Be low on cash and hungry

>be low on cash and hungry
>credit card maxed from student loans
>cant afford food
>cant get a job because I dont have a car and riding public transit is for nignogs and white trash
>tell people im fasting when they ask why im not eating anything at lunch
>they all think im a cool bodybuilder now
Thanks Jow Forums

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Stop being a lazy poor fuck.

The nignogs and white trash with jobs are superior to you.

This. Get on the fucking bus like the white trash you are and work your way up.

5 pound bag of rice is $4
50 servings in a bag
1 cup is 4 servings
1 serving is 180 calories

2 cups of rice alone will feed you 1440 calories which is more than enough to stay active in your day and help you lose weight. That means for a 5 days at the least you can feed yourself for $4.

Suck me

-regards, user

I'd lay out a couple of business strategies for you, but knowing the defeatism of people on this site, I'll not bother

people are really like this?
slithering around in the mud yet still trying to rationalize some distorted sense of superiority to others writhing around in the very same filth as they are.

They are uneducated burger flippers, construction workers, and miscellaneous criminals. They arent superior to shit.

Im not lazy or poor. Im middle class and in school.

Uni doesnt pay money, dummy. I'll maybe try this if I can get another loan.

lay them out for me

Cope harder, piece of shit.

Jesus Christ so much cope in one post, man up and take the bus you autistic fuck

>Won't even take the bus to save money
Yeah I'm sure user wants to waste his time helping someone with as much motivation as you out.

Those construction workers work harder than you ever have in life and will earn more than you you liberal arts faggot. This post must be bait because no one can be this stupid, and I took it hook line and sinker.

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you're not middle class
your parents are, and you still sound like a child.

Public transit is not well kept and taking it only incurs more costs and risks health complications from diseases. Given that and the cost of health insurance, it makes more sense to wait to get a car that you know is clean to get a job.
So yeah, only nignogs and white trash that would use stuff like obamacare use the bus.

I'm not OP. Just curious about his business strategies

Keep that same energy when inheritances are handed out then. You people always want to say this kind of shit and then come grabbing tax money when people die. Goddamn leeches.
>hard work
They literally are all in unions for the sole purpose of not working hard.

>durr unions
You have clue what you're on about, kid. Stay poor and hungry. Enjoy your debt. Those "white trash" guys are raking in 50k annually minimum.

LMFAO Im gettin my money biiitch
and you're still a child waiting for mommy and daddy to die off.

>too good to ride the bus
you are a double nigger

you probably avoid pork and tap water too

so pure wow

most construction workers are pretty lazy. i always see em sitting around

Are you stupid? You're not going to get aids from using the bus buddy.

>credit card maxed from student loans
>cant afford food
>cant get a job because I dont have a car and riding public transit is for nignogs and white trash
>tell people im fasting when they ask why im not eating anything at lunch

You are white trash user. You didnt inherit anything from your parents, which makes them white trash as well. Accept it and realize that you can change it.

Learn a skill you can charge people for, and learn a skill you can shill online for pocket change.

>uni doesn't pay money

You're just a complete lazy faggot. Can't even scrounge up 4 quid. off yourself for being a fragile little fairy of a person.

Everyone itt is right, OP. You’re garbage. Colleges offer on-campus jobs btw. I worked part-time gigs all through school.

>purposefully drinking tap water like a favela monkey
This is without even counting all the estrogens and flouride in there.

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Apparently money grows on trees. Hey did you know that if America stopped giving foreign aid or welfare to nonwhites, and instead divided it up equally among only white people, we would all make an extra $30k? We wouldn't have to do anything, nobody would have to work harder or pay any extra taxes, just stop giving it to brown people. Just a thought

Not everyone has the same opportunity to work under the table, Pedro. Some of us are trying to better ourselves academcially and could use some help with the necessities to get by at the moment so we can make the world a better place tomorrow.

Except OP.

>Giving free money to heroin addicts
You had something going there until you said 'all' whites. Keep it to the top 50% of us and let us pocket an extra $60K.

>educated people with good jobs irl
"The tap water's actually really good here, I've seen studies!"
>pavement apes irl
"I ain't drink thah poo poo wadduh"

>whiT*id asking for GIMMEDATS

Nonsense, don't you know digging ditches for Mr. Shekelstein's construction company for 75% of minimum wage is the only way to have value as a person?

that's an even better idea. Sounds great.

We are just taking back what's ours in the first place, you leeching nigger demons. Without our handouts you are starving and covered in flies

I'm not an Americuck. Never group me with your kind agan, disgusting mutt.

That is what we call National Socialism. Amerimutts will never get it because of the two party system. You will have to get National Socialism on a local level fren.

t. 1 week overdue on rent, £40 in bank, no work until the 30th this month

Shit is not easy. I just want to get a house or two set up with other Whites to find work and make money with. Stay strong.

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Or just fucking work for your money instead of begging the government to give it to you.

Since you say you don’t have a car, I assume you live on campus. Surely there are several bars/restaurants/stores within walking distance you could work at.

>i'm not your kind
Then shut the fuck up then, you fucking faggot. He is right. All of the wealth should be for Whites, the rest of you shitskins can fuck off back to wherever you came from. Europeans need to think the same and not feel shame. Why the fuck would I not want to work 20 hour work weeks and make 3 times the amount I would in a jew (((system))) at 3 times the hours? Get the fuck out.

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maybe if boomers hadn't outsourced our jobs to foreigners abroad and liberals hadn't passed laws requiring everyone give our jobs to the foreigners they imported here, it wouldn't be so damned hard to find work. It's almost like both sides of the political spectrum betrayed their own youth or something. I dunno, could be wrong, just a thought

This construction worker makes 80k working half the year. Made 6 figures when I was single and didn't care about being home at all. Cope harder.

Just read the hole thread and you're the biggest faggot on this site rn

Where the hell did you get $30k from? Your ass?

America is about 70% white. Taking total population as 325,700,000 thats around 227,990,000 white people. You think they'd all get $30k if you stopped handing out welfare and foreign aid? You think America hands out over $6.8 TRILLION in welfare and foreign aid?

andddd it comes out. I agree with you America needs to stop handing out money to countries that arent america. Namely Isreal. But you have convinced me absolute unthinking racism is only for the lowest dregs of society that need that little delusional something to feel better about themselves.

>Yes, goy, work in your best years and have no children.
>Yes, goy, hand over them gibs to niggers and spics working is for honourable White men afterall hehehe.
>Yes, goy, I need that new mansion to rape White girls in.

>so like yeah so like so like so like yeah i just read the thread riiiighhhttt

Shut up you fucking utter faggot. No one cares what you did, you attention whore.

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Damn, bro. You must do dangerous shit like pipe fitting or something. I made 65k last year as an electrician and consider that pretty good.

What do you do and how did you get there?

>I have a job wah wah wah
Youre still worthless. Youre probably not even white.

Straw boss for a pipeline company. That salary varies alot depending on if I work out of my home local or take a job for another pipeline company. Never work all year if I dont want to though. Just waiting to figure out of my foreman is retiring for real this time and if he does I'm going to pursue that position.

lol literally my situation

I live in a city with no public transport and everything is spread the fuck out to ridiculous levels. I'm praying my financial aid comes in big this semester so I can buy a clunker or something off craigslist. Otherwise it's a like a $50 one way uber to class lmao fuck my shit right up.

After this semester I'm gonna do some wildland firefighting and move the fuck out I'm tired of being broke and living at home because no pussy

If I could get pussy living with my parents I would -- what the fuck kind of double standard do women have where they live at home and save money sensibly but if I do it it makes their pussies shrivel up. I get plenty of tinder matches but have no idea how I'd pay for a date let alone where I'd take them if I get to fuck. "Hey wanna go fuck at my house? Just make sure not to moan to loud so my mom doesn't wake up" like just fucking kill me. I fucked in a few girls cars before but never told them im living at home.

enjoy being a poor fuck user I'm right there with you in degenerate broke fuck land

So OP is just a lazy fag that doesn’t want to get a job, right?

Go fuck yourself

Sure, you may feel srewed and that might even be the case, but that doesn't mean you can't go out and get a job instead of blaming boomers, foreigners, and nonwhites for your lack of marketable skills.

How get into construction?
Time line to that kind of money?


you know how muthafuckin comfy a job can be when youre whole life isnt balanced on it. quit when you eant, demand your working hours. its how all jobs should be. perfect for a fitizen with nolifenogf

Sour grapes

>be me
>work part time at a Jow Forums job, moving
>$30/hr counting tips
>don't get taxed on cash tips
>barely pay any taxes at all really
>Obamacare mandate repealed, don't have to buy (((health insurance))) and support the lard tard pyramid scheme
>all male workplace as nature intended
>get around on a bike
>spend all my time walking in the woods, pondering the mysteries of the universe, and learning the Jews' secrets
I'm out of the Matrix, bitches.

No OP is the embodiment of the soul of every white male. We just need a helping hand and we make magic happen. And FYI, faggots school is work and students should get paid to go as long as its not affirmative action bullshit.

Im a full blooded snow-nigger buddy. That's rich from someone whining about being useless.

Seems counterintuitive. If white men are so superior, they shouldn’t need handouts.

Even if you were successful in this job market, that doesn't change the fact that you lose a lot in tax money to prop up diversity. Imagine how much more money you could be making right now. Do the math.

Got into the union in 2009, and basically right out of the gate because my first job was pipelining and I was pretty damn fit at the time so I stayed with the contractor. Made 70ish working most of the year, got my promotion in 2014 to a salaried wage. Honestly wouldn't do things the same way again though. Picked up some bad habits living in motels all the time.

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What job, I want in. If all you gotta do is be /fitpol/ it'd be rad

Meh. Canada doesn’t count.


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Why is the UK driving system so messed up for a supposedly more socialist country than the US? I'm surprised young people advocate free uni rather than driving lessons.
>everyone especially the working class needs to drive (mandatory for jobs)
>£25 per lesson in cash
>High insurance rates for young adults
>£5 for app to study theory by the DVLA (Driving licence people)
>£23 for theory test and if you dont pass you have to wait a period of time and pay again
>£62 for practical test and you need to pay again after a wait if you fail
>£62 to use instructor's car for test each time and you need to because your used to his car
>harder to drive in the UK than in the US and manual is much more popular.
>boomers are in control of politics and they already know how to drive

So why isn't this free or at least heavily subsidised? There's a news article that states you have to expect to pay £3500 to learn how to drive. But this isn't a luxary. We need to know how to drive.

Then your telling me I gotta pay another truck load of cash to learn how to drive in a foreign country? I'd rather DI's be put to the same standard as teachers and under the same scrutiny with lower wages so they don't have the incentive of stringing along students for more cash.

Who care about superior vs inferior? We're just trying to survive in a society that designated us second class citizens. India's untouchables have it only slightly worse than whites in the US/EU

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>alt right shit is backdoor socalism for white losers

It also says male, and specifies a certain age, but you wouldn't say they're discriminating against women or the elderly. It's a television company, they need certain people to say certain things.

I agree, taxes fucking suck. There's not really anything you can do about that though. Vote for politicians who want to lower them, I guess. But otherwise get a job and make some money, yeah some will go to taxes that support programs you don't agree with but some money is better than none.

The fact that the alt right is so closely tied to Jow Forums should’ve been a big clue that it’s mostly for losers.

>Vote for politicians who want to lower them
Why exactly should anyone do that?
You know exactly where those tax cuts go, and it's not to the people that could use them the most.

t. public transport

yeah its worse, but in most cites it works; that may mean walking for 30 mins, catching a bus, a train, another bus and then walking another 30 mins but it still works.

also it has a cost so people take it seriously, so you'll actually study and past the first time; if it was free people would just attempt without studying, because they have nothing to lose

((( )))
((( )))
> black people are losers
> "ACKCHUUALLY they're just poor & oppressed!!!"
> white people are actually oppressed and poor
> "ACKCHUUALLY they're just losers!!!"
kinda funny how that works

Nothing wrong with taking care of people who've worked to better society in some fashion as opposed to chronic, ungrateful, useless to society benefit leeches. I would have less issue with part of my taxes going to take care of widows or the physically unable than someone who lives a life of taking constantly from others, while able to do their own work. If many nonwhites didn't fall into the latter category, I would feel better about propping up their families throughout their lives at the cost of my own. Also, why do we give so much money to Israel every year? Why do we allow them dual citizenship? Why do so many of our politicians hold dual citizenship with Israel? Why do Jewish people control the banking, news, television, and pornography industries, as well as providing an incredibly large proportion of campaign donations? Why is AIPAC such a big campaign buddy for politicians? They're all purely coincidental right?

This. We should keep or raise taxes desu. The problem is who gets the money

Well if white people on Jow Forums didn’t brag so much about being white all the time, then I wouldn’t give them shit for stuff like this. You’re kinda asking for it.

No, they are asking for it. What, all whites are responsible for what each individual white does? Are you going to collectively punish us?

buy a bike

Fair enough. Vote for people who support the same policies you do then. What else can you do?

That's precisely what we should do: vote to defund minorities and keep that money among ourselves.

In fact do what says and make it contingent on drug testing.

Put that shit on a ballot. Tons of people would vote for it.

user you seem very confused

I can't tell if this is supposed to be insulting or if you're actually unaware.

I like in a big city in north FL with little to know public transport. I'm not gonna bike 35 miles to school and back every day in 90 degree whether on the side of the highways no less. Hard pass

jesus christ my spelling

i just despise anyone who needs handouts instead of working themselves, cant care less what race they are.
Lazy cunts should be hung

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>drug testing
Nope. White people should be allowed to use drugs instead of giving in to the pharma Jew for things like back pain.

> "I cannot" = "I will not"
Did you just choose to not have Eric Bugenhagen's lifts? Are you just lazy?

Fair enough. I'd vote for either version desu, huge upgrade from what we have now.

what a pussy

>thread about some poor loser turns into a full on Jow Forums circlejerk of NEETs unironically demanding handouts as entitlements for being white
>some morons ITT even arguing for higher taxes
You people are a lost cause.

so you work for a contractor? how does the pay compare to an equivalent position (career progression wise) at a consultancy?

Even an ant colony is smart enough to share resources among itself.

idk what I'm supposed to do in a city with no public transport, parents are broke, no car, and city is literally the biggest geographic spread in the country so if you don't have a car you're SOL

Once I get my handout from uncle sam and buy a clunker I can actually be productive. Without that I'm fucked. Say what you want about me being lazy but you'd be just as fucked in my situation

>hehe no I wouldn't user I'd walk 40 miles there and back to work everyday u fag haha pull urself up by the bootstraps

can we ban boomerposters?


But isn't their objective just to survive? Humans have that and other factors in play (e.g. other pursuits, the ego etc)

Probably either do work for people in your community or move to an area with work opportunities, you fucking leech

Reading this thread is so comfy as an upper class white western European

>western european
sure bud