I wanna do the sv3rige diet

I wanna do the sv3rige diet

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Ummmm ok

Good, fuck veganism (nwo death diet) go raw carni king!

I just watched a video of him where he spoke about spending 3 months in a psychiatric ward for almost dying by his diet and lashing out at doctors trying to save his life. In the video he also practized sun gazing for 8 hours + a day. And you want to follow his diet?

Sv3rige is fucked in the head, but I can't deny he looks healthy. Especially if you look at his earlier videos he looks way better now
there is also this dude

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I started it yesterday, had bad luck so far
Don't start with cow liver and get proper eggs.
Cow liver tastes almost the same raw as when it is cooked and both taste like earth but x100 times stronger, it stays for long time after you ate it. Cows liver has strongest taste of all livers and i only looked it up after i already ate it, it's horrible. Raw ground eggs give you the shits, but it tastes actually okay when mixed with milk

That was before the carnivore diet
He was vegan and then decided to fast until he almost had organ failure. That's why he hates vegans, he experienced himself that it can be deadly. The doctors tried to force caloric restriction on him which would bind him to a bed for about a year, he secretky ate more and recoverd much more quickly than expected by the doctors

>doctors force caloric restriction
which is another reason to think most doctors are retarded

>diet gives you the shits constantly
>do it anyway

What the fuck is wrong with you people? Just eat regular food

>sun gazing
please tell me that means just staring at the sun

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yes you stare directly into the sun (or the edges) without any UV protection ( according to him UV protection hinders the benefits ). Most people do this the 1st hour of sunrise and last hour of sunset but he does it through the whole day, I never tried it lol

He made a lot of gains on carnivore diet. Look how alpha he is in that vegan festival video. Everything from muscle to attitude. Remember he was a twink emo kid before

>Sv3rige is banging that qtie while destroying all the vegan numales which run away from his presence
Man I am so jealous. I will become a carnivore from now on

please don’t do this

so fucking do it

It's good but ease into it

What's the sv3rige diet consist of?

Raw meat, liver and eggs and occasional fruit/berries

Sounds expensive. How tf can I bulk purely meat and dairy every day?

Cooked lobsters, strength and prayer potions.

So I'm vegan and kept getting linked his videos. I went ahead and took a couple days to watch a lot of his content and all I can say is what the fuck. He has holes in his retina from sun gazing and is likely half blind. He was paralyzed for over a month when he got a parasitical infection from eating raw bone marrow and almost died. He thinks incest and canniablism are ok. He is a flat earther. He thinks cooking meat is satanic. He thinks eating rotted raw cow brains and heart makes him high. He is absolutely insane and a 100% unreliable source. Yes he has made gains, only because he spends likey half the the time in his gym, (he's been unemployed for 7 years and previously lived off money from his gfs millionaire parents) Even a retarded high carb fruitarian can make gains if they do consistent progress overload. Oh yeah also his bloodwork is shite, he will die from a heart attack in the next decade. Please don't follow this guys advice.

Sounds absolutely based to me, off to buy a locally farmed veal liver right after typing this post

Stop being poor

>so I'm a vegan

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Where does he talk about his bloodwork and his eyesight?


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He used to need glasses when he was a kid but now says his eyesight has improved a lot

That sounds like complete nonsense. Eyesight doesn't just improve like that.

yes it does.

No, it doesn't.

I really don't see any reason to do a pure carnivore diet, other than to prove that it can be done. It just seems like too much effort. Just think about how fucking expensive it is to eat only meat.

>don't eat
>blame food diet you weren't even eating
veganism is stupid but so is he. he stared straight at the sun, started believing he didn't need to eat, starved nearly to death, was hospitalized, then the doctors restricted his diet because a starved person that eats too much too quickly can damage his body further. he now mocks their medical expertise because his mom sometimes gave him a little food, clearly not enough to trigger the refeeding syndrome the doctors feared

this guy believes AIDS doesn't exist, believes the Earth is flat, believes the world population is actually under 1 billion, believes people used to live to up to 250 years, believes you shouldn't exercise and believes doctors and nurses want to kill you. and yeah, veganism is still stupid and there's probably benefits, especially for muscles and energy, to a carnivore diet. doesn't mean he is.

Yes it does

If you get most of your calories from eggs/raw milk and butter you're good.

It can improve while growing up or go down. Or one after the other. That's because of the way the skull grows and shit that I don't remember but yeh, I speak from experience.
t. eyelet

Reminder that Sverige is ourgoy, and he now has the perfect carnivorous QT Activist waifu.


And KasumiKris went carnivore and abandoned sickly Vegan death cult, probably for Sverige.

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One thing I can tell you is, when you eat raw (organic) meat, your total dietary intake, the volume of how much you need to eat, drastically goes down. Jordan B Peterson said the similar thing when he went carnivore.

It's not like three huge meals a day, it's like one modest breakfast with raw meat, raw eggs and raw milk, then you barely get hungry rest of the day (unless you are lifting heavy like Sverige lol then it is big meals all day)

>Don't forget to stare at the sun and fuck your sister hehe

Don't forget, veganism is for life. You're an ethical vegan, no turning back when you get sicker and sicker....


>Gives a fuck what vegans think
>Acts like an edgy sperg by going to a vegan convention just to eat raw meat like an attention whore

Fuck off sv3rige, hehe

No one said anything about veganism, mong
You know you don't have to choose a retarded meme diet, right?

I'm not sverige, you are a cat lady.

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>starvation is the vegan diet
>no proof that he even was vegan aside from the one video he made about it and never showed what he was eating

deluded meatcucks at it again

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the fuck is wrong with this guy

he hates vegans bc he experienced organ failure after starving himself
he decided afterwards he'd go on an even nuttier diet

just eat normally for fucks sake

Do you really care if some stupid user damages his retinas doing some stupid shit?

>N-not sv3rige btw, hehe

It is very likely that sverige suffers from schizophrenia, not even joking

Sverige (May peace be upon him) has never indicated that he has ever even heard of Jow Forums, nor has he ever used meme language or references in his Youtube vids. Hehe

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Meanwhile IRL, long-term vegans, show obvious signs of scatterbrained senility in their videos, not to mention the falling out teeth, cadaverous appearance etc etc etc.


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What an animal. I'd fuck him

Do it, but stay away from cooked cholesterol, that's the dangerous kind cause it is disformed and useless and will actually clog you up cause your body nolonger has use for it, eat your eggs runny

Protein is fine to cook but you will notice quite soon that you prefer everything increasingly more rare up until raw is ideal.

Just start with keto with high animal fat

Also, start shitting in the woods to help replenish the soil

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I have to cook the egg whites, that's where I draw the line, am I fucked?

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>What I eat in a day by Sv3rige


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Can somebody explain why this dyel with receding hairline is a big deal?

He eats raw meat, has an uber-alpha male physique, and he is protecting us from the vegan agenda.

Just watch his vids and enjoy, you will change your path from heading towards soya-veganism, and move towards carnivorous. Don't have to do it all in one day, no rush.


Sv3rige eats months old rotten meat, i you want to follow his diet probably egg whites should not be your biggest concern

Again, no one is talking about veganism, we are talking about sv3rige's dementia

This could explain his random laughs.


Fuck me lad you really had me there for a sec lol.

That's Dr. Shawn Baker and his Asian QT Waifu. Sve3rige eats meat, milk, eggs, butter and a mix of vegetables mostly juiced.(vegetables are juiced) everything else he eats raw after killing it.

>The day that Sv3rige was forgotten and replaced


You can cook the whites when you're just starting, just go sunny side up to keep the yolk runny.