Well Jow Forums?

Well Jow Forums?

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She'd look better at 130lbs ngl.

she would still be fat. If she looks like a fucking cow at 150, her ideal weight must be around 110.



She was overweight at 150 lmao



Would both, but these women always think I'm too short.

Fattys are revolting, even her before picture looked like a saggy fat mess.

>be a thin woman
>go on tinder
>choose one of the thousands of guys messaging you

>be a fat woman
>go on tinder
>choose one of the thousands of guys messaging you

stop worshiping women cucks

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no wonder people say this board is just another version of /lgbt/, lowtest beta"males" everywhere

would thoroughly smash both, at the same time


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post milkers please

don't want to get banned user sorry

post covered milkers then

No fucking way left is 150. I'm betting before was like 210 and after is 180.
Anyways, I'd readily bang both.

fat as fuck.

Hot as fuck, would plow 180 endlessly

most dudes will fuck anything 3/10 or above
anyways tinder sucks if you're not extremely good looking or have legendary banter / wit / charisma. these chicks haver heard it all, and the hotter ones have their pick from literally hundreds
if you're an average chump stay off tinder and try to pick up chicks the traditional way. online they have hundreds fighting over them. in real life there are maybe half a dozen

Not sure what she is trying to prove

Normal people:
>I like eating too much
>Oh shit I'm fat :(
>I should work on myself and eat less shit

Girl in pic:
>I like eating too much
>Oh shit I'm fat :(
>I should post my photos on the internet to boost my self-esteem and not feel bad about myself

Amy Villonous btw

thank you kind stranger

i remember when this dumb cunt said porn was disgusting and degrading for woman lmao. Dumb whores.

It won't stop there, both the whale gains and the adoration from tub-lusted interneters