How do I get over my social anxiety and go to the gym? Should I just continue exercising at home?
How do I get over my social anxiety and go to the gym? Should I just continue exercising at home?
just get really drunk and go to the gym
r u paying? you should def go if youre paying. look everyone in the eyes, youll realize almost no one is lookimg at you
Lol just stop anxious nigga hahaha wtf are you even saying take a few deep breaths rofl
its not about you, you are an npc to them. They couldn't give less of a fuck.
I always tell my roommate this, but he doesn't listen. Like literally no one cares what you're doing or if you're fat. If anything they're praising you silently that you're looking to improve yourself.
Yeah I am, and I only live a 5 minute walk away
>nobody will make fun of you at the gym bro
>they're just there to work out, they don't give a shit bro
I started in a very similar situation. I started by just going in using machines, you can't really fuck up on them. Also treadmill and elliptical. Eventually I got comfortable enough being in the gym, paid attention to what work outs other people were doing etc. Eventually I went online and looked up some routines and exercises and began using dumbbells and barbells for various things. I did a bro-split for a while, and only recently switched over to a PPL routine. Basically you're gonna suck at first, and not be able to lift much, suck it up, stick it out, and eventually you'll make it.
Kek absolute Chad
I'm not fat, I'm in pretty good shape from working out at home and running it's just being around so people who are clearly more familiar with the gym makes me feel uneasy
This hits close to home, i knew the skinny dude from school and went to that gym
Wait what? Really? Did he make it?
Not in the Jow Forums sense, but i dont think he is skinny anymore
I've seen the same fat girl come to my gym, do about 30 min of light cardio 2 or 3 times a week, and she has consistently stayed the same size. I'm not silently praising her, I pity her because I know she will never make it.
Seems like a place to do this thing
>walking through my local pub after workout
>long day so sort of out of it, lifting gheavy make
>barmaid asked to t to the guy that he was
>lift up my shirt like an autist because why not, don’t have abs that day because of Nikon dapper
>whole pub laughs at the autopsy the removes her shirt for a chance at boonies
nigga what are you sayin
They laughed at me because she said no when I got into the table shirtless and asked her out
damn hope you good dont let a bitch get you down
My best advice is to go early in the morning when there are less crowds (though this is based on schedules at college gyms, it may not apply for gyms full of boomers with a 9-5 work schedule). At least until you get into the swing of things. Over time I've managed to drag myself out there during peak hours if I miss my morning session, it's a bit annoying dealing with the crowd but it's better than missing a workout.
Plus there's a great feeling of tackling your day after already having accomplishing something great. I miss 6AM hockey practices terribly.
If you don't go, trust me, you'll regret it. This comes from someone who ignored these opportunities for three consecutive years. Don't do what I did and forget about it - go, and go hard. After a few weeks, you won't care about anxiety, and you'll see progress and it'll be rewarding enough to keep going.
Yeah I’m good thank you
Just need to slam harder then slam her sister in front of her
I will help pay for the gender reassignment surgery.
Find a 24/7 gym. Go there during graveyard hours.
>going in using machines, you can't really fuck up on them. Also treadmill and elliptical
Yeah that's like the perfect newbie gym start. The machines area isn't as crowded as the free weight area and you can't really hurt yourself on them without trying to do so. Then just sort of people watch for a while to pick up the general pattern of who does what and notice, no one gives a shit about anyone else.
Even hardcore gym thots get mostly ignored being the art of people watching by way of mirrors and so on is a gym skill too.
and something most people never seem to mention is there still a basic social order to the gym. The monster sized dudes and all the dad age sort of buff dudes are not going to let some average size highschool or want-a-be frat bro give any shit to some random awkward skinny or fat kid/guy at the gym.
Nobody cares about you there unless you injure yourself
>Tattoos on fat arm.
>Vans shoes.
>Basketball top
>Takes ipad to gym.
Build a home gym it's cheaper in the long run.
Go to the gym. Now.
People don't care about you outside the gym, why would they care about you inside the gym? Make yourself better and maybe someone will notice and mire.
How do you think those people got more familliar with the gym. You arent born in the gym bro.. no one knows what they are doing at first. Everyone has to learn somewhere. Some learn as kids from sibbling, parents, etc. Others learn themselves at a later stage.
Every cunt in the gym has felt like you at one point in there life.
its relative to urself.
u feel like u cant go to gym coz u arent strong enough or w/e? get strong enough at home until u feel comfortable to go to the gym. i swear this insecurity bullshit is with every person who doesnt have something to brag about (ex: hobby theyre proficient at) including me. do cali or just go run and then when ur conf enough go gym. but at all points in time realize that this is ur imagination and ur own choice, the reality is that nobody actually gives a fuck, and even if they did, what does it matter? its ur goal u are pursuing, it matters to u the most, and has nothing to do with anyone else.
If you're ugly, get your teeth fixed
I swim and run at the YMCA and the couple times I've went early there were tons of old people in the free weight area even at fucking 6 a.m.
so am i the only one who's had multiple negative experiences with other people as a beginner in the gym? seems that way
why the fuck does it matter
because it proves that people will give you shit at the gym, obviously
I went to the same school as that kid
tell me about how this has anything to do with it other than your interpretation of whats going on around you
>guy comes up and puts my hand from my sides onto the handles while on the bike, didnt ask him to
>person doesnt move his foot and i almost trip
>guy laughs right in front of me when i struggle on machine
>have gotten headshakes and seen visible annoyance in peoples faces when they look at me
>failed 135 lb bench once and big black guy stared at me
lots of shit like that has happened. i dont really care and keep lifting and have made gains. dealing with assholes like them and you has given me motivation
the fact that you interpret what i'm saying as being an "asshole" worries me user.
im actually intrigued and want to ask you what, in my previous comments, has made you think im being an "asshole". but then again, why would you answer an asshole, right? what a dilemma
The gym is full of losers with social anxiety, it's the place for you
I feel you man, I just started going to a gym, also because of anxiety.
The first few times I basically turned around when I was at the entrance to the gym, but be strong, and get in.
I even got lucky with my test training, as 2 trainers there are really nice guys, encuraging me to go.
Get over yourself, be strong, and remember: you're doing something good for yourself, you're in the right, anyone not being ok with that is an asshole.
Also it's in the gyms interest to keep you happy there, so feel free to ask, to try out etc.
I mean if your worst fantasy really happens there, you might be able to sue and come out on top, nothing to loose man!
also just read Jow Forums
full of in the end lonely dudes who like to talk and teach about their fav hobby.
a good number of the gym regular beefcakes might even want to help you if you show interest and admiration
Unless you smell or you're massive(obese or buff) you're actually invisible to everyone who knows what they are doing.
This. Everyone else at the gym is either super self conscious as well, or doesn't even care about you..