Can anyone explain to me what the fuck the point is or female powerlifting if they have to become straight up obese to...

Can anyone explain to me what the fuck the point is or female powerlifting if they have to become straight up obese to lift any kind of decent weight?

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>why are people in the SHW class so fat?

post your body and your best lifts for the big 3, fag

she probably has a higher total than you

Most women, and in fact most people, are never going to be hot based on their looks alone. Better to have a body that reflects hard work of some kind than to be a generic tryhard kardashian wannabe.

What do you actually get out of white knighting some hambeast?

most powerlifting girls I've seen are hot as hell

>an obese body reflects hard work

women are weaker than men, in order to achieve the same lifts that seems vaguely heavy for men, they need to bloatmaxx. its like asking what the fuck is the point of being an offensive lineman in football if you have to become a 300 lb+ fat fuck to keep the defense at bay.

while i agree that shes fat and looks like shit, she just enjoys lifting weights and her build is tailored for athletic performance, i.e lifting the most weight possible. males in higher weight classes bloatmaxx all the same.

you also didnt post your body or your total and you are here on Jow Forums wasting thread space on retarded threads like this just to project your insecurities, so its easy to make the assumption that you are a dyel faggot who cant relate at all to wanting to achieve at any sport

That doesn't answer the question...

because im her