Hey Jow Forums I'm going to the gym to run a few laps. Can you watch my dolls for me?

Hey Jow Forums I'm going to the gym to run a few laps. Can you watch my dolls for me?

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I'll watch them alright.

I'll watch them being taken away from me as I get arrested for having an illegal arrangement of plastics and fabrics.

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Oh poor poor nigel.


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If you're older than 21 I feel bad for you.

>Jow Forums
>bitching about anime
Kindly get the fuck out.


They are dolls you dumb Neanderthal

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Why get short dolls when you can get THICC dolls.

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Run outside you goddamn nerd.

>your reading comprehension

I'm not bitching about anime. I used to watch it as well...and then I grew up. I sincerely hope you're not over the age of 21 and still watching it though, faggot.

More expensive. I'm not a pedophile, I'm just frugal.

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How much do these things cost?

Your only looking at like 300$ more. The dolls in the OP are actually fairly tall.

Can you put a price on a future wife?

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t. let's age and social norms decide his life for him
You can watch anime and not sperg it to everyone.

imagine the smell

Fair enough. Where would a perfectly normal and not perverted heterosexual male buy one of these? Asking for a friend of course...

There are several great anime films but anime series are nearly all childish garbage.

Okay. So is most TV in general. And movies. I'm not sure what your point is.

As if watching generic action show vs generic action anime is any different.

>reosrting to ad hominem

I also used to like playing with action figures and watching cartoons. I grew the fuck up. It has nothing to do with social norms, I just grew up. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings because you have childish fucking hobbies, faggot. It is true that we all mature at different rates, maybe you'll grow up one day.

>anime series are nearly all childish garbage
said the user posting on a message board created for anime

I'll just enjoy my hobbies thank you. I apologize you can't enjoy things anymore like you once did. What do you do for fun?
I hiked and camped as a kid and I still do that, is that childish? Do you have a book I can read telling me what I shouldn't enjoy anymore at certain ages? Asking for a friend.

I said I like anime films. Jow Forums rarely discusses them though. Most people here seem to watch childish action cartoons or slice of life moe garbage.

I don't watch any movies at all. The only exception is when I watch movies with the intention to learn french or practice my german. Can you get any more grown up than this.

Sounds like you’re just a fucking dork.

My penis is crying. Where do I buy these to act out all of my perverted fantasies without the risk of a roastie being weirded out and calling the cops on me?

hey I know how to have fun. Since I don't watch movies I have lots of time to party with my friends while listening to german and french songs.

have you tried ordering one online

What kind of fantasies?

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the kind where you rub your face all over her body and then you lay down and she does the same thing to you

Then you should leave this site if you're "too old", you fucking boomer.

This guy on /tv/ took his doll to the movies.

Attached: doll in theater.png (640x640, 864K)

/tv/ still maintaining their title as worst board I see.

Jow Forums,Jow Forums,/soc/ and /b/ got it beat by a long shot though.

/soc/ is kind of funny, I like the face rate threads where a bunch of ugly people post and rate each other as 7-9’s.

Grow the fuck up manchild, this is a self improvement board not your cartoon forum containment board


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/tv/ gets the worst of the worst crossposters from all the awful boards.

Jow Forums is way more off-topic than /tv/

>this is a self improvement board
It isn't. Take the hint about your shitty generals getting deleted and fuck off to your containment board cringelord

That’s kind of expected though. Jow Forums has always partially served as a sort of blue board Jow Forums

Yeah sure no problem
*hotglues them*

>uncanny valley

>uncunny valley*

This is what the ideal female looks like

This is peak performance.

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>what do you do for fun

Find and listen to new music.
Work out.
Learn new recipes and cook new dishes.
Smoke weed.
I've taken up reading recently since I haven't cracked open a book since I was in high school.
I've also taken to trying to learn something new every day.

>boomer meme

I've only just turned 26 but nice try lad. But you are right, I only come here when I'm drunk or extremely bored.

Same message board that has now been split into like 30 different sections each for their own topic ranging from anime to science to papercraft and origami. At this point in time someone can hate anime and still be on Jow Forums everyday.

>implying you won't be the one watching

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>actually putting people who post “LOL PUT ME IN THE SCREENCAP” in the screencap

You mean 12. Right, user?