/man zone/

whats going on in your life?
are you following your goals and dreams?
how you feeling buddy?
you can talk here openly about your current situation, seek help and advice.
Bullies gtfo.

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I guess I will be the first to start.
Started going to my gym again after my mother died.
Getting back into form not only physicly but also mentally.
I hope I dont fall into a depression, I cant have this right now in my life.

Never had a gf but have been talking to a girl recently but she's never around to ask out. Probably going to lose her. Feelsbadman.

My dream is to live alone in the woods and somehow make some money from home. I need to work harder.

The only way out is for me to inherit or gamble or luck my way to large wealth for dividends, I just want to fucking live in peace in my little shit apartment watching this fucking shithole world kill itself.

I guess most people want that.
Lets be honest, who the fuck wants to work for someone else?
Maybe you should make a youtube channel and sell garbage to kids, seems like this works.

how old are you?


Finished uni last semester with a chemE degree. Been working this summer as an intern at an aerospace company doing project management. Last week i had an interview for a similar role at some tech company. During the interview the guy told hed schedule the my next and final interview.
I'm really hoping i get it lads. My main stress right now is not having a permanent job.

Im in a shit spot, I need this wealth to start becoming more secure to actually find something I enjoy to do to begin with, endless paradox circle.

I just cant bring myself to fucking scam people or play stupid etc, born in a permanent kids body doesnt help either... so far, guess ill have to become a gay trap streamer or someshit lmao, but im too normal and straight for that shit fucking crap

Every day, I transmute more semen into brainpower.

Every day, I learn a little more about the Jews.

Every day I buy more precious metals. Crypto is a meme.

I clean my guns way more than they really need. I'm getting faster at dis- and re-assembly all the time.

I eat only powdered egg whites, potatoes, and multivitamins.

I drink only well water.

I left a 5 year long term relationship last oct, wondering if any girl is ever going to be good enough for me. Job is good, financial situation is pretty shitty. Live in one of the most expensive cities in the world. I'm 26 and I'm trying to figure out how i'll ever move out of my moms house. Also, made a small fortune this year and lost it all in a business. could have had a deposit for a house with it. Feelsbadman.

How did you make small fortune

I’m 25, KHV, and am getting pushed into a gf who is a complete normie (multiple bfs before, sociable, what have you). She’s very attractive, thinks I am, but we haven’t talked much and she probably won’t see me as attractive when we really get to know each other. Might just disregard her to avoid wasting time

Otherwise I’m making a lot of money and have a current streak of swimming further and Breaking my PRs every workout

Started running a couple weeks ago and love it. Less anxiety and already feel more self-confident since I'm not just sitting on the computer all the time.
Want to start lifting, but I don't want to be huge, just slightly ottermode. Want to mostly focus on endurance after building up a little more strength.

I'm also moving into a dorm for the first time in 5 days. I'm 25, a late bloomer, and a transfer student (commuter who car pooled to campus). I'm pretty stoked to really experience the college life and be away from home.

Long story but wall posters and luck

>Live in one of the most expensive cities in the world

how did your mother died?
Iam so sorry mate

cancer mate, lung cancer.
exactly 2 months after diagnosis she died.

>she probably won’t see me as attractive when we really get to know each other. Might just disregard her to avoid wasting time

Self fulfilling prophecy, the moment you think this, you give up.

Most people are boring user, her past boyfriends were probably boring too, the only thing that matters is what you think of yourself, because thats how you portray yourself. Don't ever give up. You wanted this chick, no matter what. No matter what.

Recently had surgery on my lower back to remove an abscess, and due to recovery I haven't been to the gym/work in about 3 weeks. I'm so fucking bored and pissed off I'm not doing stuff. Been looking up routines to start when I'm healed up. any recommendations?

why are there so many other irish ppl on Jow Forums?


>I’m 25, KHV, and am getting pushed into a gf
>we haven't talked much
wtf kind of situation is this? you might be misinterpreting it?

>made a small fortune and lost it

You can do it again, just try a different idea.

>want a career, to earn my way up a dominance hierarchy
>really good at STEM-related things, kinda high IQ, unironically read law and history for fun
>lost 100 lbs, have Chadface now
>fucking hate American cities, almost everything about them
>don't think I can live in one without antidepressants
What do I do?


Things are okay. Just still stuck in university. Other than that, my degree is alright, grades are good, have a long term girlfriend, hobbies are good, overall not bad.

Need to find an internship soon though

Life is going well-ish. Got a new job this summer, pays well, pursuing PhD. Still gf-less. But with a FWB. Finally decided my old best friend is a bad person objectively, and am going to cut him out of my life for good. Feels bad, betrayed.

Lastly, getting stronger in the gym.

Sorry for your loss bro.

I haven't been making the smartest long term choices financially because I plan to kill myself in January. I feel so guilty for not investing my money and instead developing an addiction to visiting escorts etc. I've only managed to save 65% of my net take home pay

Finished my lmao sociology degree and despite all odds landed a stupidly high paying job as an intercultural advisor at the football world cup in russia. The project is over and i was just hired as a freelancer, so now i have free and a substantial amount of money to my name, enough to live 2 years easily.

My dream was always just to be able to surf without having to worry about money. After i completed the project and got paid, i immediately booked a flight to the phillippines and packed my things.

Now i live in this tropical paradise, can surf all day everyday and just enjoy my life, fuck tourists, go out for drinks etc. This is all i ever wished for, this is the ideal version of my live that i always wanted since i was a kid.

And i'm fucking bored. I'm not happy at all, fucking thots became boring a while ago and surfing is still fun but i don't know man i expected to finally be happy here.

I'm starting to think, if i can't be happy as a ripped surferboy living at the beach with enough money to not have to work, then maybe i'm just not able to be happy at all.

Does any user have experience with having achieved one's personal dream lifestyle and still feeling empty inside?

Recently got laser eye surgery, but I'm not sure if it was the right decision, aesthetically. I guess I never could look at my adult face clearly without glasses, so I'm used to the frames as a part of my visual self image.
Of course it'll help my vision immensely until my old age, so I don't regret it in that way at least.

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Give me your money

holy fuck that's my dream too. A tiny house in the mountains and an internet connection is all I want

I'm almost 20 years old and I've never had a girlfriend or even kissed a girl. My friends make fun of me for being a virgin and I know they don't mean to hurt me but it's really starting to take a toll on my psyche. At this point I just want to get it over with so I don't have to have this label on me anymore. I'm honestly alright with being alone for the rest of my life as long as I get laid once, but I don't know how it's gonna happen since I suck at picking up on girls' signals

finally got back to the gym last week, got a job (internship desu, but i still have a year of studies to finish and its paying pretty well, so im not complaining)
having a bit of a crisis with my gf, dont know if i can stay with her for long if things dont improve
my sister's bf died recently, and he was a top lad. just came back from his funeral
so its kinda mixed

Same. Do an uncle Ted, but without the bombing faggots part. Probably.

After graduating I couldn't find a job

I got a job recently as an intern for minimum wage here which is really barely anything.

It's 9.5 hours and the boss wants me to know everything so quickly and even though I'm a fast learner, work is divided sort of into practical and "computer based" work like data entry. Since I'm not experienced enough to talk to suppliers and check received products and actually do work, I'm doing the computer based work because we're late on that and someone has to do it snd this department only has 2 people, me and the manager of this department lol. He demands unrealistic things for me in such a short period of time. He told me this after 4 days, today was my 8th. If i don't do it, he'll either make me stay a trainee or fire me, if I somehow become an expert in this field in 3 weeks, he'll actually hire me and give me an actual salary instead of this shit. I'm trying but it's so busy and quick no one's really teaching me anything I keep just noticing stuff.

Considering my fitness, I got lean enough for my first 2 abs but they're weak so i decided to eat at maintenence or 100-200cal deficit daily to do recomp since I'm only 6 months or less into this. I've made great progress but never stuck to a program. Now I'm doing ppl twice a week and I already skipped leg day. It's difficult to train daily while waking up early and working 9.5 hrs but I'm doing it anyway. I'm still 21 i have energy

Emotionally, I'm not very emotional. Haven't had anything in a few months which is really a bummer because I'm good looking fella, but here you have to have money and a social status especially online with Instagram anf and such. Plus a very sociable personality. I'm cool but not that popular kid, I make friends all the time but it's the hot pussy I want and seems hard to get when I'm looking for it, and it's been a dry spell

A brief summary of a poor handsome manlet in a country full of rich gouls.

Really worried the cancer has come back, but also hate myself cos I think I’m more interesting because of it so.

being a random surfer guy isn’t what you actually wanted. You gotta find your purpose in life, tho finding it is the hardest bit and idk if im gonna find it as well so

>slowly making frens at technical school
>starting to become a semi-respectable lifter, still a dyel but much stronger than I was a year ago
>got my wisdom teeth out, making jaw gainz from clenching the gauze
>hair is growing in nicely, gonna get it trimmed soon
>working up the courage to talk to a qt3.14 in my aviation class

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Wanna trade? I got internship but no GF

About 12 months ago I was placed on a community treatment order for reasons I'm still unsure about, the order required that I be injected with anti-psychotic drugs. I've been free from the order for over a month now and I'm feeling alright, I really didn't like the injections and the drugs destroyed my motivation and mood. I had to start anti-depressants which I've only just stopped 4 days ago. So many unpleasant emotions I had forgotten about, a lot of rumination about past relationships and some insomnia. I've started kicking a soccer ball around with my cousin which I felt was enough to not feel guilty about coming here. I wasted a lot of my youth working menial jobs, failing to complete tertiary education and playing video games. I've turned things around a lot in the past month. I'm attending college studying software development, abstaining from video games, and being a consistently sociable person, although I have few friends. I've almost finished writing a novel, however I don't have any income nor welfare, it's difficult without any money. I live with my dad, and like another user in this thread, my mum passed away from lung cancer when I was young. Life is unfortunate for many. I want to wake up next to someone. I want to share meals with someone. I want someone but I realise I'm not entitled nor in a good position financially to be with a woman, so it is a bit like limbo. I find myself becoming angry at things the otherwise shouldn't affect me, I'm disappointed in myself for being so emotionally turbulent, however I think it is a temporary effect of discontinuing large doses of psychiatric medication. I feel freer, but still trapped. I can feel myself growing colder.

happiness = progress
you’re stagnant

I lost my virginity at 22. I was also extremely insecure about up until that point. Soon afterward I found that I simply replaced one insecurity with another. My real issue was that I hated myself and nothing I achieved would change that. If this sounds like you then start trying to improve your self perception regardless of whatever shortcomings you think you may have that is the only way to become happier.

I feel like a fucking loser desu. I could pretend that I at least had potential but I'm starting to think it's just how I am.

Got my gf pregnant when I was 21 and now have a 2 year old kid that I just basically let her mom take care of. I hate kids. We're still together and she's kind of ok and all except for the fact she's fat as fuck now and I'd prefer being single.

Barely made it through high school because I'm a fucking dumbass with no willpower to do something that isn't immediately gratifying. Now I have a job as mailman being put to work like a horse for what basically equals to "just getting by" money whenever I move out.

I'm not even depressed really not even close to suicidal just feel like an animal that's trapped in a corner. Some days I feel like packing up my shit and moving to the other side of the country and not looking back.

Don't do that to your kid bro. Don't make him grow up without a father.

Just on that job point; start looking elsewhere.
This boss sounds like one of those 'hard ball' types and, unless that's your jam, it'll make your life a living hell.
Also >My main stress right now is not having a permanent job.
This is perhaps THE feeling of younger people coming in to the market now. I'm 28 and still don't have full time work (unless you count constant rotating 'contracts' permanent). If they starve you, you'll be grateful for the scraps; you'll be angry and resentful too, but too weak to do anything because of malnourishment, and too fearful of 'what if'.
2018, lie, cheat, steal, fuck over, that what you need to do to get a foot on the ladder because the rich have no interest in helping their fellow man, they just see you as something to make money out of.

literally bleeding from skin removal surgery right now
feeling alone, wondering why did i even did it

Applying to grad school and pretty nervous about it desu.

Was a teacher out of college, now I work in finance. I don't sleep as much as I should. I'm saving some money up, dating a girl literally across the country and she's great but don't know if it'll last given distance, etc.

I've been successful by most metrics but I still feel like I'm spinning my wheels. Most days are just grey. No happiness no real sadness just nothing. Feel like I'm slowly being drained of emotion and not sure why.

Also used to go to the gym regularly. Had my split, counted macros, got pretty fit. Because my work takes up so much time and I'm so exhausted by the time I come home I've been going to the gym less. It kills me to see the body I worked so hard for disappear but I almost feel like different person than I was. These days I've been focused on becoming some businessman when before I would have been content working at a gym or something.

All things considered pretty good, just wish I had time/energy to lift again and get my emotions back. I keep telling myself that it'll be different when (if) I get into school because then I'll have achieved my goal, but I don't actually know if that's true.

Thus Spoke Zarathustra type beat

Spending another weekend alone. Wondering what I can do to start meeting people when it feels like I have no hobbies or interests at all. I work full time and go home every day to pace around thinking of how empty my life is and not having a solution or plan to correct it.
An ex-coworker wants to be FWB but im so fucked I have no idea how to approach that with her, the thought of being rejected is apparently so strong I wont even consider the idea of being physical when we hang out. She's my only friend now and if I screw things up ill be so alone again.


As a tall fuck I wish I could be half as nimble as you short guys, please for he love of god start doing martial arts, gymnastics or any of the shitload of other things that manlets can become insanely good at.

Look at all the fucking insane Asians that never even let their height or size stop them from being incredibly intimidating.

>back in the gym after an injury
>started in a new school, trying to feel good and be social
>trying to be noticed and have people know my name instead of being invisible
>making (what I hope will be) friends for the first time in years
>just got invited to a house party 2 minutes into a conversation
>learning how to dress and paying for a beard trim and nice haircut, girls started mirin
>going out more and trying to be alpha
Just hope I get thicker in the following months, go out more, have friends and a gf. It might seem unambitious but I'm a 20 year old trying to recover from crippling autism. Sometimes I feel the void trying to pull me back in but I try to fight it. Just gotta get the feedback loops set up and everything will be ok(r-right)?

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I had a motorcycle crash on February 8th and was bed ridden til may 17th. I was in a coma for a month and woke up having lost 30 pounds of muscle. That bitch stole my gains but I'm back to my old body weight now I want to get back to my. Old lift numbers too. I ran for the first time today since the crash wich felt great

Sorry to hear man, I know it'll come some day, and i can't imagine it.
Just kind of in a rut I guess, I have a pretty good career, am going to school, and finally back to the gym after slacking since December. I hold a lot of resentment towards myself for wasting so much of my life on stupid things that only set me back (partying, video games, thots etc). I destroyed my life before I was 21 and slowly rebuilt it to what it is, but it's just so mundane and mediocre, I never feel truly happy.
> Except lifting or kayaking

My life's in a weird place right now.
I took some time off University to travel and now I'm back home trying to save some money so I can go back.
My girlfriend takes me for granted and rips at my self-esteem.
Started lifting with bodybuilding bro.
Cycle between feeling like a champ and wanting to kill myself daily.
Gym is the only thing I look forward to right now.

It's very rare to find a guy that looks better with glasses without them, it feminizes them too much imo. Plus, not needing glasses gives you so much more versatility and opportunity in athletic situations.

I have a really good job where there's opportunity for advancement, and I'm doing great there and just got put into a leadership position. I make a fair bit of money.
But because of some really stupid decisions I made a couple of years ago, most of my salary every month goes toward paying off debt. I should be almost entirely debt free within a year, but it's tough to not really be able to afford anything. And I haven't told anyone about this debt, any friends or family, so I have to hide it all and make excuses when asked why I don't do much. And, honestly, having no money is starting to get to me. It leaves me stressed out and unhappy all the time. And I'm less willing to take risks, because if any large unexpected expenses pop up or I lose or my job or something, I am absolutely fucked.
But other than that, stuff's going pretty good. I'm trying to use this time to improve myself, so that when I finally have some money I'm in as good a position--physically and mentally--as I can be.

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>Finally graduated as a doctor
>Alright life's gonna get better now
>Fast forward 8 months, working 12 hour days, still single and miserable
>don't even have time for hobbies
>mfw fell for the doctor meme

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Got through first week of bud/s

>Finally lost my vcard at 18 but I was so shit and inexperienced AND the condom broke and now I am less confident about sex than when i was incel

It's useful to hide your power levels. Not something to use all the time but it can be strategic

98% chance you're black.

still slightly depressed, still doing masters degree, still no idea what to do after my degree(although I reckon that this isn't that uncommon).

I met my childhood best friend today and I felt completely overshadowed by him. The things I can do he can do better. The things I want he achieves so easily. I can't even be resent him because he loves me. Have any of you gone through something similar?

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Hey man, nothing is beyond your control. Don't end it bro. We're here for you, even if nobody else is.

Sorry for your loss user. At least she did not have to suffer long.

19 year old nearing my 20s in a few months.
I've been a stoner slob who's been obsessed with Cryptocurrency and becoming rich.
I've made decent profit so my financial sitatuon right now is fine. Last couple of months, i've been becoming unhappy with my life and for the first time in my life I had serious depressive thoughts.
I decided to stop smoking weed, limit my internet use, cut out porn and eating healthy. It's a process but I am slowly improving myself.

My problem is, I don't know what I want to do in life. I did university for one year but got kicked out of the business program for poor grades. I had undiagnosed ADD and very poor self-discipline. If I go back to university, I need to do the art program and rebuild my grades. I want to do this because I could use that to get out of my shell as well but it would be a lot cheaper and easier to do it online. I'm a business oriented person and stuff like that interest me so I'm thinking a job somewhere in that place but I don't know where to start.

I know that feel bro. Im near 20 too. Im just working my self and my personality. Also lower standards but not too much

yeah same with me.
Doing my master and yet dont know if I want to do something on my own or work as a slave for the rest of my life.

>I don't want to be huge

Don't worry, you won't be.

met some mad lads who were in the ice pool and fucking around with me, forced me to stay in the ice pool for 3 minutes and got immense camaraderie

wish I talked to niggas more often

Gf an I moved in together after 1.5 years. We basically lived together since like a month into the relationship. I thought it was crazy to live with a girl so soon. It felt right though. Idk Bros, I think she's the one. First time I'm saying this to anyone.
She convinced me to go back to school and I've started working out before work. Life is pretty good right now.

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You need to start working towards something. Maybe look into starting a surf school.

Recently found out I am at 9.5% body fat when I thought I was at 12%. Wonder why my stomach doesn't look better than it does. Probably because I never eat and I've been this way for years? Stupid fucking stomach, how dare you? Why can't my body just shut up and let me focus on the many task at hand.
Life is decent and I am definitely blessed though I am not content and never have been, which may be why I am where I am now. Recently moved from the south to the midwest. Things are a lot different here and, for better or worse, woman treat me like a rare commodity. I work a job where a good amount of my income is commission based. The team has been doing well, in large part because of myself. Getting more and more annoyed that my boss does less and less work but makes all the money. I do get the scraps which does allow me to live a decent life, specially compared to others my age so I guess there's that.
Really disappointed with the direction my country is taking. I love the idea of America and the spirit of the founding fathers so much, which causes the current state of the USA to sadden me. Really wish race was not a focus. I feel as if more and more people are focusing on something so arbitrary. I hope I am wrong.
Falling in love with a cute girl at the gym. I've been helping her work on her striking technique. This bothers me a lot. I'm pretty sure it's because of how helpless I am in controlling this growing tide of emotion. Oh well. It's whatever.

i just want to fuck whores, but im not charismatic how do i fix this issue

enjoy while it lasts. all you have is the moment

ya i live my dream lifestyle more or less but i don't feel empty inside. i have read a little bit of plato and i want to live virtuously and raise a magnanimous child. i use my endless free time to cultivate myself into a person that people gravitate to. i have devoted what discipline i have to fitness, philosophy, and music and have become a more magnetic person because of it.
you soon realize material wealth is practically meaningless and the only things that are valuable are the fruits of discipline bent towards virtue. idle pleasures cannot be fulfilling indefinitely, only a community of legitimately good and wise people can bring peace to a man's soul, and a true wise man in this world has to plant that seed himself, and finding the proper ground and partner to grow that family is the true great game.

be introverted take chances be aggressive be careful of talkative gurlxz

i can afford your hormones, nohomo

life is going pretty good user

I used to be a communist when I was about 19 years old but as i grow older I am becoming way more right wing, I cannot stand practising muslims now I think of them as savages. blacks are better far better but i always edge on the side of caution when i am in the company of one. I loath gay people quite a lot they seem to be very self absorbed and all the care about is vanity and being degenerate whores, however I love to see a pair of fags who are gay but are completely normal about it and are in committed monogamous relationships.

as with myself I seem to have reached a part of my life where i have maxed out on my facial aesthetics and I have now got myself an 8/10 gf who is quite subconscious about 'how I can do way better than her' but i am in love with her.

at the young age of 26 I am happy to say that I have rid myself of my fear of death, there is no evil in death only in a poor death is there evil.

I sometimes practice my reaction to the news of a terminal illness from the doctor

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Been going to the gym for about 5 months now.
Gone from 60kg to 71kg. Still kinda skinny but starting to look more muscular.
Been talking to more people in general, particularly girls.
Making better friendships, going out more.
Happiest I've ever been in my life.

>published poet
>undergrad in a comfy coastal town
>still a virgin but had a gf
>some friends but no one close
only thing I have going for me is being well-read and somewhat smart but desu if I don't feel like a pseud

maybe see you friends a lot more if you want closer friends bro. from the ages of 18-25 i saw my friends 4-5 times a week, now i just see the once or twice cause i have a gf but, i make sure a give them a quality day with me i.e a Friday night or something

Have you talked to a physio to see what movements you can and can't do?

Move countries, go to Australia

Keep at it lad. Have you got a casual job?

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what if youre white

Start reading books, of any kind

Make sure you keep active socially when you're out, don't retreat into yourself. And find at least one person who can be your dependable friend to fall back on in any social situation and talk to, rather than wandering around alone.

>finished higschool
>been lifting more frequently than ever
>im over the roastie that broke my heart 7 months ago
>going to an officer school tomorrow
>am so lonely
>all will change on monday, my God grant me strength

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I wouldnt make a move on the girl you like, if it goes wrong you'll be fucked.

start dating some girls and watch her reaction, you'll soon see if she see's you as a potential mate then

Only if you're Sarth Effrican, pommy cunts, seppos and leafs can stay in their own countries

keep in der buddy

How long were you in med school for? I'd imagine it's something you need to be quite passionate about to survive in. At least you can be called Dr. user

suck my dick you aus fuck, my country has been ruined by fucking musloms, u've got room 4 me m8

do aus people really dislike the english then?

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What did your calorie intake look like per day?

damn thats a good change for 5 months.