Is Arnie's 20-year-old son beyond saving at this point?
Is Arnie's 20-year-old son beyond saving at this point?
He's bulking
Not at all. If he cut/diet/weights he could be semi-chad. Not to mention $$$ + status.
>cankles are as ferocious as ever
His bloatlord apprenticeship is going well I see.
just a lil treat bro, he's entitled to it
I’d kill for that fucking frame. What a waste.
Do you even bloat max spotted. Kill yourself.
I feel sorry for him--- no, I no I don't he did this to himself. He has everything it takes to not be this shit lord and it's the reason why his dad favors the other son form the housemaid side hoe.
I feel bad for him desu
He got all the Kennedy genes and Patrick got the Swarzenegger genes
holy shit this nigga is fucking huge all he gotta do is drop the weight
ya he fucked. Dudes that fat cant even work mental tasks.
Can't wait to see his calves post-cut, training hard
his illegitimate son, joseph baena, btw.
that must have been the worst load arnie has ever blown in his entire life. talk about low rolls.
imagine being the son of the GOAT and getting mogged by his half-goblin bastard son.
No, he took his fathers advice to build calves first before cutting
Mirin dat bulk desu
Patrick obviously looks so american and has the Kennedy genes, Arnold is garbage combared to president Kennedy
Ruth? RUUUTH?!?! I can't find Ruth here. Absolutely Ruthless.
Kennedy had terrible genes and was sick all the time. Arnold would have been president if it were legal
He is so fat his left foot is about to explode out of the sneaker.
>the son who got dad's attention ended up becoming a fat bitch
>the son who didn't get dad's attention ended up working harder and his body shows it
>Is Arnie's 20-year-old son beyond saving at this point?
possibly, though at this age he's probably going to have to hit bottom before he reaches out for or accepts help. his state does not at all reflect well on arnie who seems to have failed abysmally as a father
Patrick looks like his dad except not a bodybuilder. Christopher looks like Ted Kennedy but tall.
>seems to have failed abysmally as a father
well he cheated on his wife, which basically destroyed the family
give him a year and he'll cut to normal weight and he'll have the joociest (ex) fat boí calves
Everyone can be saved if I can lose 60kg (132lbs) in 1 year and 8 months and go from no lifts to 1pl8 Bench, 2pl8 Squat & Deadlift
Everyone can still make it.
pretty good calf genetics desu
Wow. Didnt know his illegitimate son was half Indian.
They should make the bastard breed with one of the daughters just to look at the result.
He could be an NFL lineman
How depressing would that be to know your bodybuilding icon dad has a favorite son and it’s not you
All he needs to do is get into Classic Physique and push bodybuilding to the normies.
That's all.
He's actually not as fat as he was in some of those other pictures.
And from the look of his thighs and calves he has damned good muscle genetics and if he cuts and lifts, he'd put golden era platz to shame in the wheels department. As a natty.
But his entire upper body is a complete wash. There's nothing that can be done for that fuck up as a natural. Just a full decade of hard as fuck training.
He'd have to get on anabolics to unfuck that.
Can we call his affair bastard son Bastard? Bastard Schwarzenegger. He's Chad enough to rock that name.
People like you inspire me everytime I think it'll be too hard for me to lose weight.
(132kg currently, lean mass is 88kg so goal is 96-100kg)
start lifting now dont make that rookie mistake
>goal is 96-100kg
I hope you are 6'3+ or otherwise your goal is still fat as fuck
Maybe ahnuld should spend some time with him instead of fucking immigrant maids and lifting with his half spic bastard.
Patrick is the chad
>tfw ghetto hoodrats iz ripped cuz no dad...
How will whitey boyz ever recover?
he's definitely going to be one of those useless rich kid junkies.
Dude get him to squat keto and deadlift he’ll be a slayer in no time
What a waste of perfect genes. He just needs to CUT! Who else here /madasfuck/?
Arnie said he was hard on his kids. Apparently not enough.
What a fucking sack of shit.
He has the physique of a fatass that doesn't even do chores. He's completely atrophied. Like even mowing grass biweekly would give him decent calves.
He's on his cheat decade, no big deal.
so much manlets ITT lmao
kys faggot racist
This is what hapens when a white man has no meaning, purpose, etc., etc., and indulges in comfort instead of becoming a man.
Arnie honestly needs to cut him off, kick him out and not answer his "son's" pathetic, screaming, tantrum phone calls for at least 6 months. Having witnessed and experienced some of this, I believe this is the only way.
No offence, but why would you want to be 130? Are you a 5'6" woman?
>kys faggot racist
Imagine being so "color-blind" that you refuse to recognize the gobbo threat when it's plundering your genepool.
im not white, tubby
Every time I see this picture I wonder what the person posting is even thinking, by appearances alone both sides have shitty people, and how the fuck is "look at this ugly white person" even worth posting?
do you also have this same exact thought when someone posts an ugly fat liberal "commie"? i guarantee you dont
what you just posted was 100% cope because you're very likely ugly and fat like the cake guy. stay buttblasted
His son looks a bit like Lou Ferrigno
>do you also have this same exact thought when someone posts an ugly fat liberal "commie"?
Depends a lot, sometimes, yes absolutely, other times I wonder why the person either purposefully choose to make themselves look like clowns. That guy is just fat, nothing more nothing less, shameful and a waste but by no means as absurd as some of the ones on the left.
>i guarantee you dont
You don't know me.
>what you just posted was 100% cope because you're very likely ugly and fat like the cake guy
I'm an underweight thicc lanklet with a longhair, you've no fucking clue what you're talking about.
If he'd just be lean, he'd look like Patrick desu.
Freudian slip?
No I have thicc legs and twink upper body.
He's close to having full-on 'beetus ankles.
Lou's revenge. He was doing the maid too!
>cheat decade
22 years is my streak
What's your streak, Jow Forums?
Been probably 2 years since I havent cheated on my diet.
look at his fucking calves though
mirin ankle circumference
CHADspanics win again
He's living it! Based.