What's the best way to fail at bench without a spotter?

What's the best way to fail at bench without a spotter?

I want to shoot for maxes but the new gym I am at doesn't have safety bars for bench pressing, also I have no friends to spot me. How do I fail a heavy rep without looking like a bitch?

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Use google

why u don't ask someone?

don't use clips and dump eet

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Fuck off. Google is unreliable as fuck oversaturated with dumb ideas from dumb sites.

>max benching
Get a spotter you absolute tardo

The fact that you might die should be enough for you not to fail oP

Slowly roll it to your hips then stand up
You WILL look like a bitch. The secret is not to care

Isn't that noisy af?

Did you miss the part where I said I had no friends?

He meant ask someone at the fucking gym you dumbass braindead autistic faggot

Yes, it is and everyone will look at you plus staff or bystanders might give you shit for not using pins.

Jesus user. Look for someone who is resting between sets, walk up to him and say exactly this:
"Hey bro, can you spot me for this set?"

NEVER, never ever said someone no. And if he says no ask someone else. Its not that hard.

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Just ask someone at the gym you dingus.

I live in the south of England, talking to strangers is on par with rape here.

This is it I guess. Gotta be done.

Also make sure to incorporate the testes into the de-load to take some pressure off the quads. Safer this way.

Pretty much this. I often bench at midnight with absolutely nobody watching, so I've gotten pretty good at failing safely. Bring the bar down to your chest like you normally would with a bench press, slide the bar from your chest to your hips/thighs, then slowly roll the bar towards your knees. When it's close to your knees, just stand up, then bring it down to the ground like you would during a deadlift.
You could also do this, but I prefer to use clips while benching. This is also a lot scarier because it feels like you aren't in control of the bar at all, and the asymmetry of dumping one side first always spooked the shit out of me.

If you're not at like 3pl8 just roll of shame it

Alternatively, swallow your autism and ask someone to spot.
A moment of awkwardness trumps a lifetime of being a paraplegic

To add to this, my working bench is also only 170. While I think you could safely do this in the low 200s, I don't know how this will feel at 300+lbs like said

Assuming you're in a commercial/public gym, do the roll of shame. Lower it to your lower chest, then push it down toward your legs and off. You can look up plenty of videos

If you're /homegym/ (like myself) or you're an asshole and don't care about taking up the squat rack, bench in the squat rack and set the safety pins to be just under the height of chest when you're benching. This way if you fail, you can lower it to your chest, then get rid of the arch in your torso, and slide out from under the bar as it rests on the pins.

Don't do this. Shit goes everywhere and I fucking hate lifting unclipped weights.

I was /homegym/
Had a beautiful set up but the landlord came around and found out that the floor was sinking underneath it, so if I continued I could have fallen through mid squat and died. So I've had to get rid of it and go to a normie gym.

Attached: Homegymsetup.png (1304x1760, 3.73M)

Put spikes on the bar and don't fail.

top lel, that's why you only do /homegym/ with a solid foundation like a basement or garage.
yeah, in that case, I recommend roll of shame. Even when I was at the uni gym, I'd never ask for a spot. I just never saw any shame in doing the roll of shame, and the people at the gym were fucking shit gains goblins who would yank away the bar mid-set even when I explicitly tell them not to touch it unless I tell them to take it.

Was fucking tragic mate. Had so many good times in that homegym, made such good progress and spent so much was hard to get rid of. But yeah, roll of shame it is that makes a lot of sense. Plus don't really wanna bother anyone.

The roll of shame

Anyone who's remotely serious at the gym will always say yes because they can empathise with needing a spotter, and the fact you can die fcking yourself up with your relative Max.

The biggest guy, strangely, is probably most empathetic of this. Good way to build rapport and self confidence.