Take the neckpill

take the neckpill

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u mean lateral raises and shrugs

>tilting your head back while taking the pic

Oldest necklet trick in the book.

do shrugs work neck? My neck always seems to be a little thicker after them but I'm not sure

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user there are exercises specifically designed to hypertrophy the neck muscles, look them up. Also deadlift.

Ohp, deadlift, rows and front squats all work your neck, doing neck isolation shit can cause injury if you progress too far

this. many years of wrestling in high school has blessed me with sleep apnea and disk surgery.
a-at least I look like an alpha thumb head though r-right guys?


Did you do a lot of bridges? That shit is supposed to be really bad for you. A neck harness is much better

we did bridges until coach dumbshit found out they were bad for the neck, we didnt do them for long and we began using the harness. bottom line is that if your neck lines up with your jaw, that is good enough. any wider and you look like a thimble head and desu girls dont really dig it.

I took the neck pill months ago

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nice veins

At what point is a neck "big enough"? I haven't done any neck training and mine is roughly 16.5". But I also have a broad slav head, so what does that mean?

if your head is broad, 16.5 inches is good enough. hell even 16 is good. if it lines up with your jaw in the mirror then its all good

>tfw liked metal and headbanged as a teen so neck was always thick

lmao at trying to build neck with exercises

>if it lines up with your jaw
you mean the neck being as wide as my jaws so they're flush? Fucking hell, I'd probably need to get my neck to like 19 fucking inches for that to happen. And then there's the pain in the ass of needing to switch out my entire wardrobe because I can no longer button any of my collars all the way.

>that neckhole

are you famished?

Kek, this happened to me already, shit sucks

where do i start ? a good program ?

please what are good exercise to have bigger neck ?

Swimming, Deadlifts, OHP, Pullups, Lateral raises.

neck curls (start bodyweight just hang your head off your bed and curl) and soon add weight to your forehead

I currently have a 17 inch neck at 6ft2 simply from being naturally burly + doing shrugs, what neck size is optimal?

22 inches at 6ft, add 1 inch per inch of height

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>start bodyweight
>implying user will still exist after 1 rep

Surely 22+ inches would look retarded, but I have a fucking big skull.

My neck is about equal with my jaw (at the top), is that roughly what I should be aiming for or wider?

>I recently got my neck complimented by qt
>I don't do any neck autist exercise
>I workout my neck with regular traps and shoulder exercices

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My neck is a bit fucked already. I think I have a pinched nerve there and it clicks and grinds. Would neck training be suicide or could it actually help? I wanna get a joocy neck but I don't want to snap myself anymore than I already am.

Probably help, they made my neck feel more stable. Neck curls and extensions just give your neck a nice juicy pump, feels like a bicep curl for your neck. Just don't do bodyweight neck movement like bridges

All these fucking neck threads and these questions are never fucking answered

Does anyone have ONE FUCKING answer to these questions on this bullshit fucking site

-How are you supposed to get a bigger neck if you'e cutting. It's impossible. You can only maintain and make it more shredded

-Is doing 3 sets of neck curls 4x a week superior to neck curls, neck raises, and bilateral raises 3 sets 2x a week. Can you make it just doing neck curls?

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>Does anyone have ONE FUCKING answer to these questions on this bullshit fucking site
>-How are you supposed to get a bigger neck if you'e cutting. It's impossible. You can only maintain and make it more shredded
Why are you asking if you answered your own question?

Who else maximies neck gains by doing neck workouts on off days where you aren't fatigued from the main lifts and other isolations?
>inb4 your work capacity and muscular endurance is shit

just started this.

i did wrestling young but it was more than 10 years ago, i remember the neck t rains, is my neck going to get bigger if i trained like this ?

Is it better to do neck curls every day or do neck exercises in the 4 directions 2-3x?


i saw a video of some dude mike something, dude has an enormous neck and thousands of videos on the subject.
he said for beginners

neck curl -> 3x20-25
add weight or work to 100 reps

That's a fat neck. That's different to a muscular neck. Being muscular in general is good as you get older.

I just measured and have a 17.2 inch neck and I'm only 5'11 but the thing is it doesn't even look big

Did I measure correctly? Do you guys measure the bottom part of the neck around the collarbone?

Did 3x20 neck curls and feel like vomiting. How do I neck curl without becoming nauseated

>22 inch neck

At 6'2, 17.5-18 inches is probably best. 17 is solid, though

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if you have a shit jaw and chin does doing neck make them look worse?


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I thought you measured in the middle.

You measure above the adams apple

my jawline is chit and having a big neck makes it look like my jawline blends in with my neck from a profile view. from the front it looks good.
but would you rather have a pencil neck or thick juicy one?

Im 16.1 then which probably makes more sense
That doesn't really make any sense though? When you're getting something tailored they don't measure that high right?

Fuck brehs i think im ODing on the neckpill

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Also when lifting in general, don't keep your head looking down. Neutral or slightly elevated will help stimulate growth in the neck.

Is that the alien pic?

You're pretty close to the ideal neck size, which is CHADhan level

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meant to post peak CHADhan

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I recently destroyed a ligament in the back of my neck and after wearing a neck brace for a month I'm left wondering what the fuck I was doing for my neck because it has shrunk to like 14 inches from 16


Reminder that the redpill on the neckpill is that it's actually mostly just about proper head/neck POSTURE.

Go ahead. Look at the apparent width of your neck if you tuck your head back so your neck is erect, vs having bad posture and letting your head and neck droop forward.

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