Will joining the army kill my gains?

Will joining the army kill my gains?

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They do a lot of cardio, so if you’re really big, you’ll lose some, probably.

Yes. Fucked up tendons, lose most of your mass, shit in a plastic bag in front of 40 guys. You wanna do that?

Being a big guy in the Army sucks ass if you’re in any field role. You need more calories and water and you have more bodyweight to move on marches. The optimal soldier is 5’8 155-170 lbs.

Lol the army does a lot of cardio?? Nahbrah. Even combat MOS do light baby boy PT. Even in basic you run maybe twice a week, doing 60/120s (60 sec sprint, 120 rest) and on top of that, the PT is so uniform, you hardly get a good workout. If you join the military, on God you'll want to work out in your own time unless you unironically think 10-20 pushups at a time, mountain climbers and squat benders are cool.

no wonder viet cong fucked amerifats in the ass

At Stalingrad, the first guys to die were the big guys.

that's because you are talking about obese US army.

Here in the UK they will train you intensely.

In terms of actual MOS training, US got you guys beat, minus the fact it's mostly just shitbags doing bare minimum. I'd say PT in any military around the world has America's fitness training beat. Was in basic with a former Ukranian soldier, he honestly thought ours was a breeze. He wasn't even highspeed or anything, just in average shape. He constantly talked about how we hardly have to do shit, and that we'd be dead (bunch of whiny shithead POGs just joining the guard or reserves) just from warming up in his countrys military.

>instantly lose 85lbs of mass when three limbs are blown off by IEDs

They send infantry out to look for pressure plates and trip wires, and basically walk around waiting for an ambush.

They won't use defoliant to clear overgrown hedge mazes of vines or let detonations take care of IEDs because it damages local property. They even pay out stacks of American dollars to the same people who ambush you if they claim property losses.

The nation doesn't want to win by all means necessary. Neither will it back and support a single group. Instead it sends you in to be a target to walk around with your dick in your hand and got shot at in the hopes that you won enough to demoralize the other side.

It's ridiculous. We could have won in Afghanistan. Either go in with 600,000-1,000,000 troops and rebuild like Korea, or prop the Tajiks and minorities up like the Euros used to do, and make them a minority power beholden to the US for control over the Pashto. Instead we give up limbs constantly in IEDs to lose because we want democracy in a land never ready for it.

Join the Army in event of a major war or if we ever adopt a strategy for winning. Doing so now is either retarded if you want to fight, or just a low paying job with good welfare benefits later.

The one thing I will say is that you will lose progress in basic, most AIT locations allow weekend passes where you can go and workout on a gym on base unless you have a phase 5 system where you can go off base to any other gym. On top of that, most AIT locations do have gyms at the battery/company for student soldiers to workout at. Once you're in FORSCOM, you'll be required to do EZ morning PT, but if you're not working out on your own, you'll become a blob or pass PT just barely, possibly even struggling to maintain 42-40 pushup minimum (varies by age group) but by this point, you'll be allowed to go to any gym of your choosing, on or off post. Once the duty day ends I knew a lot of guys who were already planning their post workout meal in their head and which gym they wanted to head to, since no matter where you are gyms are littered around military bases both on and off post. Just like any other job once you finish training, work the duty day, then the nights yours to train all you want. Only thing is, out in the field you'll go days without seeing a gym at all. All in all, depending on your job staying Jow Forums is ez in military, and DFAC has good foods for bulks.

Minus the fact most jobs hardly ever see combat or any bad shit, foods cheap and your housing is either free or massively reduced, plus college is well paid for. Once you hit NCO the incentive to stay in only grows. Unless you're drinking daily and dipping your teeth out of your skull, you'd have to be retarded to to broke unless you're a fresh outta boot e-1 who thinks energy drinks, dip, alcohol and fancy cars are the only way to make it as a soldier.

fucktard, only join the military if you have no education or occupational prospects. enjoy fighting for the jew, fighting in foreign lands against people who pose no real threat to the american citizenry

>anybody joins the army for patriotism

why do you think they need to offer free cost of living and free college?

Lol exactly. Which is actually good incentive to join. Plus the only real way to make e-7 is by getting some college classes. They want educated NCOs

How about they win by depopulating it of racial arabs and replacing them?

Even your "hardcore" solution is cucked half victory. Who gives a fuck about the political stability of people different from us? Sounds like some shit that's not my problem

Probably the most profound thing I have read on Jow Forums

Hear this guy out - fuck joining the army. You can do all the training and conditioning in the comfort of your own fucking home (minus guns, bombs, armored vehicles, planes, helos etc etc).

Army people I know IRL all said the same thing. No personal experience but really makes me think

t. fucking fuckmook

Air Force fag here.

Depends on what you do. Every branch has a different culture, and there are sub cultures within each branch depending on your job.

Honestly, if you're a grunt you'll be in shitty shape. That might sound weird, but grunts drink a fucking lot, they dip/smoke, and by the end of their first enlistment their back or legs (usually both) are completely destroyed.

In the Air Force I work in maintenance, I have plenty of opportunity to lift and basically have the physique I want to have so long as I pass the piss easy PT test. The military in general prefers you to be lean and not massive, but if you're massive and can pass the test no one can say a word to you. I personally don't train cardio at all and get a 12 minute run time, but max out push ups and sit ups and waist.

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Just remember you can't exactly quit the military unless you plan on getting a dishonorable/other than honorable discharge. A lot of people I knew wanted out, and were depressed, but knew running away or getting kicked out/'fired' was much worse in the long run. You're stuck being told what to do, where your duty station is and you have a lot of regulations to uphold to. Disrespecting superiors or going against their orders won't work as well as it would in any civvy job. Unironically your odds of landing yourself in a stable and loving relationship without any trust issues or the issue of long distance is moot. The odds of ending up in a country or base you'll hate are high, so if you insist on joining, just do guard or reserves for 3 years to get a feel for military life and see if you'd ever want to go active. Guard gets good benefits and pay for how little you do. Active should be a last resort if your life is or already has gone to shit just dont be one of those fucks who brags about being in the guard like it's regular army.

>Waives my DD214 in ur face


Im curuious to see how America handles the growing pressure of universal health care/college, and if it does get implemented

how the military will respond to everybody saying fuck enlisting and just going to school

Hey man I don't mind being in, I've found that a lot of people who bitch about the bullshit allow the bullshit to get to them. Don't get me wrong there are some absolute shit days that make me wanna end it all, but as long as you've got buddies to fuck around with its not so bad. Work is only work if you're not fucking around.

I've also been fortunate to have decent leadership most of my enlistment so far. I did have one shitty boss and he made life hell, but he got promoted and fucked off. That is the reason I never, ever will go career though. The shitty bosses that only ever give a fuck about the job and not about the people always get promoted and move on up. Which is funny considering the good bosses that put people first usually get more done.

Sorry I didn't use the exact right technical term for whatever kind of sand people is in consideration. They honestly all look the same to me

Have fun dying for the Jews.

Bunch if sissies
Join the marines like a man

Yeah, I will agree it's great for welfare Queens and women who join, shit for soldiers.

holy fuck your retard is showing, if you're going to be a bigot, at least be an educated biggot. fucking amerimutt

Lol I'm sure you've heard how shit doing ADA in the Army is. Leadership? Where. Air defense attracts the worst of the worst, I bet you've seen some of us around. I would have stayed had I done anything else but fix other people's mistakes to save our battery. The good bosses usually decide to fuck out of the military before they even become bosses. Only the leaches become leadership in my experience. And to clarify, I'm referring to leadership as e-7 and up. Don't get me wrong, I've had good leadership, but they're few and far between in most areas of the military. Where you are it shouldn't be an issue. Youre still young, and got a life to live once you get out. You give that up if you make a career out of it. All in all, non-lifers like us get the best of both worlds. Glad I joined, glad I left.

after A-school it literally is just a shitty shift job, except it's like you still live at your mom's, and you got dickhole brothers who fuck your girl when you are out at the sandbox, and the food is only half decent.

perfect time to become hikikomori and get stronk

>Here in the UK they will train you intensely.
The only thing they will train you is which direction to pray and how often to take your hormone pills.

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>I'm a retard on the region
>I know how to win all the wars there!

Fuck off

>Glad I joined, glad I left.
I'm only two years in bro and I'm 100% sure I'll feel the same way when all is said and done.

And I'll agree that promotions hit the shit heads first. I swear the only fucking thing that should matter is that you get your fucking job done and done right. The way things are currently you basically have a system in place that promotes people who ignore their responsibility to focus on shit outside of work and shit on people who do their job. I've noticed a glaring correlation of absolutely fucking helpless retards with rank but went to school or whatever compared to the lowly junior NCOs/Airman who actually know what the fuck they are doing.

I have so much education it's retarded, what does that have to do with my racial opinions? How would "more education" change my mind? Literally what is it that I should think instead?

See I actually generally like Europeans, but what is it with them thinking it's impossible for educational institutions to be corrupted and teach bullshit?

I don't know /how/ to exterminate all nonwhites in the region, but it's easy to see that's the only thing that constitutes victory.

>Drinking with squaddies
>Making their military sound like a soccer mom wine club and shooting guns while their husbands are at work
>Still see the razor burn on his face

>Never made it; nothing to make


You are a brainlet.

The fact that you didn't know Afghanis populate AFGHANISTAN, instead summing up a country of several diverse ethnicities as "lel arabs" shows your severe lack of education. You must have been asleep in class during the conquest of Alexander, rivalries between the Ottomans and Safavids, the great russian-british game over afghanistan, the fall of the soviet union, and the nato invasion of Afghanistan. You're not funny, cheeky, or edgy with your idea to depopulate a country of the majority populous. Let's say you weren't a fuckmook and put pashtuns instead of arabs, how would that fucking work exactly when the underlying problem that led to the taliban was a centuries long decentralized government, crippling unemployment, and opium run amok? If you're going to be a bigot, please open up a book to back your fucktard opinions.

What is the meaningful difference? Both populations are somewhat caucasian with a heavy dosage of negro and a minor dosage of asiatic, and both populations are infatuated by Islam. Seriously explain the meaningful difference. Why should I consider them separate races?

In my experience many afghans have much more white/european racial character to them, while actual "saudi arabia" arabs are dark brown and grotesquely fat and share some facial features with pajeets, but the near-white afghans I have met are all muslim and stick up for a muslim mulatto sand creature as a "muslim brother" and see whites they are much more racially similar to as "western infidels," so they may as well just be more sand lards.

Seriously get into some detail, explain to me why I should care about the difference between arabs and afghans as races

please address

>Heavy dosage of negro
Fucktard Pashtuns are more closely related to Turkic and Iranians than Arabs. Secondly not even IN NORTH FUCKING AFRICA have the negros mixed with Arab and berber peoples.

>Limiting Arabs, 300 million in populous, to saudi goatfuckers.
>Also conflating wahabi/salafist ideology with heavily sufi influenced afghan islam.

what is so hard to understand about "they are not aryans so I hate them"

Off topic but Everytime I lay in bed under my lightbulb I get afraid the lightbulb will blow up and send glass shrapnel into my arteries

no that's fair enough mate, although it's kinda fucking retarded. just don't try to backseat general a country where literally every empire has crumbled or retreated in an attempt to conquer it. just remember that the average turkic person/arab/berber/pashtun is more ethnically pure and homogeneous than your backwater amerimutt ass will ever be.

you know the TA are weekend warriors right?

I'm lmaoing at all the non-Americans who are upset about us not knowing their countries life story.

We done keep you in mind because you aren't as important as us. You need to know about us, we don't need to know about you. Dont get butthurt that our people hundreds of years ago made this country a powerhouse and the people of your country from hundreds/thousands of years ago never did, or didn't plan on competing with America. Not like we are actively, today, trying to not learn about you guys. It just isn't what we need to know to succeed. Maybe its brought up for a day or two, but definitely not as extensive as the education you receive about us. Chill. Your shooting at the child of the asshole, not the asshole.

> U R MUTT!!!
I don't know why every buttblasted euro says this. It's true often, but kind of retarded. How do you know the person on the other side doesn't look like a German?

>Drinking with squaddies regularly as a weekend warrior
>Drinking regularly
>Weekend drinking

So it's like a frat house for all the brittons who think military service will win them girls but don't actually feel like serving?

Lol PT scores unironically win you the promotions 'til college credits put you in line for e-7 and so on. Basically being fit and educated is the only way to become a successful lifer, yet they're unironically brainwashed bluepills who can't do their job and forget why they're even doing it.

holy fuck am i glad i work in a field with 7+ years of higher education required. also lmaoing at the "we done keep" jesus cletus relax. you bear nothing in similarity to the ethnically pure and divinely intelligent washington, adams, jefferson, madison, monroe, and hamilton (he may have been a mutt). there is nothing wrong with knowing what's going on in the world, there's nothing wrong with meeting a rando at jfk from a foreign land and being aware of his countrys situation and history. to take pride in a lack of intelligence, is just that, a lack of intelligence,

because you stupid fucks that say "LEL NORDIC ARYAN RACE" are literally anything but.

the cope is strong with this one

based and redpilled

Ya the 8 weeks of cultural sensitivity training and dick gobbling were hard

>Who gives a fuck about the political stability of people different from us?

*crashes a plane into your skyscrapers*

terrorists don't come from nowhere faggot

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>because you stupid fucks that say "LEL NORDIC ARYAN RACE" are literally anything but.
I actually am what I talk about, and you are a divisive piece of shit. Well, whatever. Have a good night internet loser

Military is for brainlet rednecks to become PTSD homeless leeches. Rise above, user

>Even in basic you run maybe twice a week

I simply do not believe the US Army could have changed that much since I went through basic. Instead I'm going to assume you went through POG basic at some half-assed slack factory.

joining the army will kill you

YES. Basic Training and your Advanced training school will have literally zero gym access.

I was in the same basic and AIT class as a college bodybuilder, this dude was fucking shredded when he arrived and lost like 30% of his lean muscle mass because we never once lifted fucking weights. Pushups, situps, running. Military physical training is a fucking joke program made for geriatrics, it's all to "prevent" injuries so higher ranking officers careers aren't compromised by soldiers becoming injured.

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9/11 was committed by Jews though

>Lol the army does a lot of cardio?? Nahbrah. Even combat MOS do light baby boy PT. Even in basic you run maybe twice a week
If that's the case literally the airforce runs more than the army, we ran like 2-3 miles every day between folding socks and having to march around everywhere.

It depends a lot, maybe you can learn to cook steroids yourself at the middle east like some do, maybe no.

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>Will joining the army kill my gains?
Yes, it's common knowledge joining the army will kill your gains, are you underage or something kid?

Is that why they're all brown now?

it killed my brother so yeah probably

Army guy here. I'm boot camp you will. Saw my battle buddies lose 70lbs in that training. Reason army wants skinny is utility. When you get shot by the enemy. Your battle buddy will easily be able to carry you. I weigh 130lbd 5ft6vtall. Bonus points if you are short. More cover for you and higher chances to live compared to taller soldier next to you.

All I eat is chicken breast and strawberry protein powder shake.i lift.

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>not obese
Delusional inbreed island monkey everyone.

Depends on your MOS, if you're a POG you'll have plenty of time to hit the gym and do steroids, combat roles you'll probably be limited to otter mode or something similar. Nobody really respects hardcore bodybuilder/powerlifter type guys in the army though cause it means you have an easy desk job.

>6 months until ETS

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>3 years till ETS

hooah brother

They will probably make it mandatory like other countries do.

>leaving the army in 3 weeks

hahahaHAHAHA suckerssss

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You forgot to mention the most important thing:

Big guys have to carry more shit. Everyone lugs around a rifle while your large ass has to carry around a machine gun + ammo which is 35+ extra lbs.

No but you’ll die for the military industrial complex

That's a straight up lie.
T. Crunchy 11C who does 5 miles every day and sarn't says they're gonna start 10 miles next week

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the military is the real gains goblin