>still hasn't taken the cauli-pill yet

>fewer carbs/calories than broccoli
>same amount of protein
>tastes amazing and 10x better

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>fewer calories

never gonna make it

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Cauliflower is Broccoli's retarded cousin, fuck off

Eat a salad faggots

Does Cauliflower taste good? Broccoli tastes like putrid shit.

I can't really stand it but i want to and try to choke it down when i can

Broccoli doesn't taste great, but it soaks up flavors extremely well. Elevate your culinary skill and use some sauces my dog.

What do you recommend sauce master?

You fucking tastelets should just turn back now

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Could use terryaki sauce. Basically go to any grocery store and look at the asian aisle and look at low calorie sauces and try them out.

Get some sriracha and some kind of stirfry sauce that isn't just sugar and basedsauce.

Uncooked the aftertaste is pretty pungent and can overpower the flavor of everything else, cooked though the aftertaste is low enough that you only vaguely notice it. Califlower is pretty versatile in what you can do with it, from rice to mashed "potatoes" there's ways to put it into a dish and drop the calorie count significantly.

Is the sodium ok though? That is the problem I am having. SOoo many sauces I like are high in sodium, like hot sauce.

the aftertaste of cauliflower mashed potatoes make me want to fucking vomit just thinking about it
Do I have to boil it much longer???
I might try the rice but I don't want to remember the awful fucking aftertaste

Up your water intake and sodium will have less impact. Always drink lots of water.

How long did you cook it?

boiled it around 10 minutes last time i remember, it's been a while

Sodium is fucking fine. Unless your blood pressure is sky high it doesn't matter, especially if you're working out even a little.

Are we talking an aftertaste like you get from coleslaw that is sharp and pungent or an aftertaste like cooked brussle sprouts that is strong and pervasive?

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summers almost over buddy

Damn I eat broccoli all the time and I love it, I just throw pepper on it and it’s enjoyable

Is Tabasco acceptable? The red or green one?

butter and onions sauce

Actually, both cauliflower and broccoli are kale's retarded cousins

I like cauliflower but Broccoli unironically tastes better, fight me

>he thinks people eat broccoli for the nonexistant protein

alright you fucking retards

yes cauli is good
here is a tasty bunch of shit, for those that cant intocooking
cauli flowers, shred or dice, nuke for 1 min, toss with a bit of cooking oil, coconut/olive/meme oils/ toss in high heat skillet, cast iron will stick if uneasoned, if unseasoned cast iron use more oil, same as stainless steal, teflon non stick skillets should be too bad. sear that shit for max flavor, scrape bottoms of pans real good, when char on all sides, move to the sides of skillet, add your tough veggis, sear, add meat,same, sear like a mofo/ turn /sear / on all sides/ move to sides/ cookeggs / add oil if needed/ eggs will probably stick by this point.when eggs finish, add a touch of toasted sesame oil, splash onions sauce, or coconut aminos, or dashi/miso, what ever you have on hand, pinch of fine seasalt sprinkle over entire dish, sambal if you like its to be so spicy boss, toss 4 times
bam low carb high protein fat, add more meat or fat to fill macros

and yeah , to hit macos, if you need carbs add as much as you need, rice,barley,qinoa what ever floats your goat

I roasted a big pan of cauliflower and broccoli last night. It was fucking delicious. And not in the healthy people way of pretending anything good for them is delicious. It straight up tasted amazing.
>peel the stems and split the head of cauliflower/broccoli in to wedges to create flat sides
>lightly coat the wedges in spray oil and salt
>roast at 500 degrees fahrenheit
>flip over the pieces after ~10 minutes, they should be getting brown on the underside
>roast ~10 more minutes until everything is tender and very brown
>toss them with a dressing made of equal parts honey/sherry vinegar/harissa, just a couple tablespoons for a sheet pan

If you think you don't like cauliflower or broccoli, try roasting it like that. You don't need to add very much oil to get it to brown.

>he doesn't eat solely for protein

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reminder that Kale is the real super food

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There's frozen cauliflower pizza that has 68g of protein per pizza which is the size of a normal plate. Easy to eat and a lot of protein.

my nigger

>fewer carbs/calories than borccoli

stopped reading right there.

you're a little guy and your opinions don't matter.

do you cook it like a wh*toid subhuman?