Jow Forums humor thread

Jow Forums humor thread

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fuck this is gold

this one always gets me

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ur 1rm

Dont reply

Your one rep max

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don't waste ur time going thru this bros it's a reply to this post or ____ shill


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all of that literally solved by curing your sleep deprivation

This is the first time I've ever replied to this kind of a post. Fucking loled at the end.

This is really dumb but i chuckled


>Always thinks about the weekends, but never does anything different on them
i came here to laugh, not to feel

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God I wish that were me

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Top kek


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>work shifts
fuck my life

K den

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You cock


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Happened in my gym last week

>At gym with gymbro
>Biceps/back day, getting mad pump
>Then that guy walks in again
>Hoodie on, 20 dollar earbuds in
>Same fucking adidas longpants as always
>This time goes for the bench
>Lodges his huge gymbag right next to the bench
>Staff member looks at him but doesnt say anything
>gymbro just refuses to look at him and concentrates on his set
>Notice grunting behind me
>Hoodie is now BRIDGING on bench as hard as he can to just bench the fucking bar
>Huge black guy doing curls in front of him looks up
>Does the "fuck white people" slow mo headshake and moves to other corner of the gym
>Gymbro is still hardcore focusing on his set while I'm laughing
>Keep on doing our sets and try our best to ignore the withheld grunting
>Grunting suddenly becomes heavy breathing
>Look back and see this guy doing the worst shit I've seen in a gym
>Legs SPREAD WIDE while arching his back on bench
>Looks like a sumo wrestler had a spasm attack and bent his upper body backwards
>Tiny dick bulge visible through his 30 dollar pants
>Convulsing and thrusting with his legs and whole body to bench just a few reps
>Gymbro says "okay then" and just walks out on me
>Black guy looks at hoodieboy and then at me as if this kid is my fault
>I finish up my curls and run after gymbro
>Laugh at seething gymbro and decide we will start to lift in the mornings
>Notice him leaving the gym when we drove past it later heading out
>Mfw he's biking home
>In the SAME fucking clothes he lifted in

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You lose friendo

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(((you))) got me

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fuck u

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Your .5 rep max

damn, i ain't even mad, that's some serious fuckery

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top kek


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Oh shit wtf

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she's not even fat, i'd smash anyways


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lifting, sleeping good and meditating are the solution.
also gtfo this or any forums for that matter, and go to sleep.

That was some bait copy pasta wasn’t it


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hate you


fuck you

i hate those, fuck you


That’s /b/ Humor, not Jow Forums Humor

this unironically made me cry

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i was fully expecting that




I've been working for 9 years and I've never done or felt any of that, apart from occasionally going to sleep too late



It's not even the same girl you morons



I saw the replies but looked anyways

same hair
same tattoo on arm
same swimsuit
same towel


holy fucking shit my sides

joke on you my mother is already dead
now kill yourself faggot

here's one for the boomers

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Whats up with the videogame characters on that one?

>Tats in same place same outfit same location
>Think's its a different female
user I....

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His point exactly.
kys you degenerate faggot.

what the fuck

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a Jow Forums drawfag called sir

Wow I remember when this picture described me to a T, and now its almost nothing like me.

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Anybody got the video that user made of this?

Fuck, you got me user

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The fat one is copying her looks, the tattoos are made with markers