Friday Night Feels Thread

What'll it be, user

What excuse do you tell girls as to why you're out alone on a weekend night at clubs/bars? A-asking for a friend

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my fleshlight got moldy

>beer thanks

I'd tell them that you're exhausted from working such an important/high paying job. Join a group of Roasties and charm them, smile, laugh and ask a lot of questions.

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Because you want to be or no reason at all, an alpha male doesn't have to explain himself

>ewww what a creep. Stacey, get me away from this freak

poor bitch probably just broke up with a guy who looks like you...her loss...find another group.

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>What excuse do you tell girls as to why you're out alone on a weekend night at clubs/bars?

I'm cutting, no alcohol for the moment.

>Club soda on rocks, please

I'm a soberfag so I don't frequent bars much. When I used to drink I would mainly drink by myself or with a more gregarious buddy who might pull some chicks. I drank pretty alcoholically so didn't really do that well at the bars.
Now that I'm sober and getting my old gains back I feel much more confident about things, but I don't notice much in the way of increased mires. Could be because I have a gf or because I'm oblivious.

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>Friend's gf felt up on my muscles
>Told him about it, he talked to her about it
>She said she's just a "touchy feely person"
>Think he is the most gullible guy in the world, she winds up cheating in him
>Friend is devastated, comfort him and pound a few beers like any bro would
>Friend gets shitfaced and starts blaming me, goes on to talk about how I always "blow things out of proportion"
>Got really mad because I've done nothing wrong, leave
>Friend apologizes later, forgive him
>Later on mutual friends tell me he talks shit behind my back a lot now, talks about how shitty a friend I am
>Figure it'll pass in time
>I have a way better build than him but get nowhere with girls because I don't try because autism
>Friend only goes out with tinder girls
>Now whenever the subject of girls comes up friend has made it a point to rub his "success" with tinder girls in my face
>Humble brags about it, talks down to me "Oooh user you'll find a girl don't worry, you're shy and a little less driven than most guys"
Basically won't hangout with any of my bros anymore because he is there. I really want to call him out on his bullshit, but I know deep inside he's just mad at the situation and not me.

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Vodka and a dark ale

>friends all flaked out last minute, not gonna stop me having a good time though

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Make a stand bro. Hangout with the bois, and if he says anything, call him out right there in front of everyone. Tell him you understand he's upset, but you've done nothing wrong. His anger is being misdirected toward you because he can't bring himself to blame his ex he might still have feelings for, or himself for not seeing through her shit. Don't be afraid to raise your voice at bit, and make sure you stare him dead in the eye. Guarantee he'll look down and start mumbling because he'll know you're right. Maybe you won't make up with him, but you'll have the respect of the other guys. Good luck and Godspeed

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Casually bring his ex gf as your date to the next meetup

Rum & Coke.
>My ex gf just broke up with me and it hit me really hard. I dont really want to be alone tonight:(
I haven't had a gf in six months.

I'll have a grassfed milk, water chaser.

Guiz, in all honesty, I just wanna live /comfy/. I bought into the memes for so long, but women, money, and social status really are trash. The only thing that matters is enlightenment. I know some will say
>you're lying to yourself!
>you know you want it!
And I said those things to myself for years. But they're not true. And the earlier recognition that normie life was a pointless series of reflex reactions was not just butthurt youth but a real insight.

I'm already down to part-time work. I have weights to lift at home. I have some good books of philosophy and can get more for cheap. I'm dedicating my life to philosophy. It's decided.

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Because I lost my ID at a bar last week

Anything with Vodka in it, boss

Been just over a year since the end of my first serious relationship. Three years and it ended pretty badly, I was a mess but that year was a great time for figuring myself out and learning new things.

>bang a couple sluts
>that's not really what I'm looking for, get sorted
>ex repeatedly attempts to reach out but I just block her
>do better in the gym, get better at painting my minis
Aside from that I just kind of figured out what kind of person I am and what I'm good at. I went to a school with a lot of really talented artists, wasn't an art major but always felt a little envious. I'm a people person, and I'm using it to excel where I am now. A growing problem for me is that I am no longer content with my solitude. I have my two best friends and some scattered acquaintances, but its hard to meet people. Not interested in any of the gym girls and the ladies at the lfg are fuckin disasters. My mom wants me to try eHarmony but im fuckin 23, I'd like to think I still have a shot elsewhere.

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This. The only luxury I need at this point is a decent internet connection. I have a Kindle that lets me get philosophy books for free or $0.99. I eat like a 3rd worlder and my workout routine is just calisthenics and dumbbells. I just want to get away from it all.

Lactose free whole milk please. I lifted today.
Why are these threads always around when I don't have heavy feels ;_;

I have an education, a good job, a lot of money, and I’m in phenomenal shape. I think I’m pretty good looking.
But I have pathologically low self esteem. Which leads to social anxiety. What can I even do? I shouldn’t be like this bros. I have no reason no to be confident in myself.

got let go from my new job because I got really sick within the third week and didnt have enough sick time to cover for it

doctors note didnt mean shit

applied for a server job and havent heard back

I don't know how I'm going to pay my rent on the 5th. any quick jobs to earn money that aren't prostitution

A diet mango snapple.

This played in my car when my phone was on shuffle when driving home tonight. I thought nothing of it, but as soon as it was over my mother asked if I was gay. I told her no, but she's adamantly asking me about it because I have no gf.

Sorry to hear it bro. I did this a few years ago, since you're already OK with being a server you should go to where there are a bunch of restaurants and go ask to speak to the manager and apply at every one. Finding a job is more like machine gunning than sniping.

Even though it's just waiting tables making a nice little 1pg formatted resume will help.

Also look into moving, been doing it for years and it's actually a pretty solid way to pay the bills.

I just got back from a bonfire at a friend's house, and it was a lot of fun.

[spoiler]I am so lonely. I want a gf.[/spoiler]

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Literally my only problem expense-wise is I hate reading off a Kindle. It somehow just does not work, the words don't go into my head

Just water ,

Be right back I need this thread bumped

Hey guys I can't keep my eyes open any longer, gotta sleep, but I love you and we're all gonna make it

shit like this is why it's just way better having no friends than dealing with people. embrace living as a hermit

I hate the idea of this, but I have never had a male friend that I could actually 'trust' with women. Either they shit talked behind my back or they tried to fuck the girls. Women destroy male friendships

go to gym
first time in forever
can barely bench 40lbs.
remember I'm at planet fitness
I've probably benched more than most of these people will in their lives

feels aight for a Friday Night

>going on another date tonight
>unironically starting to get bored of dating and hooking up
What is this shit?

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Red bull and ice, hold the jagermeister. I;m trying to stay sober (again). 4 months or so dry now.

Yesterday after some probing on her part, I opened up to the girl I've been in love with for over a year about my struggles with drinking in the past and recent past. I was floored by her response, she was so supportive and empathetic and genuinely gentle and caring about it. I don't open up to people about it except my doktors, but it felt good to confide in her, even if she's like not a drinker or into any degenerate things I've done in the past.

I don't meet girls out at clubs or bars. The atmosphere feels tacky to me and the types of women there too.

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>What excuse do you tell girls as to why you're out alone on a weekend night at clubs/bars?
im 25 years old and have never been asked that question

but lets assume someone asks me... why would i need an excuse? if im chilling at home netflixing that will be my answer. you dont have to come up with excuses for your own preferences. maybe you shouldnt tell people that you are fapping nonstop... you dont have to tell details but you dont have to lie either

> tfw there is no cure for autism :(

Check out "The Western Canon" and work your way through it all. Also read David Foster Wallace; start with his essay books and go up to Infinite Jest

Hey man, you've got it all and I've got nothing and am suffering from the same affliction. I honestly think we are completely broken brained and outside of Religion there is nothing left for us

Casein wet

Ill just kind of sum up the shit thats happened in the last few days. Sympathy feels welcomed
>Had mom visit for a week, helped give him a bit of respite. Did tourist shit that added to my loneliness because I wish I was doing that with a gf
>Turn 35 at the end of the month, just earned a master degree; feel like a freak especially because I dont have a job
>Got tagged in this goddamn FB photo of me and my master colleagues 3 years ago. It was with a girl who I feel in love with, who broke my heart, and helped spin my life out of control. Barely finished my degree. I got a "Dear John" letter from her telling me she was pregnant with twins 2 years ago. I dont think about her often but when I do it still causes me pain. I resent the whole interaction between us and wish I never met her. She brought me nothing but pain and suffering.
>Did a big meal prep today. Really tired of making muscle gains but not losing weight. Going full 1488 on a diet from now on.
>Scheduled appt to talk with my therapist on Friday, havent talked to her since April and before that in December

I dunno boys. In the end I'd say I'm unwell. I sometimes think I'd be better off locked in an asylum completely withdrawn from society. I lack ambition to move forward with my life; and the self-esteem to have any self worth. Im going to attend a church service I havent been to in about 2 months. Theres a magnificent girl there 10 years younger than me who I would like to marry and impregnate; well see if I even have the courage to say Hi and talk to her. Im tired of being a lonesome loser.

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29v. Went out with a 19 year old qt from a dating app twice. Second time I found out she was going straight to another date from ours and it just killed my interest knowing I'm just another booking in her schedule that she nearly cancelled. Maybe I'm a bad person.

Sort of ran out of things to talk about and could never get a read on her if she actually liked me. At least I got over the initial anxiety of meeting a stranger online for a date. First one went really well.

Get this shit the fuck off Jow Forums

>Sort of ran out of things to talk about and could never get a read on her if she actually liked me. At least I got over the initial anxiety of meeting a stranger online for a date. First one went really well.

Being able to hold a conversation is a skill like any other, user. Like riding a bike. You need to practice and you're going to fall off the first few times but keep it up.

I did DFW like 10 years ago but yeah working through Bloom's list would be cool. How that man reads so much I don't know

Infinite Jest > his nonfiction > his other fiction

I think it takes two, but normally I do ok. English is not her first language and she only came to the country 4 years ago. She was physically cute but her style is the opposite of what I normally like.

Oh well.

Moscow mule.

I’m traveling and haven’t been able to work out in three months since I had surgery before I left home. I’m chilling at a café in Portugal now. Anyone have any recs for workouts when I get home? This is an old pic of me, btw. 6’3” 195 lbs here.

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Felt the same after a while
It's just empty and pointless. The girls just blend together, the sex is no better than jerking off
Have a long term GF now. It's a million times better
Don't fall for the redpill Chad meme. Sleeping around and treating people like shit might stroke your ego and insecurity but it's nothing like feeling love.

women are fucking boring

Just here to drink and ghost some bitch i was chatting up

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Somewhat redpilled. Promiscuity is r-selected subhuman behavior the thiccun olam (((media))) push to destroy us.

Fully redpilled: there is NoFap and there is 100% all natural contraception-free full bush dick-to-puss babymakin in a loving marriage. The rest is a trick. Vet your waifu carefully. If you have clear intent, real self-control, and a mature financial plan you can get one who agrees with your worldview and plans for the future and who comes from a good family.

Think with your dick and you'll get a thot who runs off with your kids and money after seven years.

Meanwhile I'll be in the middle of nowhere eating potatoes and drinking raw milk and well water and wrestling with my 20 kids and laughing at you unenlightened boobs because you had your chance and deserve what you get.

>Matched with a girl on tinder
>She agrees to go out
>Tell her ill call within a week
>Dont call, anxiety over the roof
>Its been 2 weeks
>She unmatched me
>Remain a khv

Still thinking of hitting her up on facebook because we taljed on messenger, idk if I should.

Armagnac. No ice.

>date girl from 16-18
>two years younger than me
>insane connection, never met a girl like her to this day
>my strictness and conservatism and her psycho parents authoritarianism drives her nuts and she rebels
>we break up with each other because she started partying and drinking and being immature and getting insecure
>rebound onto my best friend at end of senior year
>fast forward
>dating best friend for 2 years now
>great wife material, actually already owns a million dollar home and has a ton of money because shes an orphan
>makes me happy, love her to death and a future with her would be easy and she could be a housewife
>she wouldnt have to work because of inheritance
>but theres no spark
>that connection i used to have is absent

Started talking to my ex, shes matured and is still madly in love with me and hasn’t found anyone to replace me. I’m almost 21 and i just want to drop everything I have for this girl because of how she makes me feel and the insane chemistry between us. But my current gf doesn’t deserve to be left just because i dont have that same spark with her.

What do Jow Forums? Do i stay in a loving, stable relationship with a safe and guaranteed future or do I go for the girl who makes me feel like nothing else?

The spark you felt with that girl will fade, stay with your current gf

Unironically based and redpilled.
>tfw have a normie gf who wants to live on a ranch and have a big family

If you go back to her then you are fooling yourself dude WALK AWAY

Listen to this user

I am in Europe right now. Flirting with foreign women is so much easier. Kills me knowing I’ll never see these pretty girls again. I just hope to bring back this courage home cause my game is terrible.

catholic girls are nonplusultra man

Show up to their country and set your privilege to insemination