinda lost in life
>no idea what to study
>still no job
>that one qt at the gym dissapeared
still hope that i can make it
time for another feels thread boys how are you holding up Jow Forums?
>kinda lost in life
>no idea what to study
>still no job
>that one qt at the gym dissapeared
still hope that i can make it
This picture inspired me to buy giant shelves for my kitchen and stock up on everything. Best addition to my apartment in a long time.
Doing my drivers licence atm, fucked up the first try, got another one next week, I do not see a way for me to actually make it
got mired by some boomer today, made my day because i was a sad cunt these past few weeks
>walking to the gym
>boomer points at me and stops me
>tells me that i for sure work out
>says i have sick shoulders and traps
>tells me to keep going and literally says that i‘m gonna make it
just got this from my ex. have been no contact for 8 months, but dont know how to proceed
Rum is my new best friend
ignore it and move on
talk to her, get that shit off your chest brah (seems like it was bad)
It's nice to let go of hard feelings and anger, it's good for you. It wouldn't hurt to respond but I would leave it at that and then go no contact again. Or do what this user said
I am already moved on really. Just seems to me shes going through a bad patch and I do feel sorry for her, even though she wronged me.
Eh whatever, I doubt she'd feel the same for you if the roles were reversed.
Fucking terrible advice.
This x 1000. Do not respond
nice one vro
>finally overcame my permadepression enough to do something about my empty, meaningless life
>been lifting for three months now, carefully planning what I eat
>Stronger, but not much bigger. Put on some weight but still manlet, seem to be stalling progress.
>took a risk partnering at a startup company out of school, it seems about to go under. No paycheck.
>parents won't say it, but they are disappointed in me and themselves. Brother has borderline autism and major social issues, sister is chronically sick. I have the most in life but haven't made much of it.
I'll probably give it my best for another 18 months, but if things dont look promising by then I'll just disappear. Hate to do that to my family, but I'm tired of just existing to exist.
>had single mother
>she was very religious, treated me like shit, always would tell me that I'm worthless, that I'll be nothing
>Left home at 16
>Haven't had a contact with her at all since then
>Fast forward several years, she became very ill, can't work
>My grandma watches after her, do everything
>She became very ill, almost dying
>I didn't come to see her
>She died
>I didn't know how to feel about it, but got by somehow
>Fast forward another several years
>I started to seeing dreams about her
>Feel like shit every day it happens
I'm not guilty of anything in my mind but I can't get off this shitty feeling
tell that roastie to fuck off lmao
turns out girl i thought was into me or at least liked my presence didnt care about me at all
it just hurts when they simply cut contact
>kissed girl ~1 month ago
>she added me on sc 2/3 days later
>comes up to me in work, massive smile etc, obviously likes me
>talks to me about whatever i had on sc story and other thing
>she's "froot" and i'm "spanner"
yet when I sc her it's just 1/2 word replies like I asked her out to dinner and I've been blown off.
>she doesn't like you then
>her mum has told me she won't shut up about me and sometimes she gets really embarrassed and hides behind shelving in th eplace iw ork, nj got cctv lol
also starting 62hr/weeks in 2 weeks and haven't had a holiday in 5 years, losing my fucking mind. Can't drink either because I have a drink/alcohol test coming up.
Do not fucking reply to her. I have messages like this from my ex, I'll go onto my phone and get them now. She just hasn't felt wanted by other boys so wants some gratification/attention. Take comfort in the fact she's heard you're doing great without her and regrets it. You're going to find a better girl user, fuck that thot.
Yeah I'm tempted to go to my ex for a quick shag but it's just not worth it.
>QT young Asian girl I met through some other thot I was banging earlier this year comes over drunk the other day to buy some weed
>just broke up with her LTR a few weeks ago
>decide fuck it I’ll drink with her
>gives me a long drunk rant about her life revealing all sorts of red flags
> should know better but god damn she’s a QT and is giving me all sorts of signs she wants the D
>asks to look at something in bedroom sits on my bed and looks at said thing (why I didn’t escalate is beyond me)
>we share a very similar and niche genre of edm and talk about other past things like addiction we’ve struggled with
>tells me I’m a good person and she really wants to hug me
>give her a long hug and rub her back but don’t make the move yet again
>leg cramps up cuz leg day and I wince and explain you typically have to massage it when this happens
>she jumps in and says I’ll rub your leg
>begins massaging my hamstring
Really the only thing she could have done to make it more obvious was say “hey let’s fuck”, probably missed my shot brehs I just didn’t want to make things weird and ruin our business relationship. She has become much more flirty and said she was down to do something this Saturday of course on her snap like 2 days later she’s at lunch with another dude which had me a lil salty cuz I’m starting to like her but that’s the way she goes with modern women they all have 5-10 dudes on the sidelines.
This shit right here is a man with conviction listen to this man these hoes just want attention or to try and make you jealous
grandad passed away last night, spent the last 2 weeks visiting him everyday in hospital
watching him get worse and worse, me and my sister were the last people he spoke to before he went to sleep and never woke up.
no one should watch a loved one die
I realise I literally have no friends outside of uni once school ended, so this summer has been an absolute drag
Fuckin anxiety man
>still working in shitty minimum wages jobs
>still a no gf ever
>still a virgin
I've tried college and I've tried self taught courses but I never finish because I get discouraged too easily. I feel like I am too dumb to get a real job. I feel like I will be stuck in this shitty position for the rest of my life.
Also seeing everyone around me getting married is making me depressed. I feel like I will never find someone.
I was going to say respond because you shouldn’t hold onto bitterness/anger but fuck that shit.
>after 4 month of lifting i finally managed to do a 4x10 of pull-ups
>when Im done my brother and I high five and it felt like at the end of Slam Dunk
It was nice.
user, trust me, don't respond.
> got a GF
> I'm evidently shit at sex
> ask her what her fantasy is
> "I want to be fisted"
She's a fucking size queen. How is my average size penis I don't know how to use supposed to compete with a violent fisting?
I was happier before lads
It’s my dream to get this kind of message from my piece of shit ex just so I can fucking crush her and then block her forever. God it would be so satisfying.
>hurt wrist- can't lift till it's better
>gf going out tonight
>just going to go home and chill and read for the night
Sometimes you get caught in slumps I hope I'm okay.
Trust me, DO NOT RESPOND. Not to sound all incel but this is just a cry for attention, all girls do this after a breakup. They send their feelers out to see if you still care about them, then get their little dopamine rush when you respond. Most will just leave it after that but some will take your response as an excuse to manipulate your feelings. There is nothing to be gained from responding, it will only let her win. Don't give in
she was a shit person and it doesn't matter that she was your mother. The biological connection means nothing if she treated you badly
Had a hard talk with BF about his weight gain last Friday. He reacted well and said he'd make changes, but I haven't seen anything yet. I've invited him to do active stuff with me and I know his guy friends have invited him to go to the gym with them. I know it's only a week, but it's starting to leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. Am I just being impatient?
I replied to her with this:
"Thank you for your kind words. I have no ill feelings towards you. I've moved on with my life, and I hope you continue to do so as well."
I think ignoring her totally would have been quite petty and this way she cant paint me as a bad guy in anyway. Plus its still quite cold.
Not bad.
Ya blew it
height/weight bulk, maintenance, or cut?
u got sum issue kiddo
>have 3rd date with qt asian girl
>she is adorable, sweet, kind and can tell she will be submissive and do anything for me
>gf material
>making out, "I want you" in her ear
>"I need to tell you something, I have herpes"
*record scratch*
*freeze frame*
Yup, that's me. You probably wonder how I ended up in this situation
You should be proud of yourself, you worked through your mental health issues and have actually attempted something at your life. Don't give up bro and don't care about the expectations that ppl set on you, ur gonna make it
>tfw getting older
>still no qt gf
I’ve been trying to be more social and go out with normie friends, but it’s boring desu. Do brehs have any tips?
Newfag here. Tried to stay away from Jow Forums for years but here I am. School started back up and I feel like the train is derailing. Really just want to get into lifting seriously and a distraction from how shitty my life is FeelsBadMan
Get after it my dude, read the sticky.
if genital, do not pass go. If oral, 50 to 80% of adults in america have it so nbd as long as you watch out for outbreaks.
It's HSV2. I won't fuck her but I might still go out with her occasionally. She's a very cheap date, looks good on my arm and is a pleasure to be around.
Do you know where your father is user?
>producing my first tv-series
>very high wage
>started having a secret relationship with one of the girls on the staff
>she's a 10/10 body and face
>sex is amazing and frequent
>moving to a new town this fall which I've been looking forward too for years
>lagging behind on bench press
life SUCKS
Buddy, let me tell you something, soon enough you'll find rum is your only friend.
Don't fall for it, alcohol is an absolute illusion.
Ghost him for a few days and see how he reacts.
You need to get the message across that you'll leave him if he doesn't drop the weight.
>been cutting since 2016
>260lb down from my largest
>10lb left until normal BMI
>only thought keeping me going is excited about eating at maintenance
well not really maintenance, i'm going to set my goal to -.5/week and see how I do for a month eating significantly more than I am now at -2/week. I'll finally be able to stop OMAD.
Most people wouldn't have even trained in the first place, they would have just necked themselves.
Congratulations, your stronger, better, and accomplished more than them, now live it.
>no noticeable changes after a week
As other anons have said, do NOT respond.
Just another suicidal gook workaholic going about their day, don't work too hard western friends, enjoy your life too.
>be 21
>wake up
>work 3 13 hour shifts in a hospital
>attend classes 4 days a week from 9am-7pm with small breaks to run more errands
>do laundry, cook, clean and scrub room and bathroom for 6+ people
>cardio and squats
>remind all the boys that like you and friends that you'll hang out with them soon but never do it
> cut
> make sure bank account is saving up
> sleep
> repeat
Jesus, that's a lot of weight. Congrats. How bad is your loose skin?
Start a business on the side, bruh. I quit my shitty $15/hr job at your age because the writing was on the wall (increasing affirmative action and I was the last white male in the office). Luckily I had a side gig that was bringing in ~$800/mo, ended up going full time with it and currently make about the same as at the job, but with the added benefits of
>setting my own schedule
>waking up at 8am instead of 5:45am
>take days off whenever I want
>blast Jow Forums-tier podcasts in my workspace
Funniest thing was that a month after I quit, they dropped everyone's pay to $10/hr and I haven't seen my sides since
As in diet/activity level/any effort at all other than words, not weight.
I've been thinking about something like that, but it kinda feels mean when I've just pointed out I think he's overweight
get out of there wtf
I'm pretty stoked right now. Flying to Vegas tonight for the weekend. I never go out and socialize so this will be good for me. Already have cocaine waiting for me at my hotel when I get there. Hopefully get to smash some club sloots
If it was really that bad she would look for support from close friends or family members, not her ex from several months back. Come on bro, THINK.
Nah, haven't seen him
Thanks, yeah, I think the same but it's just something inside me telling it's not right. Not just my actions, but the whole situation, it shouldn't have been like this.
What business did you start bro?
She is looking for attention
>Do not reply if she was a bitch constantly and you had every right to break up with her
>Maybe reply if some mutual friend died or something
>Absolutely reply if you two have a kid or your breakup split some of your friends up
I know wtf's up, that's what it is lol. Not that I hate women or anything, far from it, in fact i love to go out on the pull etc. I just finally understand the game.
No, no, and no again.
>paint me as a bad guy
She can overanalyse your sparse message to be anything she wants, but she can't twist nothing. Null. You should have deleted it like I do, after talking a sc and removing the number.
Lol, she cheated on me, I ain't taking that bitch back.
Just you wait till you see the rest of the messages. I've been killing it since her.
>Here we go
>and absolutely degenerate level
did your write your own tv show?
The redpilled thing to do is reply "I cry myself to sleep every night thinking of you. I never told you, but I've got your name tattooed on my shoulder. Now that we're bc together, let's try to have a child as soon as possible to really cement our status"
LA is overrated
Lmao both of my exes wanted to get back together after breakup.
Felt good and helped getting over the heart broken phase.
But they were both insecure, so obviously not a chad here
Any time girls phrase shit with "Quick question" it means they're very angry and it will not be a quick question what so ever. Do not reply.
How do other anons in their early 20s meet quality chicks? I'm out of uni and not constantly surrounded by them, and software dev isn't exactly a vag farm.
It's been almost two years since I broke up with my last gf and I haven't really dated anyone since. Talked to a few single chicks casually here and there, and been told I'm quite the catch by a few of my chick friends, but for whatever reason I haven't really gone out with anyone.
>ruin our business relationship
lmao you're a fucking weed dealer
>he gave her what she wanted
epic fail!
>quick question
I don’t know why but this cracks me up, I’m laughing like an idiot here
Got a pick of those?
All my friends are devs/work in IT and they all have gfs. Met them on the street/bar/cafe/tinder etc. You hardly will get a gf out of your circle. I tried for two years and here I am alone. But I hate to meet people like that so whatever.
That’s pretty retarded because you are now the one who claimed that she still has feelings towards you when never even said that.
This makes her assume you want that and that’s why your read it out of her message.
For fucks sake why are you guys so helpless
And if you could pose in the picture the same way as wojak, that' be better.
>and been told I'm quite the catch by a few of my chick friends
Are they single? Maybe they are into you but they have to do the dumb woman move wanting you to ask them out?
>You hardly will get a gf out of your circle.
Noooooo, this can't be true!
Please no
Sorry user, I’m sure he’s in a better place
Yeah I hate meeting people like that also, would be best if they were friends with my friends or we were in an environment where we could get to know each other a bit and everything develops a bit more naturally.
Sorry that's how it is and if you really want to find someone you better do something.
Yeah that's what I wanted to. Also, I had some good girls at my work but chose the wrong one who didn't like me and others have bfs now. It's hopeless.
Pretty much all of my chick friends have a bf or are lesbians, the single ones seem to lose interest once they get a bf
No recent pic, but since this pic it's been completely stocked. Water lining the floor, oats & whey all over the place
I don't know man, i wonder if anyone will ever love me...
forgot pic
>and if you really want to find someone you better do something
What is that something?
>literally admitting she wants you as an orbiter
do girls have no sense of shame
10 minutes later I got a text "I deserve an answer, we were together for nearly 2 years."
>lol fuck off
Aye chic, I'm spending money going to a frmal just to make you jealous. More autistic than Jow Forums sometimes lol.
you have a well-behaved cat
Go out and meet new people. Use tinder. Yeah most girls there are trashy thots but one of my friends managed to find a nice gf there.
Just reply with “dtf?” or something for the lulz
Prolly too late tho
>Been lifting nearly 1.5 years.
>Vastly improved my body.
>Still DYEL but "lol normie standards XD"
>Randomly reply to a lass' IG story after meeting her when I was out to see a friend of mine. Just a little bit of banter, didn't mean anything by it.
>Hit it off.
>"Shit! What do I do now! I didn't expect this! [PANICKED SHITTING INTENSIFIES].
>She's been round to mine, I'm off round to hers tomorrow. She says she'll cook me something nice.
>Literally counted down the hours like an autist
>Nice feels.
I haven't had these feels in so long since the last three excuses for women I dated/tried to date.
Good luck Anons/Anonettes. We'll all get there at some point
>childhood and teenage years mess me up
>develop mental tactics to callous myself
>get mentally strong but emotionally vacant and unsympathetic
>have no trust in people at all
>I literally do not believe other people's emotions, I think they are either lying or trying to manipulate me.
>deeply afraid of intimacy and "love"
>constantly anxious and restless
>start lifting to relieve this
>get in shape
>fixes a lot of my issues
>stay focused on getting better while I'm in college (freshman)
>get back home for summer
>problems start to come back
>girl likes me and I just ignore her because I don't believe her for some reason
>all of the memories of the girls I rejected, horrible moments from childhood, and the few times where I felt love keep playing out in my head
>on the verge of a mental breakdown
I seriously don't know what to do. I'm sick of being so alone, this is the first time I've really felt this. I never thought I needed anybody but now it's like my brain is weakening. I hooked up with this one girl in college and it changed everything, but I broke up with her after a week. I got softer and now I'm so lost because I know what it feels like to be wanted and to have someone next to you. It's really messing with me.