/PLG/ - Powerlifting General

>tomato man edition

Approved Intermediate Programs for PLG

>Bro Tier (must try hard and have sex)
5th Set (modify to 7day microcycle if needed)
5/3/1 (non 2009 base template)
Westside for Skinny Bastards
Madcow Intermediate
Destroy the Opposition (J. Lewis)
Blevins Intermediate (if you can find it)
Cube Kingpin
The Cube (+ Predator)
Conjugate (best in a good gym)
Spotoshot (bench only)
Texas Method 4-day Split Model from PPST.

>Nerd Tier (must have IQ higher than bodyweight in kg)
RTS Generalized Intermediate
RTS Emerging Strategies
Nuckols Average to Savage
Nuckols 28 Free
TSA 9 Week
Blevins Skynet AI ($, but cheap)

>Meme Tier (might work if you love memes)
Candito 6 Week
Texas Method 3-Day
Texas Method Trappy Version
Texas Method 4-Day that is not from PPST
The Bridge
Smolov Jr.
Bulgarian/Bugenhagen Method
PH3 (need a tourniquet to choke yourself)
Heavy Light Medium (not a program, just a loose DUP template).

*all of these programs work, but the effort and attitude of the athlete is most important

Attached: Screen-Shot-2015-05-27-at-2.59.16-PM-611x445.png (611x445, 756K)

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>tfw dumb manlet but smart enough for nerd tier programs

Attached: 1534050352472.jpg (369x216, 48K)

no use straps and do more volume. your dl is fucked up because you cant perform it correctly and are weak. your grip is not a limiting factor for your 1rm comp dl, it is a limiting factor for your training to increase your comp 1rm dl. it is very unlikely youre doing too much volume

wtf there's dried blood on my training pants, but I dont remember where it came from

Your period

I'm not going to take your advice because you sound like a hobo.

Brahs my left shoulder and elbow hurt sometimes from unracking the bar on benchpress. How tf do I get better at unracking or what's proper unracking form. Or is my left arm just too fucking weak to unrack the weight I'm pressing. 2pl8 3rm

are you fucking retarded?

are your shoulders depressed throughout the unrack, or are you extending them to unrack, then retracting your scapula after the weight is already in your hands?

Solo unracking bench is always gonna be awkward and inefficent. Get yourself a mate who will help you.

Have you tried unracking with butt off bench? Allows you to keep scaps depressed more easily.

Only hobos use bad words.


only retards who dont take good advice have shit deadlifts...

Pretty sure I keep them retracted, not sure how i would retract my shoulders blades while holding the weight lol that might be impressive. I think my left elbow just flares when I unrack because my left arm is a lot weaker than my right, all those years of not lifting + only fapping right handed. I'm not sure what it is something is fucked with the way I'm unracking, atleast my left side No I haven't but I will try next bench day

Do cable row sets between bench sets.

I do 1 or 2 light cable row sets before I start benching as a warmup but wouldn't doing it between sets gas me out quicker?

I haven't noticed anything like that. I have a similar issue with one arm getting out of position and consequently being weaker during the set, cable rows during rests fix it for me.

I'll try it bro thanks

just hit a two plate squat, WHAM POW

Pls b 100lb pl8s

pls be kgs


Light cardio. Lost 3 lbs since starting 5th set since the 9 day cycle leaves room for more cardio. Need to up calories.

Tomorrow is Tech/Speed Deadlift.


Form check pls

Why would you choose such an angle

I mean it doesn't look terrible, but we can't see half of what's necessary.

How to deal with patellar tendinitis- yook a week off - went away - did squats and deadlifts. Is there a little still . Take more time off ?

stop lifting weights its bad for the knees, you should try some light jogging or yoga instead to stay healthy

tendinitis is a meme its all in your head.

Not him but what angle should I use for filming deads?

this, pain is in your head lift anyway buy my program t. barbell medicine

also this but unironically

Side angle is fine but make sure to get your whole body and the plates in frame

user why do you hate barbell medicine is it because jordan is a jew

>a week off

LMAO it takes longer.

I squatted once a week 70%ish for 5s for four weeks and that healed it from moderately painful to painfree. If it's severe, it'll take 3 months.

post feet

Redpill me on front squats. How do I do them, what do I need to know?

Its not that bad , but i can tell it will get worse if i go to normal volume . Ill try your method. Maybe i can get away with doing deads as normal

I grinded my way to a 150kg deadlift but a training session leaves me completely wiped for the next two days. I try to eat more to recover better and I basically just end up constipated (despite plenty of fibre and GOWAD), which fucks up my sleep. I’m a narrow guy in my 30s, I know realistically I can’t expect miracles, but I can’t be at my limit already surely?

just felt a pop in my back on a lmao2pl8 dl warmup, so I called it a day

also made pic related so my niece and nephew can lift with me :)

Attached: P_20180817_180033.jpg (4096x2304, 2.16M)

hands wider than shoulders, elbows together and high as you can, have as much of you hand touching the bar as possible to bring your upper back upright. Go down, come up, feel how weak your quads really are

That's adorable.

Attached: son I am proud.jpg (448x500, 28K)

Similar question, so will the advice given to this post help me as well? Just been getting ac joint pain after benching, doing shoulder accessories, pull ups, and low bar.

Also just favorite way to warm up for bench?

Kys buda fat ugly fuck

facepulls with bandx20(only the last part matters where the shoulder is like the bench press).
ohp 10@6-9 downset 1 for a weak or two instead of bench.
move your grip closer for bench press when you start benching.

Please be 100kg plates.

No that's not your limit. There are many people lifting two or three times that much into their fifties

Try harder whine less. Or do something else idk


How does my squat look? This was a 10kg PR on my previous max.

Reminder to do your LISS and HIIT

try electrolytes and linseeds(only one tablespoon a day or you poison yourself) for your toilet problems.
squat as a warmup for your deadlift( for you that is 100kg x5), start the diddly season with 100kgx5 115x5 130x5 from here you work towards your work set with 7,5kg to rpe9

Looked RPE 8. How tall are you, look like you have very long limbs...

Very pretty, not very much weight

184cm or 6ft

I walk to the supermarket and do farmer walks back home, take a total of 15-20 minutes (shopping time not included)
20 rep rows half a minute rest repeat 5 times CMON

DB Bench 4x25
Face pull 4x25

Axle bench into bands 110kg+30kg 9x3
Board press 2bd paused 130 3x5
Incline DB Press 40s 4x8
JM Press 50kg 5x10
Rolling DB ext 12.5s
Three way curls 2x24

That's seems like an ungodly amount of volume Gbro, how long will you spend in the gym?

I bet my ass it takes him less than an hour

That took about an hour and a half, but after the 9x3 there was a lot of chatting, if i was on my own it would have been quicker

Not even Cuckolds recommends HIIT for powerlifters. That's a meme for fatties trying to lose weight and athletes who need to run fast (who actually refer to it by the much less cringy term "Interval training").

welp fuck me
please be gentle with my ass

Use a jap unrack, put your ass in the air, unrack the bar, then plant your butt. Also make sure that the bar isn't too high relative to your shoulders or too close to your body

Probably need to change your programming up, what are you doing currently?

Seems like a lot of low intensity volume, why do you have such a day programmed? Are one of your two 'upper' sessions a week like this every week?

High intensity improves work capacity and intra set recovery, amongst other things.

It also takes a giant dump on your recovery. Even your for bench.

Theyre both the same, all that changes is the main movement, monday is heavy, friday is speed

I didn't grow today

Attached: 1534392203735.jpg (374x374, 16K)

1.You have to actually be fit to do proper HIIT
2.Interval Training and HIIT are two different things.
3.People tell other people to do HIIT because they are fucking lazy and don't really know what hiit is. But it's better then the fucking nothing they were doing before.
4.HIIT is for ATHLETIC people to get back into shape in short order and for already in shape people who don't have the time for it to maintain their conditioning.

fucking manlet

>"proper HIIT"
Everyone has their own definition, for many studies HIIT and "interval training" are interchangable, so I'm going with it since it's simple.
Doing HIIT after lifting, like Crosshitters do seems to be pretty terrible for gains too.

>jap unrack
Does that there have to be a faggy term for everything? I've seen Nick Wright do it, and some other guys doing it and saying they got it from Nick Wright.

Japanese bench only lifters popularized it

I think he's referring to this dude in particular. Trying to come up with a term for it is a bit cringy desu

Attached: legal bench rom.webm (640x640, 1.71M)

These don't damage the knurling, right?

Attached: Stainless_Steel_4_Row_Wire_Brush.jpg (485x250, 18K)

They do if you scrub the knurling incorrectly, but only with time.

Even comp Eleiko bars?

What muscles does this work?

Interesting that you spend so little time actually benching.

Try to get the softest metal bristles you can, e.g brass, copper, bronze.
Don't use steel or iron bristles of any type.
as they are more likely to scratch it.

the reason why the internet is full of intermediates with four plate squatters with two plate benches is they dont' understand the upper body can take and requires a lot of bodybuilding volume compared to legs, where many can just get away with squatting heavy to improve their squat

The ego

Attached: comp bench.webm (1920x1080, 381K)

He’s on steroids and I’m pretty sure even Isley can bench more than him

>even Isley can bench more than him
equipped doesnt count

What about 3pl8 bench and 160kg squat? How do I fix that?

The most important one of all

My best competition bench is 185kg raw. I was more interested that such a small % of his 'bench' related training is actually performing the bench press.

It's interesting to see how other people's training focus is split between technical vs 'strength' training.

I'm moreso referring to Yusuke Suzuki and a couple others. J P Cucki, George, and a bunch of other people refer to it like that as well


What am I looking at?

Do you enjoy speculating about other people's lifts even though you can't lift yourself?

I don't call it that, I do call the grip the Japanese grip though.

I want to sleep but whenever I close my eyes I get the big sad

>getting upset over someone calling you a hobo

Nice blog

>26 reps of close grip bench into bands
>15 reps of close grip bench to a board 2 inches above the chest
>32 reps of DB Bench
>74 reps of bench movements
>so little time benching

I really worry about this place sometimes

Speculate dis dick

Back in my day, that was considered a warmup for my Mondays, kid

What did you bench before you retired, boomer?

>If its not the widest grip with as big arch as possible it's not considered bench
I think that's the issue people have.

3 weeks until first meet
next week i have free off work so imma train my balls off, then week after than gonna ramp up intensity and taper down volume and on week out i plan to rest a bit

good plan?

A lot

We've figured out im stronger and faster with a closer grip so im going to bring it in

>high bar
>close grip

Confirmed not real powerlifter