Does a deep voice enhance muscles?
srsly bro, seen some tall babyfaced motherfuckers with muscles in college somehow still get laid with hot girls cuz they have a deep voice (no not some alpha pua shit, but actual husky deep voice)
Does a deep voice enhance muscles?
srsly bro, seen some tall babyfaced motherfuckers with muscles in college somehow still get laid with hot girls cuz they have a deep voice (no not some alpha pua shit, but actual husky deep voice)
Fugg that girl on my right is my dream girl
Wtb one sticc brunette.
Just be nick bateman bro
Your voice isn't the problem my man
Belt of Apollo on the left dude. How do I prevent this?
I have a deep voice and my girlfriends friend told her it's "calming"
What did she mean by this?
You have a nice voice then, lmao.
Ya whats up with the guy on the left? Man that lower ab is really...worked out...?
You have a gf and most of us don't. Who cares what she meant by it.
Yeah man I'm living the dream
Getting laid in college really isn't that hard , user. Anyone can do it.
I have been saying this for a while. Voice is 30% of all game. If you look like fucking Adonis but you got helium voice girls will just laugh at your face and leave. On the other hand if you are average and have a nice voice you become inmediatly "seductive" and "mysterious" to girls. Women are extremelly irrational,never trust what they say they like, as they are trying to rationalize stuff that is totally retarded and instintive
Gets laid because of a deep voice.
How to make voice gains?
Skinnyfat here. Pretty sure my voice helps a lot with getting laid.
All I found was learning to sing. Voice coaches for voice acting do the exact same programs as singing training. It's also insanely overpriced, like 250 an hour over Skype.
High testosterone during fetal and pubertal development and even later in life:
Grows your genitalia(both the penis and testicles)
Grows your bodyhair and facial hair
Makes your voice deeper
Grows your chin, frame and bones in the brow area
Muscle hypertrophy is easier
More stamina
and many more
>tfw all of these
my dick grew 2cm past the age of 20
>those pathetic twig legs
what a dainty fucking pussy
Bullshit. Even with tools that's not possible
yseu stupid fuck all secondary male characteristics attract women, height, hair everywhere, muscle, strong chin/jaw, deeper voice, the more of these you hit good the mroe man you are
girls don't care about legs bro
COPE. Yes they do. I get complements on my ass/thighs all the time
You really think your girly ass can compete with masculine face and height?
false dichotomy
If your voice isnt pleasant and deep they will just make fun of you
Can your voice be deep but unpleasant?
yeah, if it's deep but sounds "dopey". Think Patrick Star.
>those legs
What a fucking loser
Adonis fannypack
Why do you faggots have to compare yourself to fucking Bateman of all people? He is one of, if not THE most attractive males in this goddamn ball of mud and suffering.
No shit you are going to fall short.
>inb4 it's ogre etc
lookism and r9k has really turned this board to shit.
It's the looksmax cope. They want to pretend to themselves that anyone who doesn't look 10/10 like bateman or gandy is beyond hope. It's a way of rationalizing completely giving up on life to themselves.
>f-f-false dichotomy
>this goddamn ball of mud and suffering.
*tips fedora
You're not even making a coherent argument. Women appreciate nice ass/thighs on a man. This doesn't mean having nice ass/thighs is as important as having a good face. But all things equal, having good ass/thighs is better than not having them. Compare like to like.
Bateman is 7/10psl
He's not the greatest looking guy, but enough to slay 6/10 girls
You can't if you train abs correctly, he is just flexing his abs differently by sucking his belly in and then flexing
High test during puberty
>”low, low, low”
This is weird cause I have some but not others
>big dick
>hardly any body hair but good beard
>very deep voice
>small chin but large brow and wide shoulders
>shit stamina
I've had different girls tell me I have the deepest voice they've heard
KHV btw
This. He's got a few bad features and looks much worse than model tier guys who sit at 8 and 9. Still good looking enough to slay since he has an okay body and is tall.
High T causes low voice
High T causes big muscles
low voice does not cause big muscles
You can definitely have some but not others. I have most, except my bone structure is really delicate (wrists, long and skinny fingers) despite having wide shoulders and a heavy brow.
He actually has a pretty puffy lower third. I reckon if he shaved that beard off he'd go down a 1 point/point and a half.
Deep voices project better and it might give off a confident vibe just because you sound louder than a high pitched voice. A Highschool teacher would always tell my friend and me how she could always hear our deep voices from her office or when we'd be out in the hallway.
So I'm very often told that I have a nice voice, a very deep voice, and a voice fit for radio/voice over. I'm not massive, but I'm noticeably in shape. I still don't get girls.
Saw this guy in public last week, he is only 6foot1 if that.
I have all of that except facial hair and chest hair
i didn't hit puberty until i was like 14/15 though
im 21 now am i just a late bloomer?
Idk, but girls love my voice and I'm constantly told by strangers that I should do broadcasting. In highschool it got to the point where girls would straight up say that they loved it.
That's because you're still autistic, bro. Social gains are important too
Probably. I can hold a conversation with anyone, but I guess I still can't read if anyone is actually attracted to me unless it's very overt. I know a lot of people are shocked when they hear my voice for the first time cuz I really don't look like what you would expect for my voice.