What are your PRs (in kilos), how long you been lifting ? What do you want to improve ?

What are your PRs (in kilos), how long you been lifting ? What do you want to improve ?

Bench: 120kg Squat: 115kg deadlift: 140 OHP: 65kg

Don't Squat or deadlift enough, clearly.

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>in kilos

OHP 112kg
Bench 148kg
Row 148kg x 10
Squat 185kg
diddly 227kg
lifting since roughly 2012
Want to improve endurance and athletics, more strength will not help me hit people harder

>PRs (in kilos)
I've never lifted with kilos, only pounds.

BP 105kg
OHP ~55kg (47.5 5x5)
Pull up +30kg (22.5kg 5x5)

6’ 85kg 21 years old
Lifting for two years, seriously for one year

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why are you excited about benching more than you squat? Also why is your deadlift only a plate's worth in total more than your bench , kek.

No one cares about deadlift lmao

dude...best of luck to you but you are wasting your potential by just benching. Your squat is weak because your deadlift is shit and vice versa, and with core strenght good luck on making any notable degree of progress even on the bench within a year's time

what website is this from?

weak core strenght*

Symmetric strength

Not the same guy, just to enrage you more I have never squatted or DL’ed (not trolling). I’m

Bench 95kg
Squat 105kg
OHP 57.5kg
Deadlift 160kg
Row 90kgx3
Lifting since september 2017, I need to improve my shitty squat.

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>What are your PRs (in kilos), how long you been lifting ?
>152.5 kg bench press
the 0.5 is important as fuck, because that puts me above drug tested females
>215kg squat
on three diffrent occasions. Failed 220kg twice, by depth, so halfsquatted.
Quarter squatted 290 and 310kg, half squatted

>230kg deadlift
Once, not even sure about the bar. Did 220kg two times, usually struggle with my squat 1RM.

>105kg OHP
1xBW OHP at the time.

All of those were done during my 6th year of lifting. Not gonna beat them anytime soon, since my 2nd child was born on monday and my sleep is cut apart into 2-3 hour parts.

SQ 205
BP 145
DL 252.5


dubs lo

Mirin. Post body?

I've been lifting for 5 months.

this was taken right after the OHP and deadlift PRs and a few weeks before the squat and bench PRs.

Did 1/2/3/4 for reps during that week and got 16 reps on OHP, 14 reps on bench, 14 reps on squats and gave up on my 8th rep on deadlifts, because lower-back pump was insane.

And I know my feet are fucking tiny. Short, stubby 42.5 Euro size at 185cm.

Attached: for 8+ reps each.jpg (1064x3016, 869K)

Not trying to be mean but if you have admitted that you’re not going to hit those numbers anytime soon why don’t you shred down a bit? If you can’t lift for strength properly you may aswell look good

>Bench: 120kg
>Squat: 115kg
>deadlift: 140kg
>OHP: 65kg
Please tell me this is b8

I'm down 25 lbs as of now, started cutting early June.
Doing any kind of recomp or body building on literally no REM sleep at all is killing me, but it's the only thing I'm going to be able to do untill my daughter starts being able to go without food for more than 120 minutes.

Case in point: look at this shit. Didn't even remember how to flex a bicep.

I haven't been to the gym in 7 days now, can't trust myself behind the wheel enough to drive a car after a workout yet.
Haven't slept at all between sunday and tuesday, 4 hours of sleep total on wendesday, three 2 hour naps on thursday, can't remember friday at all. I think I went shopping by car or something. My fridge is full, so I had to.

Literally going through the motions on autopilot now. Good thing I can clean a newborn, change diapers, play with my older kid and shitpost on Jow Forums without being conscious.

Life is and will be on autopilot at least for another two days, untill my backlog of sleep deprivation will be taken care of and I'll adjust to 5 hour sleep without comfort.

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*What are those*