Why do women work hard for a body that is only attractive to repressed homosexuals? Repressed lesbianism...

Why do women work hard for a body that is only attractive to repressed homosexuals? Repressed lesbianism? Serious question.

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I'd fuck her till I'm dead and I'm full no homo

I must be a repressed homosexual, then.
I don't like traps, either, so I might be full homo.

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Women literally above all else live to mog other women. With weight and body types being such a hot button for all women this is the ultimate dominance push.

Pretty sure you are the homosexual if you wouldn't tap that

>at some girls house with some people
>at one point everyone leaves the room but the hostess and I
>”lol user feel my arms”
>she’s shredded
>put my hand on her stomach
>chiseled abs
>lifts up the bottom of her shirt
>absolutely flawless abs
>ask her how she works out
>tells me she doesn’t, says she got in shape through working as a waitress
Can a waitress really get ripped doing only waitressing?

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Her arms though.

low body fat is hot
ergo abs are hot

That's not true. Look at the yids from auschwitz, they didn't have six-packs. You need a muscular base in your abdominals, or else they're not defined even at low bodyfat.

Face > body

why not?

Or look at anorexics, almost none of them have abs.


people can't be this stupid, right?

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>Why does person do thing I don’t like, even though there are hundreds of people who do like it

>Her arms though.
Do you know how body fat works?

>working as a waitress
Is this zumba + wii fit for females?

Extrapolating from extremes doesn't work with biology, mate.

A lack of fat doesn’t cause someone’s arm to be three times the size of a normal person’s when flexing.

Kek my favorite hobbies are working out and vidya. This chick asked me how i got fit and i told her i played wii tennis. Fucking IDIOT

Queers control media and academia and push masculinity as something that women should both fear hate but also aspire too and not lust after because that would mean they are whores and not one of the sisterhood/strong.
Fitness industry wants money and doesn't give a fuck about anything else, so they'll push something that is impossible for a normal woman to have or maintain for long periods while lionizing it as the hottest shit ever and something every woman should aspire too
Body image issues
Are actually a closet lesbian or transexual.


Yes I was shredded when I was a waitress/bartender working 11 hour days with one break so unintentional OMAD.
Also the glass we used for our most popular drinks were on the bottom shelf so squats all day and doing the cleaning for the closing shift we had to pull out everything, dishwashers and counters to clean behind them.

>Three times the size
Nigga what? Either she just had low body fat and you mistook definition for muscle mass or she is just pulling the female version of "just a couple of push ups before going to bed" on you.

I have 4 female friends that work or worked as waitresses. None of them had even remotely muscular arms. I have never seen a waitress with overly muscular arms and I have never read anything suggesting you get strong arms from waiting tables.

>degenerate lardlovers thread#7473

It's weird. Looking at girls like that, I am insanely attracted to them. But I had a fit chick in bed once and touching her didn't feel satisfying at all. Nothing was soft and squishy and I missed that.

Wii Tennis got made me lose weight a long time ago.

I'm a repressed homosexual and i find dudes hotter than her

>He wants to fuck a man with boobs and a vagina.
user, I...

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Stop going on crystal cafe and reading our threads


But i agree OP, women dont even need to work that hard to get a body that a every man would find attractive. literally all they have to do is squat and run.

Wtf are you talking about? This is attractive as fuck.

I think its hot but I could only be with a girl like that if I'm at least as muscular as them

>a man with boobs and a vagina.
so trans people are actually what gender they present as and not what their genitalia are

If that were true then every skinny fuck out there would have chiseled abs and arms
Sure, you can see their abs, but they're not popping out

...i dont think you know what either of those words mean



You are a worthless s o y boy.
Kys you pos

fuck outta here joom