Special Forces Fitness

>elite cardio
>elite fitness
>elite weaponry skills
>professionally trained killers
>unbridled courage, discipline and focus
>maintain universal peace and kill bad guys
>unmatched mental fortitude
>epitome of high test males
>envied by all men on the planet
>desired by all women on the planet

Why weren't you in Special Forces, Jow Forums?

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I went into the Army with the explicit intention of doing my time, getting out, and milking the GI Bill. Make way more money now as an engineer than I ever would in the military. No regrets.

Maybe I will b

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>elite cardio

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The point being that going SF requires you to commit to more years (I think it was 6?) than I was willing to.

those are dolls aren't they?

What are you gonna name your son, user?

Because I'm permanently disqualified for an eye condition

>maintain universal peace and kill bad guys
Then why are there still nonwhites in my country?

Every SF I ever worked with (Logar, Afghanistan) was a jacked manlet or a 6’3 160lb cardio lanklet. Absolutely no middle ground.

I did 4 years, got out, did undergrad and went to PA school on the dregs of my GI bill. Was p comfy brah.

>fight to expand the borders of Israel

Same here, although I wouldn't mind doing an extra tour

I live near a military base and I've met some of these guys before. They aren't like your regular army personnel. While the army changes some people these guy are like completely lobotomized, always serious, like robots. Stripped of any and all personality just trained dogs ready to obey orders.

Janus/GardaWorld may $690/day for 90/30 tours doing ECP guard and other easy shit like that if you have one deployment under your belt.

Legitimately considering it. I’m a 1LT who’s finishing up his platoon leader time. I originally intended on going civil affairs but the more I talk to folks it seems like SF is definitely achievable by mortal men. I feel like I’m not physically ready for SFAS yet though, so I’m heavily considering amping up on steroids and doing some cycles for the next half year until selection rolls around.

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>fighting for your life and killing others so that the Jews make more money while sitting at home

Yeah your right, although I don't have a kid yet so money isn't to high of a priority.

Get 1/2/3 and do retarded amounts of cardio and push-ups and you’re good.
>t. washed out of selection

What happened during selection?

Well the normal term is 4 years, at least if you wanna reap in most of your bennies, so if you wanna do some high speed shit before the rest of your life in exchange for a couple more years then why the hell not

I wasn’t ready for the sheer amount of mileage and got shin splints like a pussy and got recycled then kicked back to my line company. Feels bad man. My brother has been an 18D for like 10 years and roasts me about it constantly even though I’m out now.

Fun fact, the people in this image aren't real, they're action figures made by some Malaysian blogger.

The ruck mileage or the run mileage? I feel like all I ever hear about is rucking (like the Star course), not so much running though.

Run, i had the fortune to of having to ruck at least once a week for PT for 3 years so other than the weight being much heavier (65+ rather than 35) i did alright.

Its not a bodybuilding show you fucking retard

>not working on cardio

was thinking the same thing

Who knows? We might be talking to an elite member of the Chechen rebels.

but I'm a weak bitch that can't even 1/2/3 but can run 8 minute miles for 8+ miles and ruck a shit ton.

You'll probably make it. Just be able to push and carry shit until you puke.

Which SFG is he?

I’m sure there’s only a few 18D in the entire army whose brothers failed out of selection. Not gonna dox myself on a nepalese goat milking forum.

The fuck? No not really. You sure you didn't just flunk the IQ test?

lmao fuck off newfag

Don' those traits only matter when in groups and with a blank check?


You will never be as operater as Vining.

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Are the like robots because they are SF, or SF because they are robots?

I have heard similar stories, mate went surfing with a dude in Bali who was on R&R after watching a squaddie get killed. Seemed okay with it.


Why the fuck did you use a fucking airshit larp photo?

>guaranteed to be misused and slaughtered in the event of areal war

>babby legs getting defensive

gb2 quartermaster corps kek

>My brother has been an 18D for like 10 years
Does he love it?
Doing full career?

because in my country (germany) you get treated like shit as a someone in the special forces. the pay is pretty bad, people are usually burnt out and physically cant do their job anymore after 5-10 years, you cant tell anyone about it and your personal life is for all intents and purposes non-existant as long as you are on active duty.

not to mention after you served your time the military often wont even take care of you and the best you can hope is getting a job at some security firm until PTSD fucks your ass.

so although I admire people who are in the KSK you are throwing away your life. It is absolutely fucked how we treat these guys... Sometimes I hate my country, it is just not right how little respect we have for these people when we throw millions and millions at some shitty football players...

German Source for anyone interested: faz.net/aktuell/politik/inland/ehemaliger-ksk-soldat-in-geheimer-mission-verschlissen-12911510.html

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...that can murder you and your whole family in his sleep. Your point?

I think he was just saying dude calm your autism

> German sf
> ptsd
My sides

>Yes goy, come fight and die for Israel

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FACT: SF operators don't experience ptsd nearly as much as regular grunts because
they are the ones who hunt and not the hunted.
ALSO: German SF are a joke like the rest of their armed forces.

Back to pol pussy

I was in the youth version of the homeguard in my country between ages 16 to 18, I liked it to some extent, I liked the shifts of patrolling several kilometers on very little sleep, I liked shooting guns, I liked the calisthenics and the cardio that we would do and our superiors were nice but also inspired obediance. I might join the actual homeguard sometime in the future but most of all I would like to join the rangers. But the best part about the homeguard is that it's fully focused on the defense of the country so I won't have to worry about being used as an American/Israeli pawn in the middle east.

U.S. Marine

I have bad vision and flat feet, they wouldn't take me into SF.

Manlets have naturaly good cardio and lanklets need to do a shitload of cardio to keep up.
Also muscle mass slows you down in endurance.

Hell, most guys here wouldn't even be able to keep up on a high end road/TT-bike with some manlet from /n/ riding a '90s rigid MTB.

next to nothing you said is true

What eye condition? Is wearing glasses with a low dioptre enough to not qualify you/get you in?

Thought about training on my current deployment to go PJ in the air force. I have arthritis in both my knees though. It's still early enough that they wouldn't disqualify me, but they would definitely be shot by the time I got out.

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All SF operators from pretty much all major countries are complete badasses. You fucking arrogant armchair combatant.

There is a reason the best climbers in road cycling are 170 cm or below.
Even the best track cyclists with >2000W peak power loose against a medicore manlet climber on any kind of longer climb.

It doesn't matter how much strength you have, in the end it only matters what you can sustain and what you weight.

>road cycling
we arent talking about road cycling you fucking idiot

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>Arrogant armchair non-combatant


Same goes with other cardio like swimming.
Only in running lanklets have a slight advantage due to longer steps.
But beyond a certain sieze lanklets can't run fast.

>maintain universal peace and kill bad guys
pic related
>Why weren't you in Special Forces, Jow Forums?
I would go that route if I hadn't gotten married while in the Infantry. Instead I got out because the military is no place for a family.

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but you will at some point you stupid fuck
>what is saving