
has anyone seen gains from trying to fix their posture? Shit like that shoulder lean? dork/gamer neck? leaning the shoulder forward?

I was thinking of buying this after seeing it on forbes and npr

anybody got something free or better? Any testimonials of this shit actually mattering? I would think you could get another inch of height by getting your back and shoulders straighter.

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Yeah. I fixed my with daily yoga.


I had a posture like the first in your picture op. It got fixed when I started lifting with shoulder and lower back exercises


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Take a class and learn weightlifting. It is literally impossible to perform a snatch or clean & jerk with bad posture.

I have the same issue currently, which do you think were the best exercises for it?

what is the name of the exercises?

this is why I still come here


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I had the posture like the first example. My girlfriend and my mum have both commented that my posture has become a lot better since lifting and I would agree. I can stand up for longer without getting a sore back and I’ve actually “gained” an inch in height.

I think back excercises helped the most; pull-ups, deadlifts, barbell does, etc.

Arched back master race reporting in

Not that excessive comparing it to the picture, though

I've used this video

no comments on results yet.

I wonder if that $35 dvd is just this shit

this made me lose my nofap streak

I got into lifting to fix my posture. Here is my secret:

>Strict Form Pullups
>Face Pulls

Stretches/Foam roll
>Hip Flexors
Once you are fairly mobile the last step is to stretch ham strings and glutes but dont do this until you have visually good posture.

What do you think about yoga? Is it as faggy as those stuck up cunts make it seem?

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My thoracic problem has been slightly improving since I started lifting about a year ago. Just the standard compounds and assecories, nothing specific to target it.

I'm not him, but a form of bent-over rows (I'm partial to barbells) would be great to strengthen the upper/mid back. Also you can see by the lean back that their abs are weak. So focus on tight abs when doing squats and deads, etc. You can add in dedicated bodyline work (various planks and holds) from antranik on youtube if you want. He's pretty great.

I used to have a spoon posture but now I have a normal one

Do it on your own and find out.

has anyone got any height gains from fixing posture?

Yeah I had the worst lordosis and forward head posture you've ever seen. I walked like a complete retard. Stretched my hip flexors every day but simply could not stretch enough to counteract my desk job.

Got a standing desk, began focusing hard on strengthening hams, glute and abs. Completely quit all push lifts, only pulls and glutes. Stretched like a mad man. Did all this for months. Now my lordosis is almost completely gone, still in progress. The neck posture is next, it's better but still bad.

The lesson is, stretches aren't enough, you have to strengthen the other side too, and maybe even sacrifice your gains for the greater good temporarily.

the most aesthetic posture desu

WTF is flat pack?
I just naturally have good posture
go stand against a wall with your butt, head, shoulders and heels against it. That should be about right. I just tested, I have to slip my thumbsx1.5 about behind my furthest protruding ass bulbs, but I'm skinny.
alternatively siting in a chair, shoulders and ass against the back, rotate your lower back forward and stop it just before the muscles feel tension.
hope this helps the average person.

>tfw good posture except for neck that hangs forward
What's the best fix for this? Direct neck training with a harness or something?

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These might be perfect.

Arch back here, it looks like I have a bigger gut than I actually have, I fucking hate it

Do you lift and if so, for how long? That's the posture I used to have when I was sedentary. Basically meant weak core. After I started doing compound lifts and planks that really straightened me out.

Bridge makes my willy feel funny.