Why the fuck do my inner thighs hurt when i squat

why the fuck do my inner thighs hurt when i squat
do i need to warm up for an hour or something

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Your hamstrings are weak and tight

Because the want to bear a beautiful baby you faggot

even the barbell alone fucks my shit, currently squatting 200 lbs
am i heading to snap city

posterior chain is shit. on leg day do you even work out on your hamstring or naw? Your posteior chain needs to be stronger than your anteior chain or youre gonna injure yourself.

googled for a bit, you are probably right
i dont, doing literal 5x5
will leg curls suffice?

My knees hurt no matter what what form. Fucking kneelet.

>Everyone thinks it's hamstrings
If it's not an injury, it's gotta be your adductors causing the issue. You're either a beginner and/or they're just tight
Add in some glute work and stretch out your hips

read symmetrical strength brah. learning all kinds of shit about leg biomechanics from that book.

200 lbs is a shit squat
work on mobility and stop being a pussy

*starting strength. god dammit

This, your adductor are tight. Look up hip opening stretches. Do them a lot.

Anecdotally, doing hip stretches and super low weight for high (12-15) reps on the adductor/abductor machine solved my inner thigh aids.

I got a splitting headache earlier today from doing squats.

Bar too high, tilting my head too much (up/down) or breathing fucked?

Started doing these yesterday. Home gym master race with no adductor machine.

Attached: IMG_0525.jpg (480x297, 27K)

Could be all three,
Always check the positioning of the bar when you unrack, if it doesnt feel right rerack and adjust.
Keep the neck/head neutral with the spine, if youre squatting in front of a mirror you should be able to check form by moving only your eyes.
Take the time to exhale and inhale at the top of the squat, dont fuck yourself. Fill your chest with a deep breath and then go down.

If it comes back the next time lifting/being active then you have an exertion headache on your hands. Mine went away only after 5-6 days of doing practically nothing. NSAIDs help but all in all a 0/10 experience


I really hope it's not an exertion headache. I wasn't even struggling that much (compared to other times I pushed myself). I wasn't gasping for air or anything, so I hope I just slept wrong and got a nerve stuck somewhere and the elevated blood pressure just made it worse.

We'll see, bros....we'll see ;_;

How should I adjust my squat stance if my feet stick way out to the sides?

Choose one retard

Do some Romanian deadlifts to build your hanstring strength and flexibility

Depends on how long your leg limbs are and how deep of a squat you want to go/can go.

Google "catalyst athletics back squat" and that should point you to some good resources imho