Can anyone explain to me what the fuck the point is or female powerlifting if they have to become straight up obese to lift any kind of decent weight?
Can anyone explain to me what the fuck the point is or female powerlifting if they have to become straight up obese to...
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>why are people in the SHW class so fat?
post your body and your best lifts for the big 3, fag
she probably has a higher total than you
Most women, and in fact most people, are never going to be hot based on their looks alone. Better to have a body that reflects hard work of some kind than to be a generic tryhard kardashian wannabe.
What do you actually get out of white knighting some hambeast?
most powerlifting girls I've seen are hot as hell
>an obese body reflects hard work
women are weaker than men, in order to achieve the same lifts that seems vaguely heavy for men, they need to bloatmaxx. its like asking what the fuck is the point of being an offensive lineman in football if you have to become a 300 lb+ fat fuck to keep the defense at bay.
while i agree that shes fat and looks like shit, she just enjoys lifting weights and her build is tailored for athletic performance, i.e lifting the most weight possible. males in higher weight classes bloatmaxx all the same.
you also didnt post your body or your total and you are here on Jow Forums wasting thread space on retarded threads like this just to project your insecurities, so its easy to make the assumption that you are a dyel faggot who cant relate at all to wanting to achieve at any sport
That doesn't answer the question...
because im her
Point of life is to feel the feeling of living. She probably feels she is alive while she is competing and probably while training and maybe even in her day to day life as she may feel she has some meaning to her existence.
Life is to be lived in the Now, this is the meaning of Eternity, as living Now means you aren't in the duality Past/Future but in the Eternal line between.
She may be obese, but she is probably happy. I don't think that should be an excuse to let it all slide and be slothful, just that I think I should start to focus less on what bothers me about others and try to become in some way life the chubby woman in your photo and enjoy something.
actually, im morbidly obese on purpose due to being an athlete .
because they want to
they aren't whiteknighting the lifter, you stupid piece of shit, they're calling out OP for being the pathetic insecure DYEL that he is
>they aren't whiteknighting the lifter
Except he is.
>what do you actually get out of meme some meme mememememememe memememeeme
do you have a single original thought in your head?
u ok m8?
Powerlifting is an absolute joke. If you hadn't gotten this by now, then idk what to tell you, OP.
>big 3
t. weak ladyboy pussy who looks like a dainty bitch with shit lifts and thus feels compelled to attack a woman who is stronger than him by whining on Jow Forums
>more memes
Notice how OP never said he was stronger or the fat chick was weak...
she's not fat because of powerlifting, she's fat because she has shitty eating habits and an unhealthy relationship with food
powerlifting is just a smokescreen for her and any other hambeast female powerlifter, she's not sacrificing to win she would be fat as fuck if she had never heard of PL anyway
post jen thompson or something to cleanse my eyes
Sorry just got a bit worried about you after that little spergout you had.
Male power lifters are also all obese. You point?
Powerlifters in general tend to have a low IQ
there is something to be said of a sport that not only rationalizes desctrutive lifestyle choices but also promotes them
nah. i don't feel insecure when i see a woman who can lift heavy weights like you do, bitch boy. learn what a word means before you run off using it and showing what an ignorant moron you are you obvious fairy.
It sure sounds like you do considering you specified something OP didn't...
she's a powerlifter, not a bodybuilder.
>t. like tgirls with roidclits
Oh sorry you're right there's only one destructive "sport".
the real question is why the fuck do you care, you insecure fag.
Jesus, this thread just reminded me of george leeman and his coalburning piggy gf who drove him off the continent and to quit powerlifting. Dude was a fucking monster, he was getting close to record territory. Sad.
this thread is all cucks who are mad they can't deadlift over 4.4 times their body weight
this desu. Those girls don't even think about you.
>Those girls don't even think about you.
(and that's a good thing)
>thread is about fatass powerlifting women
>"hah! Ur all just mad"
>posts hot, skinny powerlifter
dude wat? Wheyfus and fatasses who can squat their bodyweight are in two different categories.
wrong. the premise of the OP is that all strong powerlifting chicks are fat. obviously not true
Ah I see. I guess I mistook this for a sort of FPH thread. Carry on then.
>posts manly, muscular roided out "female" powerlifter
ftfy btw just cum out the closet bb
They do it to validate their eating habits, just like the rest of us.
Piss off. I like strong women.
he actually had a soft lockout american record but that didnt make him happy. suprising that in a sport where only objective is to make the numbers go higher, they can never be high enough. sad.
>this shit reading comprehension
>this impotent damage control
Whatever man, bitch has literally got more androgenic compounds flowing through her body than you do. That manifests itself in the completely unnatural amount of muscle, completely male shape, and the beginnings of masculine features in the face. I can guarantee she's got a raspy ass voice like a 60yo woman who's smoked her whole life too.
An actual strong woman does not look like that naturally.
Good goyim
Daaaaaamn fucking REKT
seek help
>even more projection
Male power lifters also deadlift almost 1,000 lbs
After her pissing all over the platform I can NOT even look at this hgh bitch. Fucking gross
You are putting on a show
You would have bagged on her way your bros and you would still type that bullshit out.
Post a vid of you fucking some hog and we can talk
>i am too stupid to refute your claims and am far too much of a chicken shit coward to even muster up a single coherent attempt, sir
i accept your mental surrender. no more (you)s for the little shit troll. scoot on off back to your safe space, fairy boy. you're done. you've lost. cope.
>literally seething
OP here. I can't believe my post buttdevastated so many of you autists.
It's obvious that a lot of you have shit reading comprehension, so let me clarify. I think she's strong, yes, but what the fuck is the point of being "strong" if you have to eat until your weight matches your PR goal. Men who weigh as much as her are squatting almost 800 lbs.
So yes, I think women who powerlift are fucking retarded because they either have to eat until they're literally obese or blast enough drugs to ruin their bodies just so they can lift weight a non-competitive male can lift
as opposed to all the skinny male powerlifters?
It's one samefagging toasty roastie dude.
From my point of view, a guy who was 270 in high school but 170 entering college... I cannot see ANY fucking reason to spill over into obese or sloppy fat. To be clear, I often cringe at NFL linemen who have spilled over (men being payed millions to play the game they love). I just think about my joints and my back and how they fucking hurt all the time and how tired I’d be all the time and how much effort fucking EVERYTHING was. It sucks man, and that is in reference to a strong boned man. For this woman... I feel sorry for her.
To be clear, spill over means to surpass strong fat. When you have fat that is no longer athletically useful. Many NFL linemen have not spilled over.
Finally, let’s all just be honest and stop white knighting. You can be fat as a guy, but basically not as a woman. Over 40’s is probably okay for both sexes. It’s just unattractive. There, I fucking said it and so can you. Furthermore, it sets a bad example for other women and young girls. And come on white knights... I care about as much for her PL totals as I do yours :P
her voice is really cute desu
stefi = best wheyfu
also, why is it that you think that a woman using steroids somehow disqualifies her accomplishments, when 100% of the male champions of bodybuilding, powerlifting, and strongman all use asstons of steroids.
>Can anyone explain to me what the fuck the point is of male powerlifting if they have to become straight up obese to lift world record amounts of weight?
See the difference?
Basically you're retarded by thinking like this.
The point is not being skinny-fit of test raiser, the goal is to lift so there's zero care about aesthetics.
>ib4 white knighting
Yeah, maybe. Anyways, GTFO dyel.
>not knowing most chicks who lift piss
no, fat people are disgusting and deserve no respect regardless of how many world records they have
>Men who weigh as much as her are squatting almost 800 lbs.
do you know how I can tell you're a bitter incel?
>also, why is it that you think that a woman using steroids somehow disqualifies her accomplishments, when 100% of the male champions of bodybuilding, powerlifting, and strongman all use asstons of steroids.
Jow Forums is just naive. there's chicks who actually have man faces and chins that they can carve marble statues with who are on anavar, tren, etc. and still cant deadlift 500+
It's natural to look at a man with high testosterone levels and admire his accomplishments.
It's also natural to look at a woman with disgust who is altering her body chemistry to look like a man.
We're guys and we want to fuck women. If the woman stops being a woman, then it's disgusting.
Jesus bro, are all american women like this?
Because you're a bitter incel projecting?
you've obviously never seen chicks who are actually loaded up with anabolics. and 99% of them arent as strong as stefi
Wtf do you even mean by asking for source?
You want him to provide a study or some shit on men that size squatting?
Wtf dude?
>slowly killing yourself by destroying your heart health just so you can maybe get a shitty plastic trophy and no money all while lifting subpar weight
the absolute state of the American woman
>you've obviously never seen chicks who are actually loaded up with anabolics
Literally everyone has seen chicks loaded up on anabolics, can we please cut the bullshit here?
What is your point exactly? Because some girls take heavy anabolics, the girl you posted can't be on anabolics?
okay, let me try to give you an actual response to your question.
You don't understand why women should bother trying to get as strong as they can, since they'll probably always be weaker than a male with the same training experience.
Have you considered the possibility that they just want to get as strong as THEY possibly can, as individuals?
I am young dude, but there is no way that I will ever be as strong as Pete Rubish or Zydrunas Savickas, even if I could train for 100 years with an unlimited supply of anabolics. But why should I give a fuck? I just want to get that next plate on my deadlift, or beat my OHP 5RM PR, or learn how to do a new movement. I want to be stronger next year than I am today. The fact that my lifetime PR might be some giant guy's warm up set is irrelevant.
Think of it this way: if Japanese scientists created a new breed of hermaphroditic superpeople, and even the weakest member of this new gender could deadlift 1000lbs for reps, would all the male powerlifters in the world just give up because these other guys were naturally stronger?
That wasn't my question lol, not OP. Just saying 99.9% of the time when someone says "You know how I know you're ___", the reason they "know" you're ___ is because they know themselves, and they're ___.
>muh white knight meme
this is an admission that you have no actual point
>Men who weigh as much as her are squatting almost 800 lbs.
do you even lift
>Let me tell you what you should enjoy and how you should enjoy it.
Fuck off OP.
>Can anyone explain to me what the fuck the point is or female powerlifting
you could have stopped right there and still no one would be able to answer.
is that kripp?
Jesus, all these incels whiteknighting a literal Mancubus. The only difference between her and your typical American hamplanet is that she lifts, but that's no excuse for being a greaseball.
Come on bro this is one hobby where you can see the women putting in hard work as oppossed to everything else females enjoy. No reason to alienate a women that can pump out 6 lesnars for you.
Would you make the same arguments against
Superheavyweights are fat, not exactly surprising but whatever this is a bait thread anyway so i guess i lose
Powerlifting is... a real life ladder system.
Instead of diamond you can squat 4 plate.
does that make me a shining diamond or do i actually have to compete for that to apply
Even if he does, she still a fatty!
That is a very optimistic spotter.
She is the walking HAES!
Was she collapsing at the end?
jesus christ you sound like you want to rim this fat blob you disgusting autist. Stop the white-knighting you perverted little whale fucker.
Jesus christ she looks like Miss Piggy lmao