Hiit vs Running which is better

Hiit vs Running which is better

Attached: hiit-class-1920-x-1080-compressed.jpg (1920x1080, 196K)

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For what?

If you're talking about burning the most excess calories, then which ever you're willing to do the most.
If you're talking about cardiovascular fitness, if you're healthy and have the stomach for it then HIIT will get your cardio up fastest. However Running will get you a better cardiovascular system overall.

If you're talking about longterm fitness and which anyone can do and will absolutely burn THE most excess bodyweight?
Then the answer is obvious.
Can do it any time, any where, and do it practically all day.
It's the perfect exercise.

It depends on what you are doing

For instance:

First step for conditioning is low intensity steady state to prevent gassing out and general strength training

You then move on to more intense forms of cardio and powerlifting

Then it's all technique

I'm new to this but from what i gather is you do this in cycles throughout the year leading up to whatever time you do fights.

Endurance Events:
almost all LISS with a HIIT style workout periodically

Walking and lifting

Fat Loss:
If you just want to lose body-fat HIIT will work out better because it doesn't make you as hungry as a fuck ton of LISS does

Hiit is a methodology applied to any form of cardio, including running.
What is better, doing a 5k at a steady pace and burning 200 calories, or doing a 1k sprint/jog/sprint and burning the same amount in less time with less wear on the joints?

>What is better
5k at a steady pace

Can I lose body fat just walking? I've been taking 3-5 ten minute walks a day. I'm walking very quickly and getting my heart rate up to 120 for about 9-10 minutes.

>less wear on the joints
Wouldn't it be more if you're going so hard?

calories in calories out
but seriously i would try to do more than just walking, it's incredibly inefficient and time consuming


>1k sprint/jog/sprint and burning the same amount in less time with less wear on the joints?
You don't seriously believe that sprinting does less damage to your joints do you?

It is the impact that causes the wear, not the muscle activation. More steps means more individual impacts. Probably more of an issue for people that are overweight, but still.

But sprinting is harder impacts

Millions of people do it every day.
It works
It doesn't raise your appetite, the impact on your joints is minimal and it's gentle enough that everyone can do it.

Levitating DYELs

Box jumps are a retarded way of accelerating wear on your knees

The answer is HIIT is better, if OP is describing what is going on in pic

The difference is plyometrics in HIIT.

Protip: you can apply plyometrics to running- its called "skipping"

Dont be afraid to look like a retard tho

>Box jumps are a retarded way of accelerating wear on your knees

Depends entirely on form.

Practicing it in a class (following a generic routine, generic box height, etc) is much worse in that respect than individual, focused on form, customized for height, reps and length

Minute for minute, plyometrics is probably the best possible full body workout you can do

Sprinting involves much more forward momentum and is focused on the forefoot which absorbs the shock more readily. Running should look like this too, but most ssc is similar to jogging, which has more of a vertical bouncing motion, which causes the wear.
A source that suggest as much:

I recall hearing the same in an athlean vid as well.

>which is better
Depends on your goals. You'll have to be more specific. Also just wanna say some people do 40 or more seconds of "high effort" during intervals, which is completely ludicrous. During HIIT you don't do "high effort", you do MAXIMUM effort for 15-20 seconds. If you do more than 20 seconds, you're not pushing yourself enough.

Yep, you absolutely can lose weight by walking. The caveat is the rate is slower than alternatives like HIIT, but it's definitely significantly better than nothing.

>However Running will get you a better cardiovascular system overall.
What does this mean?

>Walking and lifting
Isn't HIIT also acceptable to do with hypertrophy routines as long as it's not on the same day as the lifts?

The distinction between running and jogging is important

95% of the people I see running around my town have absolutely terrible form... not only are they damaging themselves they aren't in good shape to begin with.

In the gym on treadmills, form was only marginally better

Monitor your heart rate. Sprint until it gets real fucking high. Start walking until it gets really low. Sprint again until it gets real fucking high. Stop at some point rehydrate and repeat in the future. Congratulations on getting in absurd cardiovascular shape.

Attached: 45725642448.jpg (835x773, 333K)

LISS suggestions for boxing/mma?

this is basically caveman hiit. for the most part it's sound advice but there's no real point in monitoring your heart rate if the ranges are nebulous like "really high" and "really low". make sure your heart rate gets above 90% MHR and try to sprint all out for 20 seconds. then walk until your heartrate gets to maybe 60% or 65 MHR.

also it's important to warm up and cool down before doing hiit with like 5 minutes of ~65% MHR.

i blame nike for putting 3 inches of foam into their running shoes.

Eh, you can put them in on the same day. Just lift in the morning and do HIIT / metcon / AMRAP / whatever interval work in the afternoon. Even doing something like an assault bike / airdyne tabata as a finisher to your strength training sessions is fine. Just eat a lot and don't do low carb fad diets. Most of the guys I work with including me do something like this 5-6 days / week and we all manage to pull our own against people that specialize in this stuff while still having the energy to practice our actual job skills:

Actual Work (works anaerobic capacity mostly)
Strength Training
MMA drills
Rock wall break
Metcon / interval work
Ruck / LSS